
Authorised form of nameJeans; Sir; James Hopwood (1877 - 1946); physicist and mathematician
Dates1877 - 1946
Place of birthBirkdale, Southport, Lancashire, England
Date of birth11 September 1877
Place of deathHis home in Dorking, Surrey
Date of death16/09/1946
Research fieldPhysics
Merchant Taylors School 1890-1896; Trinity College Cambridge 1896-1900; Fellow of Trinity College Cambridge 1901; MA 1903;
1905-1909 Professor of Applied Mathematics at Princeton University USA; 1910-1912 Stokes lecturer in Applied Mathematics at Cambridge. President of the Royal Asronomical Society 1925-1927, President of the British Association for the Advancement of Science meeting at Aberdeen in 1934. Made Research Associate of Mt. Wilson Observatory in 1923. Held chair of astronomy of the Royal Institution from 1935 to his death in 1946. Awarded the Hopkins Prize of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 1921-1924, the gold medal of the Royal Astronomical Society in 1922, the Franklin Medal of the Franklin Institute in 1931, the Mukerjee Medal of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science in 1937, and the Calcutta Medal of the Indian Science Congress Association in 1938.
Kt 1928; OM 1939
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election03/05/1906
Royal Society activityRoyal Society roles:
Sec 1919-1929; VP 1938-1940
Medals and prizes:
Royal Medal 1919
Bakerian 1917
RelationshipsMarried Charlotte Tiffany Mitchell 1907, she died 1934; married Suzanne Hock 1934
Published worksDynamical Theory of Gases (1904); Theoretical Mechanics (19060; Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism (1908); Problems of Cosmagony and Stellar Dynamics (1919); Astronomy and Cosmaogony (1928); The Universe Around Us (1929); Physics and Philoosophy (1942); The Growth of Physical Science (1947)
Bulloch's Roll; DNB; DSB
Obituary Notices of Fellows of the Royal Society 1945-1948 vol 5 pp 573-589, plate, by E A Milne
DSB gives a different birth place to that given above (taken from DNB): Ormskirk, Lancashire.
R Singh and F Riess, 'The nobel laureate Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman FRS and his contacts with the British Scientific community in a social and political context' in NR 2004 vol 58 pp 47-64
Virtual International Authority File
Royal Society codeNA1226
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference numberTitleDate
JHJ/3/30'Through Astronomical Eyes'27 March 1944
JHJ/6/6Review from 'The Christian Century' for 'Through Space and Time'23 January 1935
JHJ/4/70'What is Radiation?', 'British Journal of Radiology', Vol. V, No. 49January 1932
JHJ/3/1/3/68Copy of Jeans' reply to M Hodder, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.20 March 1930
JHJ/5/5Draft of talk for the BBC, entitled 'IV - The other planets'30 October nd
JHJ/6/7Review from 'The Dallas Journal' for 'Through Space and Time'1 March 1935
JHJ/6/18Review from 'The New York American' for 'Through Space and Time'10 March 1935
JHJ/3/1/3/40Letter from HM Hazelrigg, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.26 February 1930
JHJ/2/1/12Letter from Samuel Hawkesley Burbury FRS to Jeans5 May 1904
JHJ/3/1/3/57Copy of Jeans' reply to Eden Phillpotts, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.7 March 1930
JHJ/4/36'The Origin of the Solar System'1924
JHJ/6/9Review from 'The Kadelphian Review' for 'Through Space and Time'January 1935
JHJ/6/4Review from 'The Chester Times' for 'Through Space and Time'19 February 1935
EC/1906/07Jeans, Sir James Hopwood: certificate of election to the Royal Society
JHJ/6/16Review from 'The New Haven Register' for 'Through Space and Time'13 January 1935
JHJ/4/91'Astronomical Problems of To-day'26 March 1943
JHJ/4/66'The Annihilation of Matter', 'Supplement to Nature', No. 322018 July 1931
JHJ/4/58'The Survey of the Stars', 'Nature', 12 March 19271927
JHJ/3/17'The Smallest Stars'4 May 1937
JHJ/3/32Lectures: mainly brief typescript notes24 March 1943-21 October 1944
JHJ/3/1/3/37Copy of Jeans' reply to AW Madsen, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.1 March 1930
JHJ/3/9'A Tour Through Time and Space'October-November 1934
JHJ/4/82'Lord Rutherford as Man and Scientist', 'The Listener'27 October 1937
JHJ/2/18/1Letter from Edmund Johnson Spitta to Jeans15 Oct 1902
JHJ/4/24'Discussion on the Theory of Relativity', 'Proceedings of the Royal Society', A, Vol. 971920
JHJ/3/7'Through Time and Space'December 1933-January 1934
JHJ/3/26/2'Evolution in Astronomy'November 1942
JHJ/2/11/4Letter from Reginald St John Parry to Jeans11 September 1902
JHJ/2/1/2Letter from Samuel Hawkesley Burbury FRS to Jeans4 November 1902
JHJ/3/4'The Evolution of the Universe'29 September 1931
JHJ/4/12'On the Instability of the Pear-Shaped Figure of Equilibrium of a Rotating Mass of Liquid', 'Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society', A, Vol. 217, pp1-341916
JHJ/6/21Review from 'The Philadelphia Enquirer' for 'Through Space and Time'24 November 1934
JHJ/3/6'The New Universe of Astronomy'9 May [c.1933]
JHJ/2/4/8Letter from Russell Kerr Gaye to Jeans15 October 1902
JHJ/4/86/1'Urania': Official Organ of the Junior Astronomical Association, Vol. 5 No. 8November 1939
JHJ/3/1/3/63Letter from Charles Barton, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.8th March 1930
JHJ/3/23/2'The Lives of the Stars'c.1930s
JHJ/5/2/6'Astronomy & Cosmogony'c.1928
JHJ/3/1/3/82Copy of Jeans' reply to E Hawks, FRAS, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.26 April 1930
JHJ/4/6'On the Density of Algol Variables', 'The Astrophysical Journal', Vol. XXII, No. 2September 1905
JHJ/3/1/3/83Letter from HC Linnell, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.5 March 1930
JHJ/6/24Review from 'The Savanah Morning News' for 'Through Space and Time'2 December 1934
JHJ/3/1/3/7Copy of Jeans' reply to Mrs Jesse M Powell, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.5 March 1930
JHJ/6/17Review from 'The New Republic' for 'Through Space and Time'9 January 1935
JHJ/4/77'The Size and Age of the Universe'29 November 1935
JHJ/2/12/3Letter from W Lewis to Jeans19 August 1902
JHJ/6/15Review from 'The Nation' for 'Through Space and Time'16 January 1935
JHJ/4/96'Cosmical Physics'nd
JHJ/3/1/3/79Letter from Mrs Eleanor Restieaux, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.25 February 1930
JHJ/3/13/2'Solar System'1936
JHJ/3/1/3/25Letter from AW Elliot, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.24 February 1930
JHJ/3/1/3/76Copy of Jeans' reply to Lord Danesfort, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.1 March 1930
JHJ/3/1/3/41Copy of Jeans' reply to HM Hazelrigg, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.1 March 1930
JHJ/3/28/2'Spectroscopic Astronomy'1943
JHJ/6/28Review from 'The Toledo News Bee' for 'Through Space and Time'21 January 1935
JHJ/6/26Review from 'The Scientific Monthly' for 'Through Space and Time'February 1935
JHJ/3/5/1Royal Institution lectures1933
JHJ/2/19Letters from Herbert Hall Turner FRS (1861-1930) to Jeans1 Oct 1903-7 June 1906
JHJ/6/13Review from 'Mechanical Engineering' for 'Through Space and Time'February 1935
JHJ/4/61'Liquid Stars', 'Nature'4 February 1928
JHJ/1/2Notebook 2[1896-1900]
JHJ/5/2/5'Astronomy & Cosmogony'c.1928
JHJ/1/1Notebook 1[1896-1900]
JHJ/5/2/8'Astronomy & Cosmogony'c.1928
JHJ/3/1/3/11Copy of Jeans' reply to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.1 March 1930
JHJ/2/1/9Letter from Samuel Hawkesley Burbury FRS to Jeans19 October 1903
JHJ/3/1/3/52Postcard from Lady Harris, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.24 February 1930
JHJ/6/22Review from 'The Providence Visitor' for 'Through Space and Time'14 February 1935
JHJ/3/27'BBC, Astronomy'1943
JHJ/6/27Review from 'The Theosophical Path' for 'Through Space and Time'April 1935
JHJ/3/1/3/4Copy of Jeans' reply to Sir Charles Bright, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.15 March 1930
JHJ/4/31'The Motions of the Stars', 'Scientia'1923
JHJ/1/8Notebook 8[1896-1900]
JHJ/5/2/2'Astronomy & Cosmogony'c.1928
JHJ/2/15/3Letter from Charles Donald Robertson to Jeans5 Jan [c.1903]
JHJ/6/10Review from 'The Knickerbocker Press' for 'Through Space and Time'20 January 1935
JHJ/2/4/9Letter from Russell Kerr Gaye to Jeans30 November 1902
JHJ/3/1/3/18Copy of Jeans' reply to Ellis Barraclough, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.1 March 1930
JHJ/3/35'Acoustics of Concert Halls'nd
JHJ/2/1/8Letter from Samuel Hawkesley Burbury FRS to Jeans15 June 1903
JHJ/3/1/3/16Copy of Jeans' reply to William Brown, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.1 March 1930
JHJ/6/3Review from 'The Brooklyn Times Union' for 'Through Space and Time'16 November 1934
JHJ/5/2/11'Astronomy & Cosmogony'c.1928
JHJ/3/22/2Notes for Lecture by Jeans, 'The Problem of the Astronomical Universe'1938
JHJ/6/19Review from 'The Ohio State Journal' for 'Through Space and Time'12 December 1934
JHJ/3/1/3/74Copy of Jeans' reply to the Rev. FW Keane, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.1 March 1930
JHJ/3/1/3/23Letter from Mrs Mary Dendy, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.25 February 1930
JHJ/3/1/3/32Copy of Jeans' reply to Miss Orr, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.1 March 1930
JHJ/1/5Notebook 5[1896-1900]
JHJ/3/1/3/28Copy of Jeans' reply to the Rev. F Crook, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.1 March 1930
JHJ/2/1/7Letter from Samuel Hawkesley Burbury FRS to Jeans12 June 1903
JHJ/6/8Review from 'The Journal and Sentinel (Winston-Salem)' for 'Through Space and Time'c.1935
JHJ/3/1/3/55Copy of Jeans' reply to K Hale Johnson, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.11 March 1930
JHJ/2/18Letters from Edmund Johnson Spitta to Jeansc.1902
JHJ/3/1/3/2Copy of Jeans' reply to Laurence Liesching, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.1 March 1930
JHJ/4/7'On the Laws of Radiation', 'Proceedings of the Royal Society', Vol. 761905
JHJ/2/1/3Letter from Samuel Hawkesley Burbury FRS to Jeans7 November 1902
JHJ/2/4/2Letter from Russell Kerr Gaye to Jeans17 August 1902
JHJ/2/12Letters from W Lewis to Jeans21 June-12 September 1902
JHJ/2/4/12Letter from Russell Kerr Gaye to Jeans25 January 1903
JHJ/6/25Review from 'The Scientific American' for 'Through Space and Time'April 1935
JHJ/4/48'The Radiation From a Pulsating Star and From a Star in Process of Fission', 'Monthly Notes of the Royal Astronomical Society', Vol. LXXXVI, No. 3January 1926
JHJ/2/1/5Letter from Samuel Hawkesley Burbury FRS to Jeans9 June 1903
JHJ/2/4/10Letter from Russell Kerr Gaye to Jeans5 December 1902
JHJ/5/2/4'Astronomy & Cosmogony'c.1928
JHJ/1/9Notebook 9[1896-1900]
JHJ/3/1/3/59Letter from Capt. AH Pretty, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.24 February 1930
JHJ/4/28'The Nebular Hypothesis & Modern Cosmogony'1923
JHJ/2/1/11Letter from Samuel Hawkesley Burbury FRS to Jeans29 April 1904
JHJ/3/1/3/48Letter from JG Flowerdew Lowson, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.24 February 1930
JHJ/6/29Review from 'The Watchman-Examiner' for 'Through Space and Time'24 January 1935
JHJ/6/11Review from 'The Knoxville News-Sentinel' for 'Through Space and Time'23 December 1934
JHJ/2/12/2Letter from W Lewis to Jeans25 June 1902
JHJ/3/1/3/86Copy of Jeans' reply to JVS La Mont, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.11 March 1930
JHJ/4/49'The Evolution of the Stars', 'Nature'2 January 1926
JHJ/3/1/3/6Letter from Mrs Jesse M Powell re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.3 March 1930
JHJ/6/5Review from 'The City College of New York Mercury' for 'Through Space and Time'December 1934
JHJ/3/1/3/60Copy of Jeans' reply to Capt. AH Pretty, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.1 March 1930
JHJ/3/1/3/30Copy of Jeans' reply to F Vamhouse, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.1 March 1930
JHJ/3/1/3/24Copy of Jeans' reply to Mrs Mary Dendy, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.1 March 1930
JHJ/3/33'Man And the Universe'30 October 1945
JHJ/6/23Review from 'The Review and Expositor - A Baptist Theological Quarterly' for 'Through Space and Time'January 1935
JHJ/3/1/3/53Copy of Jeans' reply to Lady Harris, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.1 March 1930
JHJ/5/2/12'Astronomy & Cosmogony'c.1928
JHJ/2/18/3Letter from Edmund Johnson Spitta to Jeansn.d. [1902]
JHJ/3/36'Junior Mathematical Association'8 October n.d.
