
Reference numberAP/14/10/3
TitleUnpublished manuscript, ['On lithotrity'] by [Charles Louis Stanislas Heurteloup]
DescriptionOriginal French manuscript on the importance of and reasons for lithotrity, an operation to remove bladder stones by reducing them to a powder to allow them to pass naturally. Heurteloup describes the way the operation is typically done, and then discusses his improvements to the accepted method, drawing on his own observations and experiments. Minor corrections appear in ink.

Subject: Surgery

Communicated by Joshua Brookes. English translation read to the Royal Society on 17 June 1830.

Whilst the Royal Society declined to publish this paper, Heurteloup did publish it as part of a larger work in 1831: Heurteloup, Charles Louis Stanislas. 'Principles of lithotrity; or a treatise on the art of extracting the stone without incision.' London: Whittaker, Treacher, and Co, 1831.
Physical descriptionInk on paper
Access statusOpen
Related materialHeurteloup, Charles Louis Stanislas. 'Principles of lithotrity; or a treatise on the art of extracting the stone without incision.' London: Whittaker, Treacher, and Co, 1831.
Heurteloup's larger published work available in the Royal Society's printed works collections: RCN43848
Related records in the catalogueAP/14/10
URL descriptionHeurteloup's larger published work available on Google Books
Fellows associated with this archive
NA3566Brookes; Joshua (1761 - 1833)1761 - 1833
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