Description | Tables of annual readings of barometrical pressure and rainfall. The set commences with summaries of highs and lows of barometer readings by year, 1706-1712 and 1717. The manuscript continues with more detailed tables of monthly barometer readings, including summary highs and lows, 1718-1726, with the omission of January-July 1722. A second sheet of tables provides details of monthly and annual highs and lows of water level in the years 1708-1711 and 1718-17 with rainfall 1708-1711 and 1717-1725, each with totals.
Sheet 1 headed: 'Mercurii altitedines in Barometro observatae Figuri a Joh Jacobo Scheuchzer M.D. Matheseos Prof.' [heights of mercury observed in the barometer, figures by Johann Jacob Scheuchzer M.D. professor of mathematics]. Sheet 2 heading 'Limagi fluvii incrementa & decrementa' [rises and falls in the river Limmat], and 'Pleuria & nix coelo lapsa' [rainfall and snowfalls].
The manuscript is endorsed [p.4]: 'Dr Scheuchzers Heights of Barr. of Limet river & Quantit. of Rain Ais. 1706 to 1726'. Typed paper label: 'J.J. Scheuchzer. Place of observation not stated.'. |