JHJ/3/1/3/70Copy of Jeans' reply to LB Warden, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.1 March 1930
JHJ/3/21/1Royal Institution lectures1938
JHJ/3/1/3/45Copy of Jeans' reply to FA Holmes, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.1 March 1930
JHJ/3/1/3/5Postcard from I.B (?) re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.24 February 1930
JHJ/3/1/3/9Copy of Jeans' reply to Sir Alfred Yarrow, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.1 March 1930
JHJ/3/1/1'Points of View'c.1930
JHJ/6/14Review from 'The Milwaukee Journal - Books and their Authors' for 'Through Space and Time'23 December 1934
JHJ/3/12'Some problems of present day Astronomy'11 September 1936
JHJ/2/4/19Letter from Russell Kerr Gaye to Jeans8 March 1903
JHJ/3/3/2'Out in the Depths of Space'December 1930
JHJ/2/14Letter from Richard Belward Rackham to Jeans17 Jan [c.1902]
JHJ/3/1/3/84Copy of Jeans' reply to HC Linnell, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.11 March 1930
JHJ/4/87'The Physical Condition of the Planets'25 March 1941
JHJ/3/1/3/75Letter from Lord Danesfort, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.25 February 1930
JHJ/5/2/3'Astronomy & Cosmogony'c.1928
JHJ/5/2/14'Astronomy & Cosmogony'c.1928
JHJ/1/7Notebook 7[1896-1900]
JHJ/2/12/1Letter from W Lewis to Jeans21 June 1902
JHJ/2/12/5Letter from W Lewis to Jeans12 September 1902
JHJ/6/12Review from 'The Literary Lantern' (Chapel Hill, N.C.) for 'Through Space and Time'January 1935
JHJ/3/1/3/1Letter from Laurence Liesching to Jeans, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.February 1930
JHJ/2/21Letter from Robert Williams Wood FRS (1868-1955) to Jeans5 Feb 1907
JHJ/4/8'La Théorie Cinetique de la Chaleur Spécifique, D'aprés Maxwell et Boltzmann', 'Rapports et Discussions de la Réunion Tenue a Bruxelles'1912
JHJ/6/20Review from 'The Ohio Work' for 'Through Space and Time'13 December 1934
JHJ/3/1/2'My Point of View'1930
JHJ/2/11/3Letter from Reginald St John Parry to Jeans11 July 1902
JHJ/3/1/3/8Letter from Sir Alfred Yarrow re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.25 February 1930
JHJ/3/1/3/34Letter from William Pratt, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.26 February 1930
JHJ/2/19/2Letter from Herbert Hall Turner FRS (1861-1930) to Jeans7 May 1906
JHJ/3/1/3/64Copy of Jeans' reply to Charles Barton, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.19 March 1930
JHJ/5/2/13'Astronomy & Cosmogony'c.1928
JHJ/4/39'The Ages and Masses of the Stars', 'Nature'6 December 1924
JHJ/5/2/17'Astronomy & Cosmogony'c.1928
JHJ/3/1/3/49Copy of Jeans' reply to JG Flowerdew Lowson, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.1 March 1930
JHJ/6/1Review from 'The Baltimore Southern Methodist' for 'Through Space and Time'24 January 1935
JHJ/4/57'The Genesis of the Great Nebulæ', 'Nature'26 February 1927
JHJ/4/20'The Present Position of the Nebular Hypothesis', 'Scientia', Vol. XXIVOctober 1918
JHJ/3/13/1Royal Institution lectures1936
JHJ/2/17/2Letter from Adam Sedgewick FRS (1854-1913) to Jeans9 Dec 1902
JHJ/3/1/3/54Letter from K Hale Johnson, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.7 March 1930
JHJ/5/2/1'Astronomy & Cosmogony'c.1928
JHJ/2/4/18Letter from Russell Kerr Gaye to Jeans1 March 1903
JHJ/3/1/3/72Copy of Jeans' reply to WM Hitchcock, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.1 March 1930
JHJ/3/19/5'Beginning and end of the Universe'1937
JHJ/2/12/4Letter from W Lewis to Jeans7 September 1902
JHJ/3/1/3/61Letter from J Chalen, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.27 February 1930
JHJ/3/1/3/13Letter from RG Harley re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.24 February 1930
JHJ/2/1/17Letter from Samuel Hawkesley Burbury FRS to Jeans2 December 1904
JHJ/4/90'The Evolution of the Solar System', 'Endeavour', Vol. II, Number 5January 1943
JHJ/3/1/3/80Copy of Jeans' reply to Mrs Eleanor Restieaux, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.1 March 1930
JHJ/2/9Letter from John Milne FRS to Jeans15 Oct 1902
JHJ/3/11'Some problems of present day astronomy'April 1936
NLB/64/561Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [George] Udny Yule Esq., FRS, St. John's College, Cambridge03 May 1923
JHJ/3/1/3/3Letter from Sir Charles Bright re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.12 March 1930
JHJ/5/2/9'Astronomy & Cosmogony'c.1928
JHJ/3/1/3/51Copy of Jeans' reply to HR Beaton, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.1 March 1930
JHJ/2/19/3Letter from Herbert Hall Turner FRS (1861-1930) to Jeans10 May 1906
JHJ/3/20'The Sample of the Universe Surrounding Us'2 November 1937
JHJ/3/37'The Electric Transmission of Sound'nd
JHJ/3/1/3/26Copy of Jeans' reply to AW Elliot, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.1 March 1930
JHJ/2/5Letters from GH Hardy FRS (1877-1947) to Jeans
JHJ/4/69'The Evolution of the Universe', 'Nature'24 October 1931
JHJ/3/1/3/35Copy of Jeans' reply to William Pratt, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.1 March 1930
JHJ/3/1/3/69Letter from LB Warden, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.25 February 1930
JHJ/3/1/3/78Copy of Jeans' reply to D Whitelaw, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.5 March 1930
JHJ/3/24/3'The Variety of the Stars'1940
JHJ/3/1/3/14Copy of Jeans' reply to RG Harley, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.3 March 1930
JHJ/3/1/3/47Copy of Jeans' reply to Maj. JC Daniell, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.1 March 1930
JHJ/3/1/3/19Letter from EC Cull re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.24 February 1930
JHJ/4/71'British Journal of Radiology', Vol. V, No. 49January 1932
JHJ/4/27'The Theory of the Scattering of alpha and ß-Rays', 'Proceedings of the Royal Society', A, Vol. 1021922
JHJ/3/1/3/12Letter from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.3 March 1930
JHJ/2/1/15Letter from Samuel Hawkesley Burbury FRS to Jeans11 July 1904
JHJ/3/38'The New Telescope at Pasadena'nd
JHJ/4/51'Stellar Opacity and the Atomic Weight of Stellar Matter', 'Monthly Notes of the Royal Astronomical Society', Vol. LXXXVI, No. 8June 1926
JHJ/2/4/11Letter from Russell Kerr Gaye to James Jeans13 January 1903
JHJ/2/11/5Letter from Reginald St John Parry to Jeans7 December 1902
JHJ/3/1/3/20Copy of Jeans' reply to EC Cull, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.3 March 1930
JHJ/4/33'Van Der Waals Memorial Lectrue', 'Transactions of the Chemical Society', 1923, Vol. 1231923
JHJ/3/1/3Correspondence arising from Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk for the BBC1930
JHJ/5/2/7'Astronomy & Cosmogony'c.1928
JHJ/4/73'Fortnightly Review'January 1932
JHJ/4/17'Gravitational Instability and the Figure of the Earth', 'Proceedings of the Royal Society', A, Vol. 931917
JHJ/2/19/1Letter from Herbert Hall Turner FRS (1861-1930) to Jeans1 Oct 1903
JHJ/4/45'On Cepheid and Long-Period Variation and the Formation of Binary Stars and Fission', 'Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society', Vol. LXXXV, No. 8June 1925
JHJ/2/4/4Letter from Russell Kerr Gaye to Jeans12 September 1902
JHJ/4/21'The Evolution of Binary Systems', 'Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society', Vol. LXXIX, No. 2December 1918
JHJ/3/29/1'Royal Institution lectures'1944
JHJ/3/24/4'The Internal Structure of the Stars'1940
JHJ/2/4/5Letter from Russell Kerr Gaye to Jeans2 October 1905
JHJ/4/34'Internal Motions in Spiral Nebulaæ', 'Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society', Vol. LXXXIV, No. 2December 1923
JHJ/5/2/10'Astronomy & Cosmogony'c.1928
JHJ/4/74'The Expansion of the Universe'1933
JHJ/3/1/3/77Letter from D Whitelaw, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.27 February 1930
JHJ/3/26/4'Evolution of the Stars'1942
JHJ/3/34'Man And the Universe'10 November 1945
JHJ/3/19/4'Universe of Relativity'1937
JHJ/2/5/2Letter from G H Hardy FRS (1877-1947) to Jeansnd
JHJ/3/19/1Royal Institution lectures1937
JHJ/3/39'Cosmogony and Cosmology'nd
JHJ/3/26/1'Royal Institution lectures'1942
JHJ/3/1/3/56Letter from Eden Phillpotts, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.5 March 1930
JHJ/4/92'Newton and the Science of Today', 'Proceedings of the Royal Society of London<i/>, A, vol.181, pp251-2626 May 1943
JHJ/4/78'The Size and Age of the Universe'1936
JHJ/4/37'Report on Radiation and Quantum-Theory'1924
JHJ/3/1/3/38Letter from WJ Makin, 'Pearson's Weekly', re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.26 February 1930
JHJ/3/29/2'The Galactic System'1944
JHJ/5/2/16'Astronomy & Cosmogony'c.1928
JHJ/4/2'The Stability of a Spherical Nebula', 'Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society', A, Vol. 199, pp1-531902
JHJ/7/1Jeans' death mask1946
JHJ/5/2/15'Astronomy & Cosmogony'c.1928
JHJ/7/2Letter from John M Sherlock, Funeral Director, to Dr Christopher Jeans27 September 1993
JHJ/4/75'The New World-Picture of Modern Physics'1934
JHJ/2/11/1Letter from Reginald St John Parry to Jeans4 May 1902
JHJ/4/62'The Wider Aspects of Cosmogony', 'Supplement to Nature<i/>24 March 1928
NLB/66/721Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. McLennan, FRS25 June 1924
JHJ/3/1/3/43Copy of Jeans' reply to Mrs Gladys McMuir, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.1 March 1930
