Reference number | TG/1 |
Level | Series |
Title | Thomas Gold letters |
Date | 18 Jun 1963-20 Aug 1986 |
Description | This series comprises copies of letters from Thomas Gold, his secretaries and some of his colleagues at Cornell University to numerous individuals and organisations, Jun 1963-Jan 1972, Mar-Apr 1972, Jul-Aug 1972, Oct 1972-Dec 1980, Feb 1981-Aug 1986. It also includes related papers such as: testimonies to Senate Committees; research proposals; annual reports; papers for conferences and for publication in journals. This series provides an excellent insight into Gold's time at Cornell University e.g. as Chairman of its Astronomy Department (1959-1968); as Director of its Center for Radiophysics and Space Research (1959-1981); overseeing the Arecibo Ionospheric Observatory during the early years of its existence. The letters cover a multitude of matters such as: hotel bookings; travel arrangements; expenses; staff appointments and salaries; discussions with other academics about the research he was undertaking. There are almost no letters to Gold in this series. The lever arch files have been indexed by Gold or his secretaries under the names of the recipients of the letters. The letters in each lever arch file have been given a number e.g. letters in TG/1/1 have been numbered from 1 to 566. |
Language | English and German |
Extent | 25 lever arch files |
Format | Carbon copies, photocopies and roneo |
Arrangement | The files are arranged in chronological order. The letters in each file are in reverse chronological order. |
Access status | Open |
Related material | Faxes, e-mails and copies of letters from Thomas Gold to various individuals and organisations, and faxes, e-mails and letters to Gold from numerous individuals and organisations, 1986-2003 can be found in TG/2. Miscellaneous Thomas Gold letters, Dec 1963-Oct 2001 can be found in TG/3. |
Related records in the catalogue | TG/2 |
TG/3 |