Reference number | PP/13/11 |
Previous numbers | PP/45/13 |
Level | Item |
Title | Paper, 'On the influence of carbonic anhydride and other gases on the development of micro-organisms' by Percy F [Faraday] Frankland |
Date | 1888 |
Description | Frankland writes: 'In consequence of a paper which has appeared in the last number of the ‘Zeitschrift für Hygiene’, by Dr Carl Fränkel, entitled “Ueber die Einwirkung der Kohlensäure auf die Lebensthätigkeit der Mikro-organismen,” I have been led to publish the results of some preliminary experiments on the same subject which I made in the spring of 1886, but which, owing to my attention being at that time devoted to investigations in other directions, I was obliged to put on one side. Although the methods which I adopted in my experiments are essentially different from those which Fränkel has employed, yet the results, so far as they can be compared with his, are on the whole concordant. In my experiments I used the ordinary methods of plate-cultivation (Esmarch’s important modification having not yet been published), the plate-cultivations of the various micro-organisms being then submitted to an atmosphere of different gases in the following manner:— A suitable attenuation of a particular micro-organism was employed, and gelatine plates were poured in the usual way; the different plates, resting one above the other on small glass stages, were placed in a flat porcelain dish and covered over with a glass bell-jar.'
Annotations in pencil and ink.
Subject: Chemistry
Received 18 December 1888. Read 24 January 1889. Communicated by Thomas Edward Thorpe.
A version of this paper was published in volume 45 of the Proceedings of the Royal Society as 'On the influence of carbonic anhydride and other gases on the development of micro-organisms'. |
Extent | 17p |
Format | Manuscript |
Physical description | Ink and graphite pencil on paper |
Digital images | View item on Science in the Making |
Access status | Open |
Related material | DOI: 10.1098/rspl.1888.0090 |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | Name | Dates |
NA2163 | Frankland; Percy Faraday (1858 - 1946); chemist | 1858 - 1946 |
NA7855 | Thorpe; Sir; Thomas Edward (1845 - 1925); chemist | 1845 - 1925 |