JHJ/3/1/3/33Postcard from LH Bragg, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.25 February 1930
NLB/64/92Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Algernon] Parsons, FRS30 June 1923
NLB/66/32Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William [Henry] Bragg, FRS12 February 1924
NLB/69/583Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Messrs. L. Messel & Co., 31 Throgmorton Street, EC211 June 1926
NLB/59/792Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Frank Heath, [Secretary of] the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research11 November 1920
JHJ/4/95'Electric Transmission of Sound'nd
NLB/58/397Copy letter from [James Hopwood Jeans,] Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the National Union of Scientific Workers30 April 1920
JHJ/4/15'The Part Played by Rotation in Cosmic Evolution', 'Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society', Vol. LXXVII, No. 3January 1917
JHJ/4/97'The Structure of the Universe'nd
NLB/63/645Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society and FRS; to Lord Rayleigh, FRS23 November 1922
JHJ/2/3Letter from Edwin Brant Frost, (1866-1935), Editor 'Astrophysical Journal', to Jeans23 May 1905
JHJ/4/46'On a Theorem of V. Zeipel on Radiative Equilibrium', 'Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society', Vol. LXXXV, No. 9September 1925
JHJ/4/65'The Mathematical Aspect of the Universe'c.1931-1932
JHJ/2/17Letters from Adam Sedgewick FRS (1854-1913) to Jeans17 Nov-9 Dec 1902
NLB/67/190Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Dugald Clerk, KBE, FRS6 November 1924
NLB/60/140Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS14 December 1920
NLB/68/382Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Colonel [Henry George] Lyons, FRS1 July 1925
NLB/67/412Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Godfrey Harold] Hardy, FRS16 December 1924
NLB/64/835Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society;to Dr. [Nevil Vincent] Sidgwick, FRS27 June 1923
NLB/58/473Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS 11 May 1920
JHJ/4/79'The Size and Age of the Universe', 'Supplement to Nature', Vol. 137, no. 34534 January 1936
JHJ/4/59'On Liquid Stars and the Liberation of Stellar Energy', 'Monthly Notes of the Royal Astronomical Society', Vol. LXXXVII, No. 5March 1927
NLB/23/2/7Copy letter from Sir Michael Foster, to [James Hopwood] Jeans, [Fellow of the Royal Society], Trinity College, Cambridge23 January 1901
RR/15/353Referee's report by Horace Lamb, on a paper 'The equilibrium of rotating liquid cylinders' by James Hopwood JeansApril 1902
RR/15/352Letter from George Howard Darwin, on a paper 'The equilibrium of rotating liquid cylinders' by James Hopwood Jeans to Joseph Larmor5 March 1902
RR/15/201Second referee's report by Augustus Edward Hough Love, on a paper 'The stability of the spherical nebula' by James Hopwood Jeans17 January 1902
RR/15/66Referee's report by Samuel Hawksley Burbury, on a paper 'The distribution of molecular energy' by James Hopwood Jeans26 July 1900
NLB/60/3Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [William] Napier Shaw, Director of the Meteorological Office and FRS2 December 1920
NLB/68New Letter Book volume 68, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration24 April 1925-10 December 1925
NLB/69New Letter Book volume 69, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration10 December 1925-26 November 1926
RR/15/354Letter from George Howard Darwin, on a paper 'On the vibrations and stability of a gravitating planet' by James Hopwood Jeans to Joseph Larmor7 November 1902
RR/15/355Referee's report by Augustus Edward Hough Love, on a paper 'On the vibrations and stability of a gravitating planet' by James Hopwood Jeans20 November 1902
RR/15/64Referee's report by Joseph Larmor, on a paper 'The distribution of molecular energy' by James Hopwood Jeans14 July 1900
RR/15/200Referee's report by Augustus Edward Hough Love, on a paper 'The stability of the spherical nebula' by James Hopwood Jeans31 July 1901
NLB/21/456Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to James Hopwood Jeans, [Fellow of the Royal Society], Trinity College, Cambridge20 November 1900
MDA/A/16/39Table of details of past Physical Science Secretaries of Royal Society17 October 1955
NLB/23/2/140Copy letter from Sir Michael Foster, to James Hopwood Jeans, [Fellow of the Royal Society], Trinity College, Cambridge21 November 1901
MDA/A/16/41Copy letter from David Christie Martin to Thomas Ralph Merton17 October 1955
NLB/21/90Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor George Carey Foster, Fellow of the Royal Society27 July 1900
NLB/21/19Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor George Carey Foster, Fellow of the Royal Society16 July 1900
NLB/26/305Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to, James Hopwood Jeans, [Fellow of the Royal Society]27 February 1903
NLB/21/540Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to James Hopwood Jeans, [Fellow of the Royal Society],Trinity College, Cambridge5 December 1900
NLB/23/2/217Copy letter from Joseph Larmor, to James Hopwood Jeans, [Fellow of the Royal Society]24 June 1902
NLB/62/375Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. P. E. Shaw; Metrology Department, University College Nottingham2 February 1922
NLB/23/2/314Copy letter sent from Joseph Larmor, to James Hopwood Jeans, [Fellow of the Royal Society]20 March 1903
NLB/24/287Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to James Hopwood Jeans, Trinity College, Cambridge21 April 1902
NLB/24/56Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to [James Hopwood] Jeans, [Fellow of the Royal Society]22 February 1902
NLB/24/700Copy letter from Joseph Larmor, to James Hopwood Jeans, [Fellow of the Royal Society]20 June 1902
NLB/24/759Copy letter from Joseph Larmor, to [James Hopwood] Jeans, [Fellow of the Royal Society]3 July 1902
NLB/25/726Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to James Hopwood Jeans, [Fellow of the Royal Society], Mundesley, Norfolk15 December 1902
NLB/25/855Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to James Hopwood Jeans, [Fellow of the Royal Society], Trinity College, Cambridge12 January 1903
NLB/54/132Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [James Hopwood] Jeans, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS13 February 1917
NLB/61/844Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Mr. Edward [Jones] Willis; Mutual Building, Richmond, Virginia3 November 1921
NLB/31/198Copy letter from Joseph Larmor, to James Hopwood Jeans, [Fellow of the Royal Society]8 July 1905
NLB/58/412Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord Robert John Strutt, FRS3 May 1920
JHJ/3/23/3'The Earth: Past, Present & Future'c.1930s
NLB/67/849Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Frank Wynne Esq.; Lightwater House, Bagshot, Surrey25 March 1925
NLB/61/446Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur Stanley] Eddington, FRS8 July 1921
NLB/32/747Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to [Messrs Harrison & Sons][19 May 1906]
NLB/32/811Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to [Messrs Harrison & Sons]28 May 1906
JHJ/3/23/1'The Vast Universe'c.1930s
JHJ/2/2Letter from Arthur Stanley Eddington FRS (1882-1944) to Jeansn.d.
NLB/60/100Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. Hagberg Wright; London Library, St. James's Square, S.W.l.10 December 1920
JHJ/3/9/5'The Sun and its Family'1934
JHJ/3/1/3/36Letter from AW Madsen, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.25 February 1930
JHJ/3/9/4'The Other Planets'1934
JHJ/4/30'The Mechanism and Structure of Planetary Nebulaæ, 'Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society', Vol. LXXXIII, No. 91923
JHJ/3/1/3/42Letter from Mrs Gladys McMuir, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.25 February 1930
JHJ/4/86/3'Urania': Official Organ of the Junior Astronomical Association, Vol. 5 No. 10January 1940
JHJ/2/6Letters from Arthur Hinks FRS (1873- 1945) to Jeans9 November 1902-13 April 1903
JHJ/4/86/2'Urania': Official Organ of the Junior Astronomical Association, Vol. 5 No. 9December 1939
JHJ/4/83'The Origin of the Planets'1938
JHJ/4/53'Note on the Interal Densities and Temperatures of the Stars', 'Monthly Notes of the Royal Astronomical Society', Vol. LXXXVII, No. 1November 1926
JHJ/3/3/1'Weighing and Measuring the Stars'November 1930
JHJ/4/5'On the Application of Statistical Mechanics to the General Dynamics of Matter and Ether', 'Proceedings of the Royal Society', Vol. A76, 19051905
JHJ/4/4'On the Vibrations and Stability of a Gravitating Planet', 'Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society', A, Vol. 201, pp157-1841903
JHJ/3/1/3/46Letter from Maj. JC Daniell, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.25 February 1930
NLB/44/429Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to [J [James] H [Hopwood] Jeans FRS 11 July 1911
JHJ/4/32'On the Tidal Distortion of Rotating Nebulæ', 'Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society', Vol. LXXXIII, No. 8June 1923
JHJ/3/24/2'The Sun as a Typical Star'February 1940
JHJ/5/4'The Story of Physical Science'c.1930s
JHJ/4/88'Is there Life on the Other Worlds?'1942
JHJ/2/11Letters from Reginald St John Parry to Jeans1902, n.d.
