Description | Daily records of the weather observed at Gloucester House, Ontario, Canada. Columns for week day, date and hours of observations, thermometer, winds, weather and general remarks. Usually four readings per day, commencing at 8.00a.m. and ending at 8.00p.m. The general remarks contain records of snowfall, clarity of the night sky, and a solar eclipse [p.21]. Movements of people are occasionally noted: 'Starved Indian Children came in very much froze' [p.8] but most often canoe parties of trading native Americans from Spring onwards.
Headed: 'Observations on the Thermometer at Gloucester House: Commencing November 19th 1781: and Ending July 9th 1782'. The text '400 miles inland of Albany Fort in Hudson's Bay' has been added, together with 'Presented by Mr Hutchins 1784'. |