
Reference numberJBO/1/138
Alternative reference numberJBO/1/197
TitleMinutes of an ordinary meeting of the Royal Society
Date8 July 1663
Description ' Dr Charleton presented the Company with the Plant of the Stone-Antiquity at Avebury , near Marleburgh in Wiltshire : suggesting it were worth the while , to dig thereunder a certain Triangular Stone , where he conceived would to be found a Monument of some Danish King . Colonel Long and Mr Awbrey were desired to make further inquiry into the same .

Sir Paul Neil's paper of Cider was read . He was ordered the thanks of he Society , and his discourse , to be entered. [in margin; Lib.2. fol 168 Crossed out; Fol 251]

Collonel Long was desired to peruse all the papers hitherto given in concerning Cider , and to reduce them intoour compleat History , adding his own observations and [crossed out; Experiments] Experiences touching the same . Capt, Taylor was also desired t communicate what he knows of he same subject , in writing .

Mr Waller Sugested , that Verjuges being an Excellent Sawes , the Vines yielding the same , might be planted more plentifully in England . Colonel Long mentioned , tohave plantee of them himselfe , and that they will grow well every where in these parts.

Sir Robert Moray presented the Company with an Account , sent from the East - Indies, concerning the Temper of the Coast of Coromandel , and the odde way of Cooling their drinks in those parts , by exposing them to the Scorching heat . Ordered to be entered. [In margin; Lib. 2 fol 167 ]

Colonel Long produced some of the Stony matter concreted to an arch of London - bridge , being like to a hardned sandy Clay .

Mr Hook brought in , 3 Microscopical Observations Of the Edge of a Razor ; Of a peice of fine Taffeta - Ribband ; and of one of the Millipedes .

The same was ordered to giue in writing the two Experiments , lately made concerning the Bubbles remaining on the top of the water , in Glasse balls , upon the emptying a Receiver ; and the not Subsiding of the water freed from Air .

The Operator was ordered to get the Long Glasse tubes raised against next day .

Dr Fraisier was elected Fellow into the Society. '
Access statusOpen
URL descriptionDigital version available on The Royal Society Turning the Pages
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