JHJ/2/20Letter from Edmund Taylor Whittaker (1873-1956) to Jeans1 Nov 1902
JHJ/3/1/3/17Letter from Ellis Barraclough re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.25 February 1930
JHJ/4/50'On Radiative Viscosity and the Rotation of Astronomical Masses (Second Paper)', 'Monthly Notes of the Royal Astronomical Society', Vol. LXXXVI, No. 7May 1926
JHJ/3/19/2'Sample of the Universe Surrounding Us'1937
JHJ/4/76'The New World-Picture of Modern Physics', 'Nature'8 September 1934
JHJ/2/8Letter from Diederik Johannes Korteweg (1848-1941) to Jeans7 October 1905
JHJ/4/10'On the Potential of Ellipsodial Bodies, and the Figures of Equilibrium of Rotating Liquid Masses', 'Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society', A, Vol. 215, pp27-781915
JHJ/4/23'The Quantum Theory and New Theories of Atomic Structure', 'Transactions of the Chemical Society', 1919, Vol. 1151919
JHJ/1/4Notebook 41896-1897
JHJ/3/15'Some large-scale problems of Astronomy'c.1936
JHJ/3/21/4'The Earth Galactic Nebulae'1938
JHJ/4/93'Symposium: The New Physics and Metaphysical Materialism', by L. Susan Stebbing19 May 1943
JHJ/4/42'The Effect of Varying Mass in a Binary System', 'Monthly Notes of the Royal Astronomical Society', Vol. LXXXV, No. 91925
JHJ/3/1/3/73Letter from the Rev. FW Keane, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.25 February 1930
JHJ/3/21'Cosmology and Cosmogony'November 1938
JHJ/4/80'Gegenwartsprobleme der Astronomie'29 April 1936
JHJ/4/1'The Distribution of Molecular Energy', 'Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society', A, Vol. 196, pp397-4301901
JHJ/3/1/3/71Letter from WM Hitchcock, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.26 February 1930
JHJ/4/3'On the Equilibrium of Rotating Cylinders', 'Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society', A, Vol. 200, pp67-1041902
JHJ/4/60'Isaac Newton', 'Nature', 26 March 19271927
JHJ/4/22'The Internal Constitution and Radiation of Gaseous Stars', 'Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society', Vol. LXXIX, No. 5March 1919
JHJ/4/29'The Propagation of Earthquake Waves', 'Proceedings of the Royal Society', A, Vol. 1021923
NLB/62/407Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to R. S. Whipple Esquire; the Cambridge and Paul Instrument Co. Ltd., 45 Grosvenor Place`9 February 1922
JHJ/3/3'The Stars in Their Courses'November-December 1930
JHJ/2/1/13Letter from Samuel Hawkesley Burbury FRS to Jeans28 May 1904
JHJ/2/18/2Letter from Edmund Johnson Spitta to Jeans9 April [c.1902]
JHJ/4/72'Philosophy': The Journal of the British Institute of Philosophy, Vol. VII, No. 25January 1932
NLB/58/142Copy letter from [James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society]; to Sir Joseph [John] Thomson, President of the Royal Society18 March 1920
NLB/58/411Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Augustus Edward Hough] Love, FRS3 May 1920
JHJ/3/18Talk by Jeans for the BBC on Lord RutherfordOctober 1937
JHJ/3/22/1'Royal Instituton lectures'1938
JHJ/3/28/3'Photographic Astronomy'1943
JHJ/2/4Letters from Russell Kerr Gaye to Jeans19 July 1902-13 March 1903
JHJ/3/21/3'Binary Stars and Planetary Systems'1938
JHJ/4/47'Electric Forces and Quanta: The Sixteenth Kelvin Lecture'1925
JHJ/4/44'On the Masses, Luminosities, and Surface-Temperatures of the Stars (Final Note)', 'Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society', Vol. LXXXV, No. 8June 1925
JHJ/1/3Notebook 3[1896-1900]
JHJ/3/19'The Astronomical Universe'November 1937
JHJ/7/3Letter from Christopher Jeans concerning his father's death mask15 February 1993
JHJ/3/26/5'Evolution of the Solar System'1942
JHJ/2/5/1Letter from GH Hardy FRS (1877-1947) to Jeans
JHJ/3/7/1Royal Institution Christmas lectures1933
JHJ/3/1/3/65Letter from W Darby, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.11 March 1930
JHJ/4/55'On Liquid Stars: Configurations of Stability, Long-Period Variables and Stellar Evolution', 'Monthly Notes of the Royal Astronomical Society', Vol. LXXXVII, No. 91927
JHJ/3/1/3/15Letter from William Brown re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.25 February 1930
JHJ/3/1/3/31Letter from Miss Orr, West Dulwich, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.25 February 1930
JHJ/4/40'On the Masses, Luminosities, and Surface-Temperatures of the Stars', 'Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society', Vol. LXXXV, No. 3January 1925
JHJ/4/81'Giant and Dwarf Stars', 'The Listener'12 May 1937
JHJ/2/4/3Letter from Russell Kerr Gaye to Jeans23 August 1902
JHJ/5/2'Astronomy & Cosmogony'c.1927
JHJ/3/8/3'Moon and Planets'1933
JHJ/2/4/13Letter from Russell Kerr Gaye to Jeans25 January 1903
JHJ/2/16Letter from C Sayle to Jeans31 July 1903
JHJ/3/19/3'Are the Nebulae Receding?'1937
JHJ/2/1/14Letter from Samuel Hawkesley Burbury FRS to Jeans23 June 1904
JHJ/3/28/1Royal institution lectures1943
JHJ/2/6/2Letter from Arthur Hinks FRS (1873- 1945) to Jeans13 April 1903
JHJ/3/9/6'Other Suns Than Ours'1934
JHJ/3/1/3/66Copy of Jeans' reply to W Darby, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.17 March 1930
JHJ/2/13Postcard from Hendrik Anton Lorentz to Jeans29 November 1901
JHJ/3/8/2'Earth and Moon'1933
JHJ/3/1/3/81Letter from E Hawks, FRAS, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.23 April 1930
JHJ/4/9'Gravitational Instability and the Nebular Hypothesis', 'Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society', A, Vol. 213, pp457-4851913
JHJ/3/14'Some large scale problems of Astronomy'February [c.1936]
JHJ/2/15/1Letter from Charles Donald Robertson to Jeans1 July [1902]
JHJ/3/5'Four Lectures In Modern Astronomy'March-April 1933
JHJ/3/22'The Problem of the Astronomical Universe'25 November 1938
JHJ/3/9/2'Our Window Into Space - the Night Sky'1934
JHJ/3/31/1'Royal Instiution lectures'1943
NLB/68/7Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Owen Willans] Richardson, FRS27 April 1925
JHJ/3/7/2'Earth and Moon'1933
JHJ/4/56'Harmsworth's Universal History', No. 11927
JHJ/2/4/16Letter from Russell Kerr Gaye to Jeans15 February 1903
JHJ/2/17/1Letter from Adam Sedgewick FRS (1854-1913) to Jeans17 Nov 1902
JHJ/2/4/7Letter from Russell Kerr Gaye to Jeans21 October 1902
JHJ/3/9/8'The Furthest Depths of Space'1934
JHJ/2/4/15Letter from Russell Kerr Gaye to Jeans8 February 1903
JHJ/3/7/7'The Nebulae'1933
JHJ/3/7/6'The Further Stars'1933
JHJ/2/10Letter from HF Neale to Jeans3 December 1903
JHJ/6/2Review from 'The Booklist - A Guide to Books - American Library Association' for 'Through Space and Time'January 1935
JHJ/3/8/1'Royal Institution Christmas lectures1933
JHJ/3/31'Old And New Descriptions of the Astronomical Universe'November 1944
JHJ/3/7/3'Moon and Planets'1933
JHJ/1/6Notebook 61897
NLB/60/101Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [Joseph Ernest] Petavel, FRS10 December 1920
JHJ/3/1/3/85Notes sent to Jeans by JVS La Mont, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.[March 1930]
JHJ/3/28/4'Physical Astronomy'1943
JHJ/2/1/19Letter from Samuel Hawkesley Burbury FRS to Jeans6 July 1905
JHJ/3/1/3/39Copy of Jeans' reply to WJ Makin, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.1 March 1930
JHJ/3/8/7'The Nebulae'1933
JHJ/3/1/3/58Letter to Jeans, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk. 24 February 1930
JHJ/5/6Draft entitled 'Chapter V - Stars'nd
JHJ/4/86/4'Urania': Official Organ of the Junior Astronomical Association, Vol. 5 No. 11February 1940
JHJ/3/13'Astronomy - Some recent advances'November 1936
JHJ/4/86'Urania': Official Organ of the Junior Astronomical AssociationNovember 1939-February 1940
JHJ/3/7/4'The Sun and its Family'1933
JHJ/3/1/3/44Letter from FA Holmes, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.25 February 1930
JHJ/4/64'The Physics of the Universe', 'Supplement to Nature', No. 30793 November 1928
JHJ/2/6/1Letter from Arthur Hinks FRS (1873- 1945) to Jeans9 November 1903
JHJ/4/25'The Motions of the Stars in a Kapteyn-Universe' and 'The Dynamics of Moving Clusters', 'Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society', Vol. LXXXII, No. 3January 1922
JHJ/2/4/17Letter from Russell Kerr Gaye to Jeans22 February 1903
JHJ/3Talks and lectures1930-1945
JHJ/2Correspondence with Jeans, 1901-19071901-1907
JHJ/3/1/3/22Copy of Jeans' reply to Miss Armstrong, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.1 March 1930
JHJ/2/1/4Letter from Samuel Hawkesley Burbury FRS to Jeans8 June 1903
JHJ/3/29'The Galactic System'28 April 1944
JHJ/2/1/6Letter from Samuel Hawkesley Burbury FRS to Jeans10 June 1903
JHJ/2/15/2Letter from Charles Donald Robertson to Jeans11 Dec [c.1902]
JHJ/2/11/6Incomplete letter from Reginald St John Parry to Jeansn.d. [1902-1903]
JHJ/3/28'The Methods of Modern Astronomy'November 1943
JHJ/3/9/1'Our Home in Space - The Earth'1934
NLB/48/260Copy letter from Arthur Schuster, to Dr [James Hopwood] Jeans, Fellow of the Royal Society5 June 1913
JHJ/4/16'Recent Developments in Molecular Physics', 'Royal Institution of Great Britain'March 1917
NLB/63/618Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society and FRS; to Sir Frank Dyson, FRS15 November 1922
JHJ/4/54'Recent Developments of Cosmical Physics', 'Supplement to Nature', No. 29794 December 1926
JHJ/2/1Letters from Samuel Hawkesley Burbury FRS to Jeans11 February 1902-6 July 1905
JHJ/2/4/14Letter from Russell Kerr Gaye to Jeans1 February 1903
JHJ/3/16'Gegenwarts-Probleme der Astronome'[1936]
JHJ/3/40'Evolution in Astronomy'c.1942
JHJ/4/19'The Equations of Radiative Transfer of Energy' and 'The Evolution and Radiation of Gaseous Stars', 'Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society', Vol. LXXVIII, No. 1November 1917
JHJ/3/7/5'The Nearer Stars'1933
JHJ/2/7Letters from Jeans to himself19 April 1902-24 April 1902
JHJ/4/52'The Exact Equations of Radiative Equilibrium', 'Monthly Notes of the Royal Astronomical Society', Vol. LXXXVI, No. 8June 1926
JHJ/4/26'Address delivered by the President, Professor A.S. Eddington, on the Award of the Gold Medal to Dr James Hopwood Jeans', 'Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society'February 1922
JHJ/4/67'The Origin of the Solar System', 'Journal of the Franklin Institute', Vol. 212, No. 2August 1931
JHJ/3/1/3/50Letter from HR Beaton, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.25 February 1930
JHJ/3/9/3'The Nearest Neighbour in Space - The Moon'1934
JHJ/3/8'Through Time and Space'December 1933-January 1934
JHJ/4/13'The Motion of Tidally-Distorted Masses with Special Reference to Theories of Cosmogony', 'Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society', Vol. LXII1916
JHJ/3/1/4'The Listener'5 March 1930
JHJ/4/18'The Configurations of Rotating Compressible Masses', 'Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society', A, Vol. 218, pp157-210.1917
JHJ/3/1BBC Radio Broadcast, 'My Point of View'1930
JHJ/3/1/3/21Letter from Miss Armstrong, Maida Vale, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.24 February 1930
JHJ/3/10'Size and Age of the Universe'29 November 1935
JHJ/3/1/3/29Letter from F Vamhouse, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.25 February 1930
JHJ/3/24/5'The Evolution of the Stars and the Universe'1940
JHJ/4/43'Electric Forces and Quanta', 'Nature'7 March 1925
JHJ/7/4Photocopy of pages from 'The Searching Spirit' by Joy Adamson (Harper Collins, 1978)1978
JHJ/3/2Presentation speech for the 1930 Hawthornden Prize 1930
JHJ/7Jeans' Death Mask1946-1993
JHJ/5Drafts and Manuscriptsc.1920s-1940s
JHJ/2/4/1Letter from Russell Kerr Gaye to Jeans19 July 1902
JHJ/3/1/3/67Letter from M Hodder, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.25 March 1930
JHJ/3/26/3'Evolution of the Universe'1942
JHJ/3/21/2'Some General Principles'1938
JHJ/2/4/6Letter from Russell Kerr Gaye to Jeans19 October 1902
JHJ/4/11'On the Theory of Star-Streaming and the Structure of the Universe', 'Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society', Vol. LXXVI, No. 2December 1915
JHJ/3/8/5'The Nearer Stars'1933
JHJ/3/26'Evolution in Astronomy'November 1942
JHJ/4/94'Symposium: The New Physics and Metaphysical Materialism'19 May 1943
JHJ/3/9/7'The Milky Way - A Great City of Stars'1934
JHJ/3/1/3/27Letter from the Rev. F Crook, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.25 February 1930
JHJ/4/68'The Origin of the Solar System', 'Nature'12 September 1931
JHJ/2/7/1Letter from Jeans to himself19 April 1902
JHJ/5/1'On the Equilibrium Configurations and motion of a tidally distorted mass of fluid'c.1915
JHJ/5/3Odd sheets of notes, printed matter and handwritten articlec.1927-1943
JHJ/2/7/2Letter from Jeans to himself24 April 1902
JHJ/2/1/1Letter from Samuel Hawkesley Burbury FRS to Jeans1 February 1902
JHJ/3/24'Present Day Study of the Stars'February 1940
JHJ/4/89'Is there Life on the Other Worlds?'1941
JHJ/2/15Letters from Charles Donald Robertson to Jeans11 December [c.1902]
JHJ/2/4/20Letter from Russell Kerr Gaye to Jeans13 March 1903
JHJ/2/11/2Letter from Reginald St John Parry to Jeans11 May 1902
JHJ/3/24/1'Royal Institution lectures'1940
JHJ/4/14'On the Law of Distribution in Star-Clusters', 'Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society', Vol. LXXVI, No. 7May 1916
JHJ/3/8/6'The Further Stars'1933
JHJ/4/85'The Depths of Space'1938
JHJ/2/1/18Letter from Samuel Hawkesley Burbury FRS to Jeans7 December 1904
JHJ/4/63'Journal of the Royal Society of Arts', Vol. LXXVI, No. 393627 April 1928
JHJ/2/1/16Letter from Samuel Hawkesley Burbury FRS to Jeans30 August 1904
JHJ/3/23'The Romance of the Stars'c.1930s
NLB/59/187Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William [Henry] Bragg, FRS23 July 1920
JHJ/3/3/3'The Great Universe'December 1930
JHJ/4/35'The Origin of the Solar System'1924
JHJ/3/8/4'The Sun and its Family'1933
NLB/58/207Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Julian [Sorell] Huxley Esquire, FRS26 March 1920
NLB/65/154Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr [Gilbert Thomas] Walker, FRS21 August 1923
NLB/67/122Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Frank Dyson, FRS28 October 1924
NLB/50/568Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to [James Hopwood] Jeans, Fellow of the Royal Society29 July 1914
NLB/62/519Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. P. C. Austin; 130 Horseferry Road, Westminster, S.W.l.27 February 1922
NLB/60/520Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph Larmor, FRS17 February 1921
NLB/58/197Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS25 March 1920
NLB/59/341Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Conrad Dressler Esquire; 1551 East Boulevard, Cleveland, Chio, U.S.A.22 September 1920
NLB/52/132Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society to James Hopwood Jeans FRS16 September 1915
NLB/62/412Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Horace] Lamb, FRS10 February 1922
NLB/52/155Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor Charles Herbert Lees, FRS28 September 1915
NLB/55/54Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [James Hopwood] Jeans Esq., Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS16 November 1917
NLB/62/413Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William [Boog] Leishman, FRS10 February 1922
NLB/62/504Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [Gerald Ponsonby] Lenox-Conyngham, FRS23 February 1922
RR/20/75Referee's report by Augustus Edward Hough Love, on a paper 'Gravitational instability and the nebular hypothesis' by James Hopwood Jeans17 November 1913
NLB/60/83Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [William] Napier Shaw, Director of the Meteorological Office and FRS9 December 1920
NLB/60/89Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Royal Astronomical Society; Burlington House, W.l.10 December 1920
NLB/60/383Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Ernest Rutherford, FRS20 January 1921
NLB/52/460Copy letter from [Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society]; to Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS 14 December 1915
NLB/58/337Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph [Ernest] Petavel, FRS22 April 1920
NLB/60/389Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. J. Mercer, Christ's College Cambridge27 January 1921
