
Reference numberNLB/50/119
Alternative reference numberNLB/50 p67-68
TitleCopy letter from Arthur Schuster, to The Secretary, H M Treasury
Date1 May 1914
DescriptionHas received his letter of 27 April, and is forwarding copies of the two letters addressed to the Secretary of the Board of Agriculture in answer to an enquiry dealing with the same matter [no enclosures]. They will see from these letters that there is no limitation to the number of delegates sent by each country to the Conference of the International Geodetic Association, and that Great Britain has hitherto been singular in confining its representation to one delegate.

This matter was under the consideration of the Council of the Royal Society at their meeting on 23 February, and though they would cordially welcome the presence of a representative of the Ordnance Survey at the meetings, they do not consider that the entire range of the subjects brought before the meetings would be adequately met without the additional nomination of a representative conversant with the more purely scientific aspect of the questions discussed.

The representatives who are to act on the Permanent Commission are selected at the meeting. Schuster would therefore venture to suggest that the Royal Society be asked as before, to nominate one delegate to represent the country at the Conferences and that a representative of the Ordnance Survey be sent out as an additional delegate.
Physical descriptionTypescript
Access statusOpen
Fellows associated with this archive
NA6483Schuster; Sir; Arthur (1851 - 1934); physicist1851 - 1934
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