
Reference numberCD/47/2
TitleLetter from Sir David Gill, Director of the Royal Observatory at the Cape of Good Hope, to Sir William Huggins, President of the Royal Society
Date15 April 1903
DescriptionInforms Sir William Huggins that they are about to begin the extension of the Arc of Meridian along the 30th meridian, from the Zambesi [river] to Lake Tanganyika, and that Dr Rubin has just arrived at the Cape for this purpose. Notes Rubin's previous work on Russio-Swedish expeditions. Discusses a standard base for reference when conducting base-measurement, and the fact that the most suitable one belongs to the Russian Government. Rubin has communicated with Professor Jaderin of Stockholm and reports that the standard can be borrowed for the Zambesi-Tanganyika expedition if the Royal Society makes an application and guarantees its safe return. Notes the steps that they will take to obtain this, and ensure a guarantee from the British South Africa Chartered Company. Plans to write to the Russian Ambassador in London, or to General Bonsdorff of the Survey Department of St Petersburg, and asks the Royal Society to as well.
Access statusOpen
Fellows associated with this archive
NA7376Huggins; Sir; William (1824 - 1910); astronomer1824 - 1910
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