RR/18/58Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'The partition of energy between aether and matter and the constitution of the electron' by S B McLarenApril 1910
NLB/62/608Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [John Louis Emil] Dreyer; 14 Staverton Street, Oxford23 March 1922
NLB/58/406Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to M. [Francois Antoine] Alfred Lacroix30 April 1920
NLB/60/379Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Ernest W. Hill Esquire; 19 Grayling Road, Stoke Newington, N.1626 January 1921
NLB/60/390Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to O. J. R. Howarth Esquire, Assistant Secretary of the British Association27 January 1921
NLB/54/454Copy letter from [Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society]; to Sir [James Hopwood] Jeans, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS17 May 1917
NLB/60/336Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [William] Burnside, FRS21 January 1921
NLB/63/644Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society and FRS; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, FRS23 November 1922
NLB/64/504Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Horace] Lamb, FRS26 April 1923
NLB/62/691Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the General Secretary of the University of Padua; Padua 6 April 1922
RR/24/52Referee's report by Arthur Schuster, on the Bakerian Lecture 'The configurations of rotating compressible masses' by James Hopwood Jeansnd [1917]
NLB/62/558Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Robert Vynne] Southwell Esquire; Aeronautical Department, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington9 March 1922
NLB/62/562Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, FRS10 March 1922
RR/23/99Referee's report by John Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'Motion of solids in fluids when the flow is not irrotational' by Geoffrey Ingram Taylor1916
NLB/54/54Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [James Hopwood] Jeans, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS29 January 1917
NLB/58/130Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [William] Napier Shaw, Director of the Meteorological Offices and FRS 18 March 1920
RR/20/74Referee's report by Frank Watson Dyson, on a paper 'Gravitational instability and the nebular hypothesis' by James Hopwood JeansNovember 1913
RR/20/133Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'On the critical speeds of a rotating shaft' by Richard Vynne SouthwellApril 1913
NLB/63/683Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society and FRS; to Sir [James] Alfred Ewing, FRS30 November 1922
RR/23/15Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'The kinetic theory of simple and composite monatomic gases : viscosity, thermal conduction, and diffusion' by S ChapmanMay 1916
NLB/55/356Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Mr. [James Hopwood] Jeans, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS06 March 1918
NLB/64/669Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Napier Shaw FRS29 May 1923
NLB/59/644Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [George Downing] Liveing, FRS28 October 1920
NLB/59/561Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Daniel Biddle Esquire19 October 1920
NLB/64/100Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Physical Society of London; National Physical Laboratory, Teddington1 February 1923
NLB/54/283Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [James Hopwood] Jeans, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS21 March 1917
NLB/54/395Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [James Hopwood] Jeans, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS2 May 1917
RR/23/89Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'Application of Weber's electrodynamic law to the motions of binary stars' by T J J SeeMay 1916
NLB/54/332Copy letter from [Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society]; to Sir [James Hopwood] Jeans, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS13 April 1917
RR/20/130Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'On the general theory of elastic stability' by Richard Vynne SouthwellFebruary 1913
NLB/55/348Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Mr. [James Hopwood] Jeans, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS05 March 1918
NLB/54/384Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [James Hopwood] Jeans, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS27 April 1917
NLB/60/840Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Alfred William] Porter, FRS14 April 1921
NLB/65/554Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Geoffrey Ingram] Taylor, FRS20 November 1923
RR/22/102Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'Radiation from a spherical source and the distribution of energy in the normal spectrum' by L SilbersteinOctober 1915
NLB/58/198Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS25 March 1920
NLB/60/848Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Director of the Meteorological Office; Air Ministry, London, W.C.2.14 April 1921
NLB/60/868Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Arthur Schuster, Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society19 April 1921
NLB/58/723Copy letter from Edwin Deller, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society11 June 1920
RR/24/4Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'Electronic frequency and atomic number' by Herbert Stanley Allennd [1917]
NLB/58/339Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir George Barstow22 April 1920
NLB/59/725Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Walter William] Rouse Ball; Trinity College, Cambridge5 November 1920
NLB/59/726Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [William Whitehead] Watts, Chairman of the Geology Committee and FRS5 November 1920
NLB/61/10Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [William Henry] Young, FRS28 April 1921
NLB/58/793Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Admiralty18 June 1920
NLB/57/714Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor JW [John Walter] Gregory, FRS27 January 1920
NLB/61/1Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William [Henry] Bragg, FRS 26 April 1921
RR/23/46Referee's report by Frank Watson Dyson, on a paper 'On the instability of the pear-shaped figure of equilibrium of a rotating mass of liquid' by James Hopwood JeansApril 1916
NLB/59/781Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Godfrey Harold] Hardy, FRS; New College, Oxford11 November 1920
NLB/60/34Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Frederick William] Gamble, FRS3 December 1920
NLB/58/404Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Alan Archibald] Cambell Swinton Esquire, FRS30 April 1920
NLB/61/493Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph [Ernest] Petavel, FRS12 July 1921
NLB/58/676Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS3 June 1920
NLB/54/677Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [James Hopwood] Jeans, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS26 July 1917
NLB/54/838Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [James Hopwood] Jeans, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS16 October 1917
NLB/60/9Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Herbert George] Wells Esquire2 December 1920
NLB/61/74Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Honorary Secretary of the Science Masters' Association; St. Piran's, Maidenheaf5 May 1921
NLB/56/323Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [James Hopewood] Jeans, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS14 January 1919
NLB/60/37Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to John [Edensor] Littlewood Esquire, FRS3 December 1920
NLB/56/87Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [James Hopwood] Jeans, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS15 November 1918
NLB/58/351Copy letter from [Edwin Deller, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society]; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society23 April 1920
NLB/56/199Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [James Hopwood] Jeans, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS12 December 1918
NLB/61/58Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Herbert Hall] Turner, FRS3 May 1921
NLB/56/382Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [James Hopwood] Jeans, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS28 January 1919
NLB/58/939Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Frank Heath, Secretary of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research7 July 1920
NLB/64/24Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Dugald Clerk, Chairman of the Engineering Sciences Committee and FRS20 January 1923
NLB/56/762Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [James Hopwood] Jeans, FRS20 May 1919
NLB/66/749Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; To Sir Frank Dyson, FRS3 July 1924
NLB/68/667Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Alfred] Fowler, FRS8 October 1925
NLB/67/99Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Alfred] Fowler, FRS21 October 1924
NLB/66/18Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. Simpson, FRS7 February 1924
NLB/59/525Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph Larmor, FRS13 October 1920
RR/24/48Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'The initial wave resistance of a moving surface pressure' by Thomas Henry Havelock[1917]
NLB/61/168Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to John R. Henry Esquire; 10 Upper Stephen's Street, Dublin26 May 1921
NLB/61/491Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir George [Thomas] Beilby, FRS12 July 1921
NLB/64/755Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Colonel [Henry George] Lyons FRS14 June 1923
NLB/58/206Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Edgar Johnson] Allen, FRS26 March 1920
NLB/58/584Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Walter Lamb Esquire, Secretary of the Royal Academy27 May 1920
NLB/58/114Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Herbert Hall] Turner, FRS16 March 1920
NLB/58/820Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor Oswald Veblen22 June 1920
NLB/58/215Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Herbert Hall] Turner, FRS29 March 1920
NLB/61/185Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [George Clarke] Simpson, Director of the Meteorological Office and FRS30 May 1921
NLB/59/584Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Conrad Dressler Esquire; 1551 East Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.22 October 1920
RR/22/10bReferee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'Relation between absorption of infra-red and ultra-violet light' by Edward Charles Cyril BalyFebruary 1915
NLB/60/343Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [George Clarke] Simpson, Director of the Meteorological Office and FRS21 January 1921
NLB/58/233Copy letter from Edwin Deller, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society30 March 1920
NLB/64/507Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur] Dendy, FRS26 April 1923
NLB/56/704Copy letter from Miss [Maud] K. Jukes, Clerk of the Royal Society; to Sir [James Hopwood] Jeans, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS1 May 1919
NLB/59/531Copy letter from [James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society]; to Sir Richard Redmayne14 October 1920
NLB/59/10Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir George [Thomas] Beilby, FRS9 July 1920
NLB/66/253Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Owen Willians] Richardson, FRS27 March 1924
NLB/58/558Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Arthur Schuster, General Secretary of the International Research Council and FRS21 May 1920
NLB/69/867Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Arthur Schuster, FRS4 November 1926
NLB/58/298Copy letter from [James Hopwood Jeans,] Secretary of the Royal Society; to Miss Annie Porter; S. A. Institute for Medical Research, P. O. Box 1038, Johannesburg19 April 1920
NLB/63/636Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society and FRS; to Professor [Archibald Vivian] Hill, FRS21 November 1922
NLB/56/696Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Sir Jeans Hopwood Jeans], Chairman of the Mathematics Committee29 April 1919
NLB/58/823Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Rector of the University of Bologna22 June 1920
NLB/58/138Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Conjoint Board of Scientific Societies18 March 1920
NLB/60/886Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Samuel Walter Johnson] Smith, FRS21 April 1921
NLB/64/683Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh2 June 1923
NLB/56/789Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [James Hopwood] Jeans, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS23 May 1919
NLB/58/792Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard Threlfall, FRS18 June 1920
NLB/59/928Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Colonel [Henry George] Lyons, Chairman of the Gassiot Committee and FRS1 December 1920
NLB/66/698Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh, FRS20 June 1924
NLB/58/342Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of His Majesty's Treasury22 April 1920
NLB/66/519Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to William Dubilier Esq., Radio Patents Corporation, 48 West 4th Street, New York City, USA22 May 1924
NLB/58/483Copy letter from Edwin Deller, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society11 May 1920
NLB/64/567Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to The Secretary, Royal Academy of Music, Marylebone Road, N.W.1.04 May 1923
NLB/62/160Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to F. J. Selby Esquire13 December 1921
NLB/59/6Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lieutenant Colonel Allan Cunningham; 20 Essex Village, Kensington, W.8.9 July 1920
RR/41/99Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'Continuous absorption' by J A GauntJanuary 1930
NLB/59/83Copy letter from [Maud] K. Jukes, Clerk of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society10 July 1920
NLB/57/11Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Mr JH [James Hopwood] Jeans, FRS, Chairman, Mathematics Committee1 July 1919
NLB/55/7Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [James Hopwood] Jeans Esq., Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS06 November 1917
NLB/58/46Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Francis Younghusband4 March 1920
NLB/56/902Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [James Hopwood] Jeans, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS24 June 1919
NLB/68/306Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], FRS16 June 1925
NLB/66/163Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Geoffrey Ingram] Taylor, FRS6 March 1924
NLB/59/803Copy letter from Edwin Deller, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society13 November 1920
NLB/64/602Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Frederick Alexander] Lindemann, FRS09 May 1923
NLB/58/45Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Francis Wall] Oliver, FRS4 March 1920
NLB/66/521Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Frederick Alexander] Lindemann, FRS22 May 1924
NLB/58/135Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lieutenant Colonel R. V. Douglas, Secretary Ordnance Committee18 March 1920
NLB/59/911Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [Alfred] George Greenhill, FRS30 November 1920
NLB/59/181Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Walter] Rosenhain, FRS23 July 1920
NLB/58/93Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to David Prain, Treasurer of the Royal Society12 March 1920
NLB/58/88Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Ernest Rutherford, FRS12 March 1920
NLB/58/400Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph [Ernest] Petavel, FRS30 April 1920
