
Reference numberEC/1899/07
Previous numbersCert XII, 85
TitleHaddon, Alfred Cort: certificate of election to the Royal Society
CitationProfessor of Zoology, Royal College of Science, Dublin. Vice-President of the Royal Zoological Society of Ireland. Member of Council of the Royal Dublin Society, Anthropological Institute and Folk-lore Society. Has considerably extended our knowledge of the Marine Fauna of Ireland (Proc Roy Irish Acad 1887-1887). Received a grant from the Royal Society and spent eight months (1888-1889) in studying the Marine Zoology, Geology and Ethnography of Torres Straits. Has made investigations upon British and Tropical Actiniaria (Journ Linn Soc, xxi; Proc Roy Dubl Soc, 1885-1892, Trans 1889-1892). Is the author of a memoir on 'Air-bladder and Weberian Ossicles in Siluroid Fishes' (with Prof Bridge) (Phil Trans, 1893); 'Report on the Polyplacophora collected by HMS 'Challenger'' (Part XLIII, 1886); 'Notes on the Development of Mollusca' (Quart Journ Micros Sci, 1882); and other papers on Marine Zoology. He has made a map and a geological survey of the Murray Islands, Torres Sraits, which, with other geological observations, are published in the Trans Roy Irish Acad in a joint memoir with Prof Sollas and Prof Cole. Has carried out extensive and detailed anthropological investigations on the mode of life, handicrafts, religion, and languages of the natives of Torres Straits (Journ Anthrop Inst, 1891; Proc Roy Irish Acad, 1893; Folk-lore, 1890; Internat Arch f Ethnogr, 1892-1893). Has organised a scheme forthe systematic study of Irish Ethnography (the Ethnography of the Aran Islands; Studies in Irish Craniology - Part I Aran, II Irishbofin. Proc Roy Irish Acad, 1893-1894). Has made an elaborate study of the evolution and degeneration and geographical distribution of the Decorative Art of British New Guinea (Cunningham Memoir Roy Irish Acad).
Proposers[T H Huxley]; William Turner; St G Mivart; F Galton; W A Herdman; E B Poulton; H H Godwin-Austen; A Newton; A Macalister; E B Tylor; W C McIntosh; W H Gaskell; William H Flower; A Gunther; [Augustus W Franks]; G J Stoney; D J Cunningham; W N Hartley; T G Bonney; E Hull; [O Salvin]; W B Dawkins; G B Howes; J Beddoe; E B Poulton; T R Jones; H Gadow; R Meldola
Extent1 sheet
Access statusOpen

Haddon, Alfred Cort: certificate of election to the Royal Society

Fellows associated with this archive
NA6614Haddon; Alfred Cort (1855 - 1940); anthropologist and ethnologist1855 - 1940
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