Description | ' Mr Charles howard was by Collonell Tuke propounded as Candidate, and was presently chosen, his desire being to be rather admitted by Scrutiny, then by the privilege of his birth.
Sir Andrew King was likewise chosen into the Society.
The Experiment of weighing ascending adn descending Bodies in water, and another of dryving water out of a Glasse by its owne vapours, were made before the Society by Mr Hook, who also brought in an Accompt in writing, of the latter [In margin - which was ordered to be entered] and was desired to doe the same concerning the former, against the next day.
Mr Hook gave also an Accompt in writing of the Experiment concerning the decrease of Gravitie, the further a body is removed below the surface of the Earth. Ordered to be entered.
Sir Robert moray and Mr Bruce made severall relations of accidents hapened in Coalmines, and were desired to give them in writing.
Dr Croon mentioned that common water being carfied to the Indies, and some of it brought back , did flame, when the Vessell wherein it was contained, was opened.
Mr Bruce and Mr Ball were desired to bring in the description of the severall Wind an Water-mills they had observed n Holland and other parts, to consider how and wherein those Engines shorten Labour.
Dr Merret was desired to make the Experiment alledged by Sir Rober Moray and of Zucchihius, concerning the contraction and dilation in freezing water.
Dr Charleton was desired to deliver his and Dr Merret's papers concerning the Ordering of Wines to be copied by the Amanuensis.
Mr Hoskins brought in his inquiries to be sent into Island. Ordered to be entred.
Dr Goddard, Dr Wilkins and Sir Robert moray to bring in the Experiment of Linus, about the sticking of the finter to the tube: that is the lesse then 29 1.2 Inches against next day. Mr Aubrey was proposed by Dr Charleton as Candidate.
Dr Pope was desired to make the Diagram in great which Monsier Zulichem's letter to Sir Robert Moray, concerning his dispute with Mr Hobbs, related to.
Mr Winthorp shewed a swimming earth, which he had brought out of new England, which did swim, for about halfe an hour and then sunk to the bottome. '