NLB/58/128Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Joseph Ernest] Petavel, FRS17 March 1920
NLB/58/89Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [William Ernest] Dalby, FRS12 March 1920
NLB/55/205Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [James Hopwood] Jeans, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS14 January 1918
NLB/58/450Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Ernest Rutherford, FRS6 May 1920
NLB/58/624List created by [James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society]; to an unknown recipient[27 May 1920]
NLB/58/398Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the University Bureau of the British Empire30 April 1920
NLB/58/438Copy letter from [James Hopwood] Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Geoffrey Ingram] Taylor Esquire, FRS6 May 1920
NLB/58/555Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Dugald Clerk, Chairman of the Applied Sciences Committee and FRS21 May 1920
NLB/58/513Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lieutenant Colonel R. V. Douglas, Secretary of the Ordnance Committee14 May 1920
NLB/58/333Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lieutenant Colonel Allan Cunningham22 April 1920
NLB/58/209Copy letter from [James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society]; to Professor [Reginald Crundall] Punnett, FRS26 March 1920
NLB/58/47Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS4 March 1920
NLB/58/134Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the President of the Royal Meteorological Society18 March 1920
NLB/58/133Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the President of the Scottish Meteorological Society18 March 1920
NLB/58/120Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Geoffrey Ingram] Taylor Esquire, FRS16 March 1920
NLB/59/146Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Henry Andrews] Bumstead21 July 1920
NLB/58/618Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Ralph Allan] Sampson, Astronomer Royal for Scotland and FRS29 May 1920
NLB/55/812Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [James Hopwood] Jeans, FRS03 October 1918
NLB/55/209Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [James Hopwood] Jeans Esq., FRS15 January 1918
NLB/58/854Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor M. Knudsen25 June 1920
NLB/58/470Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Walter Geoffrey] Duffield11 May 1920
RR/15/202Report by James Hopwood Jeans, on his paper 'The stability of the spherical nebula'February 1901
NLB/58/401Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Royal Society of Edinburgh30 April 1920
NLB/58/495Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Frederick John Marrian] Stratton Esquire, FRS13 May 1920
NLB/64/108Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Henry Cort Harold] Carpenter, FRS1 February 1923
NLB/58/395Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomson Rees] Wilson Esquire, FRS30 April 1920
NLB/58/777Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [James Whitebread Lee] Glaisher, FRS18 June 1920
NLB/58/340Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [William Whitehead] Watts, Chairman of the Geology Committee and FRS22 April 1920
NLB/60/697Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretaries of the Physical Society of London; National Physical Laboratory, Teddington16 March 1921
NLB/58/196Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [James Whitebread Lee] Glaisher, FRS25 March 1920
NLB/68/57Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to G. A. Armour Esq.; Allison House, Princeton, New Jersey7 May 1925
NLB/58/402Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to H. H. Fowler Esquire30 April 1920
NLB/58/396Copy letter from [James Hopwood Jeans,] Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Heat Department, the National Physical Laboratory30 April 1920
NLB/60/699Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Charles [Thomas] Heycock Esquire, Chairman of the Chemistry Committee and FRS17 March 1921
NLB/58/621Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to an unknown correspondent27 May 1920
NLB/55/55Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [James Hopwood] Jeans Esq., Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS16 November 1917
NLB/62/481Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society, to G. Basil Brewster Esquire; the Manse, Nesting, Shetland21 February 1922
NLB/58/612Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to M. le Ministere de l'Instruction Publique, Prague27 May 1920
RR/23/35Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'On main crests of ship waves' by George GreenFebruary 1916
NLB/58/408Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Arthur] Smith Woodward Esquire, FRS30 April 1920
NLB/58/492Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Herbert Hall] Turner, FRS13 May 1920
NLB/58/471Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Thomas Edward] Stanton, FRS11 May 1920
NLB/68/473Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [James Hopwood] Jeans Esq., Secretary of the Royal Society; Bull Hotel, Cambridge15 July 1925
NLB/58/442Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Alfred] Fowler, FRS6 May 1920
NLB/59/788Copy letter from Edwin Deller, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society12 November 1920
NLB/58/887Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [William] Napier Shaw, Director of the Meteorological Offices and FRS 30 June 1920
NLB/58/582Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hector Munro] Macdonald, FRS; 52 College Bounds, Aberdeen27 May 1920
NLB/59/301Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor L. E. Dickson8 September 1920
NLB/64/18Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Colonel [Henry George] Lyons, FRS19 January 1923
NLB/59/147Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [John Edensor] Littlewood Esquire, FRS; Stowford House, Bideford, N. Devon21 July 1920
NLB/58/698Copy letter from Edwin Deller, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [James Hopwood] Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society7 June 1920
NLB/58/786Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Air Ministry18 June 1920
NLB/58/629Copy letter from Edwin Deller, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society31 May 1920
NLB/59/150Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to W. R. Codling Esquire; H. M. Stationery Office, S.W.l.21 July 1920
NLB/58/512Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Owen Willans] Richardson, FRS14 May 1920
NLB/59/7Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Godfrey Harold] Hardy Esquire, FRS; New College, Oxford9 July 1920
NLB/58/563Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Air Ministry21 May 1920
NLB/58/550Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor Horace Lamb, FRS20 May 1920
NLB/59/3Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Hydrographer of the Navy9 July 1920
NLB/61/730Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Ernest William] Hobson, FRS18 October 1921
NLB/59/709Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [H. A.] Bumstead Esquire; National Research Council, Washington5 November 1920
NLB/69/282Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Owen Willans] Richardson, FRS22 February 1926
NLB/59/304Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Shepherd I. Franz Esquire, c/o American Express Co.; 6 Haymarket, W. 8 September 1920
NLB/61/439Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Alfred William] Porter, FRS8 May 1921
NLB/62/353Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Ernest Rutherford, FRS31 January 1922
NLB/59/708Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [H. A.] Bumstead Esquire; National Research Council, Washington29 October 1920
NLB/68/815Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir James Irvine, CBE, FRS5 November 1925
NLB/59/9Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor Horace Lamb, FRS9 July 1920
NLB/58/622Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to an unknown correspondent27 May 1920
NLB/58/755Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Superintendent of the Royal Aircraft Factory; South Farnborough15 June 1920
NLB/58/678Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William [Jackson] Pope, Chairman of the Chemistry Committee and FRS3 June 1920
NLB/58/797Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Royal Society of Edinburgh18 June 1920
RR/39/99Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on the Bakerian Lecture 'The structure and opacity of a stellar atmosphere' by Edward Arthur Milne[1929]
NLB/58/713Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS9 June 1920
NLB/58/790Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. Martin Knudsen; Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab18 June 1920
NLB/59/712Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Herbert George] Wells Esquire; Waston Glebe, Dunmow5 November 1920
NLB/60/501Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph [John] Thomson, FRS17 February 1921
NLB/67/922Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Augustus Edward Hough] Love, FRS8 April 1925
NLB/59/11Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Hugh Kerr] Anderson, FRS9 July 1920
NLB/58/711Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Owen Willans] Richardson, FRS9 June 1920
NLB/58/710Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Major-General Beresford Lovett9 June 1920
NLB/59/256Copy letter from [James Hopwood Jeans,] Secretary of the Royal Society; to William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society4 August 1920
NLB/59/583Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Government Hospitality Fund; 9 Queen Anne's Gate, S.W.l.22 October 1920
NLB/58/757Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William [Jackson] Pope, Chairman of the Chemistry Committee and FRS15 June 1920
NLB/58/846Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir George [Thomas] Beilby, FRS24 June 1920
NLB/61/744Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Louis Napoleon George] Filon, FRS20 October 1921
RR/41/100Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'Continuous absorption' by J A GauntJanuary 1930
NLB/59/713Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [William Henry] Bragg, FRS5 November 1920
NLB/61/742Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Leonard] Bairstow, FRS20 October 1921
NLB/58/770Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Frank Edward] Smith Esquire, FRS16 June 1920
NLB/60/541Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. F. H. Pruden; 41 Church Road, Hove Sussex21 February 1921
NLB/58/791Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution18 June 1920
NLB/59/590Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [George Downing] Liveing, FRS22 October 1920
NLB/58/899Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [William Whitehead] Watts, Chairman of the Geology Committee and FRS30 June 1920
NLB/58/870Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS28 June 1920
NLB/58/895Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society30 June 1920
NLB/58/827Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Henry Frederick] Baker, FRS23 June 1920
NLB/60/302Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur Stanley] Eddington, FRS13 January 1921
NLB/58/585Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS27 May 1920
NLB/58/873Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William [Jackson] Pope, Chairman of the Chemistry Committee and FRS28 June 1920
NLB/64/787Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [George Albert] Chaddock Wsq. Wapping, Liverpool.19 June 1923
NLB/60/214Copy letter from F. E. Inglis, Clerk of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society24 December 1920
NLB/64/238Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Colonel R. L. Hippisley; 15 Kensington Court Mansions, W.8.27 February 1923
NLB/61/104Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Victor [Albert] Bailey Esquire; Queen's College, Oxford10 May 1921
NLB/59/54Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society12 July 1920
NLB/66/531Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Arthur William] Crossley, FRS24 May 1924
NLB/58/926Copy letter from Edwin Deller, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society5 July 1920
NLB/60/206Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. H. A. Bumstead22 December 1920
NLB/62/480Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Brig. General W. H. Fasker; Hyde Grange, Chalford, Glos21 February 1922
NLB/58/818Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [George Ellery] Hale, FRS22 June 1920
NLB/64/17Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Peter] Chalmers Mitchell, FRS; Zoological Society of London, Regent's Park, N.W.8.19 January 1923
NLB/58/855Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hector Munro] Macdonald, FRS25 June 1920
NLB/58/897Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Frank Heath [Secretary of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research]30 June 1920
NLB/59/149Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to W. R. Fearon Esquire; Physiological Laboratory, Trinity College21 July 1920
NLB/59/303Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [William Henry] Bragg, 32 Ladbroke Square, W.8 September 1920
NLB/60/301Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Frederick] Soddy, FRS13 January 1921
NLB/59/365Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Henry [Bradwardine] Jackson, FRS24 September 1920
NLB/59/5Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Colonel [Henry George] Lyons, Chairman of the Gassiot Committee and FRS9 July 1920
NLB/60/866Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. Martin Knudsen; Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Sekskab, Copenhagen19 April 1921
NLB/59/183Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Frederick Alexander] Lindemann, FRS23 July 1920
NLB/59/528Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John Walter] Gregory, FRS13 October 1920
NLB/59/705Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Owen Willans] Richardson, FRS4 November 1920
NLB/65/474Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [William] Napier Shaw, FRS6 November 1923
NLB/59/453Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Alfred] Fowler, FRS5 October 1920
NLB/59/340Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph [John] Thomson, President of the Royal Society22 September 1920
NLB/59/185Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir George [Thomas] Beilby, FRS23 July 1920
NLB/60/639Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir George Barstow; Treasury, London, S.W.l.8 March 1921
NLB/60/540Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Ernest W. Hill Esquire; 19 Grayling Road, Stoke Newington, N.16.21 February 1921
NLB/59/703Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], FRS4 November 1920
NLB/64/664Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph [Ernest] Petavel FRS29 May1923
NLB/60/256Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Oliver [Joseph] Lodge, FRS; Normanton, New Sallisbury7 January 1921
NLB/59/492Copy letter from Edwin Deller, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society7 October 1920
NLB/60/545Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Frederic] Stanley Kipping, FRS21 February 1921
NLB/60/340Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Oliver [Joseph] Lodge, FRS21 January 1921
NLB/60/338Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Honorary Secretary of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society; 63 Coniston Drive, Edinburgh21 January 1921
NLB/61/759Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS20 October 1921
NLB/59/309Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Government Hospital Club10 September 1920
NLB/61/363Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Ernest Rutherford, FRS23 June 1921
NLB/59/473Copy letter from Edwin Deller, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society6 October 1920
