
Reference numberEC/1754/06
Previous numbersCert II, 77; A01346
TitleChevalier, John: certificate of election to the Royal Society
CitationJe soubsigne certifie, que je connais Mr Jean Chevalier Pretre de la Congregation de l'Oratoire de Lisbonne, tres Scavant dans le Physique, et l'Astronomie, et tres bien instruit dans les autre parties de la Science Naturelle, et pour cela tres digne de l'honneur d'etre un des Membres de cette Royale Societe a la quelle pour cela je prie de le vouloir admettre dans son sein, jugeant qu'il sera d'une grande utilite a la meme Royale Societe par la Communication de ses Observations, et recherches, qui conduiront aux progrez des Sciences Naturelles
We the underwritten are convinc'd by the several papers of Father Chevalier communicated to this Society as well as from his known Zeal for the Newtonian Philosophy, of which he was the first promoter in Lisbon, that he will be an usefull member of our Society, & that he justly deserves that Distinction from it, which the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris has already conferr'd upon him by choosing him one of their corresponding members
ProposersJohn Williamson
Jas Theobald; Tho Birch; Jacob de Castro Sarmento; W Stukeley
Access statusOpen

Chevalier, John: certificate of election to the Royal Society

Chevalier, John: certificate of election to the Royal Society

Fellows associated with this archive
NA7629Chevalier; John (c 1730 - 1789)c 1730 - 1789
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