Description | Daily meteorological observations from Christiana, listed by date and time. Generally either one or two [in which case morning and evening] sets of data, in columns: barometrical pressure, temperature, wind direction and strength, with general remarks on weather.
The manuscript follows the format recommended in the paper: 'Invitatio ad observationes meteorologicas communi consilio instituendas', by James Jurin, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, v.32 (1723), pp.422-427. The tables were used in: ‘An abstract of the meteorological diaries, communicated to the Royal Society, with remarks upon them…part IV’, by William Derham, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, v.38 (1734), pp.405-412.
Endorsed [p.1]: 'Communicated by Mr: Pr: [Petr or Petrus?] Kink from Christiana in Norway'. Endorsed [p.4] 'Decr. 14 1727'. According to the Royal Society's Journal Book, at the meeting of 14 December 1727, 'Mr. Theobald communicated an Account of the weather in a Journal from Norway containing the state of the Barometer, Thermometer wind & weather for every day from 22d June 1727 to the last of August' [JBO/14 p.153].
With a typed paper label: 'Christiana (Oslo). 1727. Kink.'. |