NLB/59/334Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Monsieur Paul Pelsener; Secretaire Perpetuel de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, Brussels21 September 1920
NLB/59/336Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS21 September 1920
NLB/59/356Copy letter from Edwin Deller, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society23 September 1920
NLB/60/102Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Arthur Schuster, Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society10 December 1920
NLB/59/339Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Walter] Rosenhain, FRS21 September 1920
NLB/62/593Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Frank Edward] Smith Esquire, FRS21 March 1922
RR/54/117Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'The rotational dispersion of sound in hydrogen' by Angus S Roy and Morris E RoseDecember 1934
NLB/58/218Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Thomas Charles] Hudson Esquire, FRS29 March 1920
NLB/59/457Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Walter] Rosenhain, FRS5 October 1920
NLB/61/78Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Reverend A. L. Cortie; Stonyhurst College, Blackburn5 May 1921
NLB/58/514Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Dugald Clerk, Chairman of the Applied Sciences Committee and FRS14 May 1920
NLB/64/20Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Frank] Newall, FRS18 January 1923
NLB/57/452Copy letter from Sir Arthur Schuster, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to JH [Sir James Hopwood] Jeans, FRS6 November 1919
NLB/59/527Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS13 October 1920
NLB/59/532Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Frederic] Stanley Kipping, FRS13 October 1920
NLB/59/876Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to R. O. Street Esquire; 23 Radstock Road, Elm Park, Liverpool25 November 1920
NLB/64/682Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. S. Russ; Pembury, Kent2 June 1923
RR/18/116Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'The kinetic theory of a gas constituted of spherically symmetrical molecules' by S ChapmanJuly 1911
NLB/59/711Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Cargill Gilston] Knott, FRS5 November 1920
NLB/59/455Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Henry] Forster Morley, Director of the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature5 October 1920
NLB/58/884Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Arthur Schuster, FRS28 June 1920
NLB/59/508Copy letter from Edwin Deller, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society9 October 1920
NLB/59/529Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William [Henry] Bragg, FRS13 October 1920
NLB/59/704Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock Esquire, FRS4 November 1920
NLB/60/115Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [Joseph John] Thomson, FRS10 November 1920
NLB/60/547Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Ernest William] Hobson, FRS21 February 1921
NLB/58/778Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Ronald Ross, FRS18 June 1920
RR/23/47Referee's report by Horace Lamb, on a paper 'On the instability of the pear-shaped figure of equilibrium of a rotating mass of liquid' by James Hopwood JeansApril 1916
NLB/59/914Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph Larmor, FRS30 November 1920
NLB/59/929Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Herbert Hall] Turner, FRS1 December 1920
NLB/58/202Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir George Barstow25 March 1920
NLB/59/530Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Owen Willans] Richardson, FRS13 October 1920
NLB/58/126Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Dugald Clerk, Chairman of the Applied Sciences Committee and FRS16 March 1920
NLB/59/145Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Sir Frank Heath,] the Secretary of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research21 July 1920
NLB/58/28Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Dugald Clerk, Chairman of the Applied Sciences Committee and FRS3 March 1920
NLB/58/140Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Royal Society of Edinburgh18 March 1920
NLB/59/8Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS9 July 1920
NLB/58/915Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Alfred Mond2 July 1920
NLB/59/194Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Henry Edward] Armstrong, FRS24 July 1920
NLB/58/821Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Horace] Lamb, FRS22 June 1920
NLB/58/875Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [Alfred] George Greenhill, FRS28 June 1920
NLB/58/405Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Ernest Rutherford, FRS30 April 1920
NLB/59/526Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS13 October 1920
NLB/59/184Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS23 July 1920
NLB/59/338Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [Richard Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS21 September 1920
NLB/60/457Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [William Arthur] Bone, FRS10 February 1921
NLB/62/682Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS6 April 1922
NLB/59/648Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [James Whitebread Lee] Glaisher, FRS28 October 1920
NLB/60/7Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretaries of the British Association2 December 1920
NLB/60/146Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Ernest Rutherford, FRS14 December 1920
NLB/59/927Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Royal Society of Edinburgh1 December 1920
NLB/60/5Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Charles [Thomas] Heycock Esquire, Chairman of the Chemistry Committee and FRS2 December 1920
NLB/60/499Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph [John] Thomson, FRS16 February 1921
NLB/59/682Copy letter from Edwin Deller, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society2 November 1920
NLB/62/484Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir James [George] Frazer, FRS21 February 1922
NLB/59/729Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to John [Edensor] Littlewood Esquire, FRS5 November 1920
RR/43/123Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'Material and radiational waves' by [Ali Moustafa] MosharrafaFebruary 1931
NLB/60/169Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society17 December 1920
NLB/68/817Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Frank Edward] Smith, CBE, FRS5 November 1925
NLB/59/879Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Henry Reginald Arnulph] Mallock Esquire, FRS25 November 1920
NLB/59/744Copy letter from Edwin Deller, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society8 November 1920
NLB/60/531Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph Larmor, FRS18 February 1921
NLB/59/826Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [Alfred] George Greenhill, FRS17 November 1920
NLB/59/828Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph Larmor, FRS17 November 1920
NLB/60/111Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Ernest Rutherford, FRS10 December 1920
NLB/67/129Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur William] Crossley, FRS30 October 1924
NLB/59/880Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Dugald Clerk, Chairman of the Applied Sciences Committee and FRS25 November 1920
NLB/61/590Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [Richard Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS7 September 1921
NLB/59/807Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS15 November 1920
NLB/61/111Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Royal Academy of Sciences; Amsterdam12 May 1921
NLB/62/483Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [George Barker] Jeffery, FRS; University College, Gower Street, W.C.l.21 February 1922
NLB/60/412Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Horace] Lamb, FRS1 February 1921
NLB/60/466Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor Dr. Niels [Hendrik David] Bohr, FRS10 February 1921
NLB/60/392Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [George Downing] Liveing, FRS27 January 1921
NLB/60/560Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Arthur Schuster, Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society24 February 1921
NLB/68/28Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to A. E. Levin Esq.; The Croft, Bickley, Kent1 May 1925
NLB/61/429Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Zoological Society; Regent's Park, London, N.W.l.8 July 1921
NLB/64/663Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Thomas Ralph] Merton, FRS.29 May 1923
NLB/60/463Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Ernest Rutherford, FRS10 February 1921
NLB/60/161Copy letter from F. E. Inglis, Clerk of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society16 December 1920
NLB/60/198Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [James] W. McBain; the University of Bristol22 December 1920
NLB/60/205Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph [John] Thomson, FRS22 December 1920
NLB/59/653Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Sir Israel Gollancz] the Secretary of the British Academy29 October 1920
NLB/60/10Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Monsieur Leon Fredericq; University de Liege, Belgium2 December 1920
NLB/60/8Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [Joseph Ernest] Petavel, FRS2 December 1920
NLB/60/6Copy letter from [James Hopwood Jeans,] Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS2 December 1920
NLB/60/117Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Dugald Clerk, Chairman of the Applied Sciences Committee and FRS10 December 1920
NLB/60/144Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Walter [Morley] Fletcher, FRS14 December 1920
RR/18/158Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'A theory of the chemical action of the electric discharge in electrolytic gas' by P J KirkbyNovember 1910
NLB/61/827Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [James] Alfred Ewing, FRS1 November 1921
NLB/60/300Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Francis William] Aston, FRS; Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge13 January 1921
NLB/60/151Copy letter from F. E. Inglis, Clerk of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society15 December 1920
NLB/60/260Copy letter from [James Hopwood Jeans,] Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS7 January 1921
NLB/60/523Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Colonel [Henry George] Lyons, Chairman of the Gassiot Committee and FRS17 February 1921
NLB/66/842Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Ll. S. Lloyd Esq., C. B. , Department of Scientific and Industrial Research; 16 Old Queen Street, S.W.1.24 July 1924
NLB/60/195Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Henry] Forster Morley, Director of the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature22 December 1920
NLB/60/638Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph [John] Thomson, FRS8 March 1921
NLB/60/203Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to S. Lloyd Esquire, [Assistant Secretary of the] Department of Scientific and Industrial Research; Old Queen Street, S.W.l.22 December 1920
NLB/60/143Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [William] Napier Shaw, Director of the Meteorological Office and FRS14 December 1920
NLB/60/298Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. J. W. McBain; the University of Bristol13 January 1921
NLB/61/731Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Henry] Forster Morley, Director of the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature18 October 1921
NLB/60/142Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, President of the Royal Society14 December 1920
NLB/61/500Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [William Whitehead] Watts, FRS12 July 1921
NLB/60/204Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William [Jackson] Pope, FRS22 December 1920
NLB/63/222Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [James Hopwood] Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society and FRS18 July 1922
NLB/60/112Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Royal Society of Edinburgh10 December 1920
NLB/60/113Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Geological Society; Burlington House, W.l.10 December 1920
NLB/60/199Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], FRS22 December 1920
NLB/60/141Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Charles] Chree, FRS14 December 1920
NLB/60/458Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS10 February 1921
NLB/60/200Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to F. J. Selby Esquire, Secretary of the National Physical Laboratory; Bushy House, Teddington22 December 1920
NLB/60/295Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS13 January 1921
NLB/64/32Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Heike] Kamerlingh Onnes, FRS20 January 1923
NLB/60/114Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS10 December 1920
NLB/60/517Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Ernest William] Brown, FRS17 February 1921
NLB/60/201Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Walter] Rosenhain, FRS22 December 1920
NLB/60/842Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to F. Twyman Esquire, C/o Messrs Adam Hilger Ltd.; 75a Camden Road, N.W.l.14 April 1921
NLB/60/202Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Ernest Rutherford, FRS22 December 1920
NLB/60/606Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS2 March 1921
NLB/71/943Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Crown Agents for the Colonies, 4 Millbank, SW113 December 1928
NLB/61/849Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor Phillipe [Auguste] Guye3 November 1921
NLB/60/252Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Charles] Chree, FRS7 January 1921
NLB/61/282Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lieutenant Colonel [James] William Gifford; Oaklands, Chard16 June 1921
NLB/60/297Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [George Clarke] Simpson, Director of the Meteorological Office and FRS13 January 1921
NLB/60/303Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock Esquire, Chairman of the Chemistry Committee and FRS13 January 1921
NLB/60/362Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Baron Alstromer, Swedish Legation in London, Portland Place, W.l.21 January 1921
NLB/60/251Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor A. Trowbridge; National Research Council, 1701 Massachusetts Avenue, Washington D.C.7 January 1921
NLB/60/288Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Cargill Gilston] Knott, FRS; Royal Society of Edinburgh, 22 George Street, Edinburgh13 January 1921
NLB/60/880Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Henry] Forster Morley, Director of the International Catalogue Bureau21 April 1921
NLB/60/296Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John Cunningham] McLennan, FRS13 January 1921
NLB/60/652Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to G. B. Jeffery Esquire; 365 Pinner Road, Harrow10 March 1921
NLB/62/654Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur Stanley] Eddington, FRS31 March 1922
NLB/64/165Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, FRS15 February 1923
NLB/60/413Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur Stewart] Eve, FRS1 February 1921
NLB/62/486Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Henry] Forster Morley; 5 Lyndhurst Road, Hampstead, N.W.3.21 February 1922
NLB/60/781Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Thomas Martin] Lowry, FRS5 April 1921
NLB/61/121Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna12 May 1921
NLB/60/387Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John Cunningham] McLennan, FRS27 January 1921
