
Reference numberPP/22/4/1
Previous numbersPP/54/5
TitleManuscript, 'On the bright bands in the present spectrum of Nova Aurigae' by William Huggins and Margaret Lindsay Huggins
CreatorHuggins; Margaret Lindsay (1848-1915); née Murray; astronomer; wife of Sir William Huggins FRS
DescriptionThe authors write: 'Some few prefatory words are called for in explanation of the partial incompleteness of the present communication. A considerable brightening, from below the 14th magnitude to above the 10th magnitude, was found to have taken place in the Nova when it was re-observed in the early part of August, 1892, and to be accompanied by a modification of its spectrum, apparently analogous to a similar change in the spectrum of Nova Cygni in 1877, since the observations we made of the star on March 24, 1892, when it had fallen to nearly the 11th magnitude.'

Annotations in pencil and ink. Includes one spectrum diagram.

Subject: Astronomy / Spectroscopy

Received 29 May 1893. Read 8 June 1893.

A version of this paper was published in volume 54 of the Proceedings of the Royal Society as 'On the bright bands in the present spectrum of nova aurigæ'.
Physical descriptionInk and graphite pencil on paper
Digital imagesView item on Science in the Making
Access statusOpen
Related materialDOI: 10.1098/rspl.1893.0047
Fellows associated with this archive
NA7376Huggins; Sir; William (1824 - 1910); astronomer1824 - 1910
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