RR/22/34Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'On the kinetic theory of a gas. Part II - A composite monatomic gas: diffusion, viscosity, and thermal conduction' by S ChapmanOctober 1915
NLB/60/385Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of His Majesty's Treasury26 January 1921
NLB/60/339Copy letter from Sir Arthur Schuster, Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society19 January 1921
RR/15/199Referee's report by Horace Lamb, on a paper 'The stability of the spherical nebula' by James Hopwood JeansJuly 1901
NLB/60/334Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Frederick [William] Andrewes, Chairman of the Physiology Committee and FRS20 January 1921
NLB/60/348Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS21 January 1921
NLB/60/346Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Dugald Clerk, Chairman of the Engineering Sciences Committee and FRS21 January 1921
NLB/60/548Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor W. L. Bragg; the University of Manchester21 February 1921
NLB/69/203Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William [Bate] Hardy, FRS28 January 1926
NLB/60/349Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock Esquire, Chairman of the Chemistry Committee and FRS21 January 1921
NLB/61/281Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Messrs Henry Chapman & Co, Agent for Mr. Thomas Finch; 2 Southampton Street, Strand, W.C.2.16 June 1921
NLB/60/337Copy letter from [James Hopwood Jeans,] Secretary of the Royal Society; to [George William] Lamplugh Esquire, Chairman of the Geology Committee and FRS20 January 1921
NLB/60/391Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor W. L. Bragg; the University of Manchester27 January 1921
NLB/60/622Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Dugald Clerk, Chairman of the Engineering Sciences Committee3 March 1921
NLB/60/351Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS21 January 1921
NLB/60/637Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], FRS8 March 1921
NLB/60/783Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Horace] Lamb, FRS5 April 1921
NLB/60/411Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Alfred] Fowler, FRS1 February 1921
NLB/64/199Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Frederick Arden] Close, FRS22 February 1923
NLB/60/430Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Walter] Rosenhain, FRS3 February 1921
NLB/60/519Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Thomas Martin] Lowry, FRS17 February 1921
NLB/60/543Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph Larmor, FRS21 February 1921
NLB/61/170Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Edwin] Deller [Acadmic Registrar of the] University of London; South Kensington, S.W.7.26 May 1921
NLB/64/252Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Thomas Ralph] Merton, FRS1 March 1923
NLB/60/521Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Robert Robertson, FRS17 February 1921
NLB/60/565Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock Esquire, Chairman of the Chemistry Committee and FRS24 February 1921
NLB/60/604Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. Thomas [Martin] Lowry, FRS2 March 1921
NLB/62/833Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS17 May 1922
NLB/60/867Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Harold Jeffreys Esquire; Meteorological Office, South Kensington, London, S.W.7.19 April 1921
NLB/61/615Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to E. J. Butler Esquire; 17 Kew Green, Kew, Surrey23 September 1921
NLB/62/158Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Air Ministry; Kingsway, London, W.C.2.13 December 1921
NLB/61/297Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Mrs Sollas; 96 Banbury Road, Oxford17 June 1921
NLB/60/544Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Frank] Newall, FRS21 February 1921
NLB/60/841Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor J. C. Phillip; 5 Queen Anne's Gardens, Bedford Park, W.4.14 April 1921
NLB/61/661Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Harold Baily] Dixon, FRS4 October 1921
NLB/60/883Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor A. Donner, Secretary of the Finksa Vetenskaps-Societeten, Helsingfors, Finland21 April 1921
NLB/64/535Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Horace] Lamb, FRS02 May 1923
NLB/61/164Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to E. P. Perman Esquire; University College, Newport Road, Cardiff26 May 1921
NLB/61/157Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Simon] Flexner, FRS; Rockefeller Institute, New York26 May 1921
NLB/61/905Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Frederick Arden] Close, FRS10 November 1921
NLB/60/724Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [William Whitehead] Watts, FRS19 March 1921
NLB/60/492Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Godfrey Harold] Hardy, FRS15 February 1921
RR/46/58Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'The cycle of 171' by W Perrett[May 1932]
NLB/61/454Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Ralph Allen] Sampson, FRS8 July 1921
NLB/61/79Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph [Ernest] Petavel, FRS5 May 1921
NLB/60/427Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS3 February 1921
NLB/60/625Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir George T. Barstow; the Treasury, Whitehall, S.W.l.3 March 1921
NLB/61/670Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Henry Edward] Armstrong, FRS4 October 1921
NLB/60/613Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor John Lloyd Newcomb, Chairman of the Centennial Committee; University of Virginia3 March 1921
NLB/61/105Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to A. W. Bain Esquire; 15 Old Queen Street, Queen Anne's Gate, S.W.l.10 May 1921
NLB/65/574Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sydey Pitt Esq.; Armourers and Brasiers' Company, 81 Colman Street, E.C.2.22 November 1923
NLB/62/356Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Herbert Jackson, FRS31 January 1922
NLB/60/687Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Mrs. [William Arthur] Bone; Montrose, Haependen Road, St. Albans15 March 1921
NLB/60/888Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Royal Institute of British Architects; 9 Conduit Street, W.l.21 April 1921
NLB/60/777Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematical Society and FRS5 April 1921
NLB/60/726Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Thomas Martin] Lowry, FRS19 March 1921
NLB/61/662Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Horace] Lamb, FRS4 October 1921
NLB/63/317Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society and FRS; to Sir David Prain, Treasurer of the Royal Society and FRS18 August 1922
NLB/65/770Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Institution of Electrical Engineers; Victoria Embankment, W.C.2.21 December 1923
NLB/61/192Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Victor Bulwer-Lytton,] the Under Secretary of State for India; India Office31 May 1921
NLB/60/686Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Thomas Ralph] Merton, FRS15 March 1921
NLB/60/728Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Geological Society of London; Burlington House, W.l.19 March 1921
NLB/60/723Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Ernest Rutherford, FRS19 March 1921
NLB/60/720Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Frank] Newall, FRS19 March 1921
NLB/61/380Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Frederick Alexander] Lindemann, FRS29 June 1921
NLB/61/622Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to A. M. Platt Esquire; 48 North Street, Chichester, Sussex23 September 1921
NLB/61/697Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur Stanley] Eddington, FRS13 October 1921
NLB/61/25Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Assistant Secretary of the Board of Trade; Great George Street, S.W.l.28 April 1921
NLB/64/215Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, FRS23 February 1923
NLB/61/163Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Charles] Chree, FRS; 75 Church Road, Richmond, Surrey26 May 1921
NLB/60/864Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Ernest Rutherford, FRS; Newnham Cottage, Queen's Road, Cambridge19 April 1921
NLB/60/780Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Charles [Thomas] Heycock Esquire, Chairman of the Chemistry Committee and FRS5 April 1921
NLB/61/260Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph [Ernest] Petavel, FRS9 June 1921
NLB/60/779Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Ernest Howard] Griffiths, FRS5 April 1921
NLB/60/790Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society6 April 1921
NLB/64/212Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard Threlfall, FRS23 February 1923
NLB/60/754Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; Imperial Hotel, Torquay23 March 1921
NLB/61/169Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to His Majesty's High Commissioner to Hungary; British High Commission, Budapest26 May 1921
NLB/61/210Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William [Henry] Bragg, FRS2 June 1921
NLB/60/778Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Alfred William] Porter, FRS5 April 1921
NLB/60/839Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Arthur Schuster, Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society14 April 1921
NLB/60/782Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Godfrey Harold] Hardy, FRS5 April 1921
NLB/60/843Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Herbert George] Wells Esquire; Easton Glebe, Dunmow14 April 1921
NLB/61/112Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS12 May 1921
NLB/64/314Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society of Edinbrugh; 22 George Street, Edinburgh12 March 1923
NLB/60/911Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock, Chairman of the Chemistry Committee and FRS26 April 1921
NLB/67/163Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Dugald Clerk, FRS6 November 1924
NLB/61/790Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Alfred William] Porter, FRS26 October 1921
NLB/61/257Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Godfrey Harold] Hardy, FRS8 June 1921
NLB/61/95Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to H. Robinson Esquire; Physical Laboratory, University of Manchester10 May 1921
NLB/61/12Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to F. Tavani Esquire; 92 Loughborough Road, Brixton, S.W.9.28 April 1921
NLB/61/2Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS26 April 1921
NLB/61/22Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS28 April 1921
NLB/61/3Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS26 April 1921
NLB/65/399Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to D. F. Couzens Esq.; 12 Lucknow Street, Plumstead Common, S.E.18.26 October 1923
NLB/61/443Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Conjoint Board of Scientific Industries; Burlington House, W.l.8 July 1921
NLB/57/159Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to JH [James Hopwood] Jeans Esq, FRS, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee30 July 1919
NLB/61/224Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Frederick Arden] Close, FRS2 June 1921
NLB/61/295Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Frank [Watson] Dyson, FRS17 June 1921
NLB/57/290Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to JH [James Hopwood] Jeans Esq., FRS8 October 1919
NLB/61/77Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS5 May 1921
NLB/61/80Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Frederick S. Spiers,] the Secretary of the Institute of Physics; 10 Essex Street, Strand, W.C.2.5 May 1921
NLB/61/172Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Frederick Alexander] Lindemann, FRS26 May 1921
NLB/64/285Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, FRS7 March 1923
NLB/61/565Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Geoffrey Harold] Hardy, FRS2 August 1921
NLB/61/208Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Ernest Rutherford, FRS2 June 1921
NLB/64/239Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Thomas Ralph] Merton, FRS27 February 1923
NLB/61/114Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock Esquire, Chairman of the Chemistry Committee and FRS12 May 1921
NLB/61/212Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Honorary Secretary of the Physical Society of London; Teddington2 June 1921
NLB/67/641Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Arthur Schuster, FRS5 February 1925
NLB/61/280Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hendrik Antoon] Lorentz, FRS16 June 1921
NLB/61/76Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Andrew Russell] Forsyth, FRS5 May 1921
NLB/61/125Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William [Henry] Bragg, FRS17 May 1921
NLB/61/256Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Cargill Gilston] Knott, FRS; 47 Upper Gray Street, Edinburgh9 June 1921
NLB/61/199Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to N. K. Adam Esquire; The End House, Owlstone Road, Cambridge31 May 1921
NLB/57/366Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to JH [Sir James Hopwood] Jeans, FRS27 October 1919
NLB/61/669Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomson Rees] Wilson Esquire, FRS4 October 1921
NLB/61/213Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Charles Herbert] Lees, FRS2 June 1921
NLB/61/221Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William [Henry] Bragg, FRS2 June 1921
NLB/61/149Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Jocelyn Field] Thorpe, FRS24 May 1921
NLB/64/94Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Geoffrey Ingram] Taylor Esquire, FRS30 January 1923
NLB/64/868Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Henry Edward] Armstrong, FRS5 July 1923
NLB/62/609Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [William] Napier Shaw, FRS23 March 1922
NLB/61/223Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Colonel [Henry George] Lyons, Chairman of the Gassiot Committee and FRS2 June 1921
NLB/62/354Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Major [Percy Alexander] MacMahon, FRS31 January 1922
NLB/60/431Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Henry] Forster Morley, Director of the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature3 February 1921
NLB/61/361Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Charles] Chree, FRS23 June 1921
NLB/60/361Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Henry] Forster Morley, Director of the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature21 January 1921
NLB/61/152Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS24 May 1921
NLB/61/252Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Harold Baily] Dixon, FRS8 June 1921
NLB/61/211Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John Sealy Edward] Townsend, FRS2 June 1921
NLB/61/507Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Arthur Schuster, Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society and Secretary of the International Research Council11 July 1921
NLB/61/346Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock Esquire, Chairman of the Chemistry Committee and FRS21 June 1921
NLB/61/306Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Frederick Alexander] Lindemann, FRS17 June 1921
NLB/61/222Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS2 June 1921
NLB/61/195Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Chairman of the Medical Research Council; 15 Buckingham Street, Strand, W.C.2.31 May 1921
NLB/61/189Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Frank [Watson] Dyson, FRS30 May 1921
NLB/61/191Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Chairman of the Advisory Council; Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, Old Queen Street, S.W.l.30 May 1921
NLB/61/194Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Henry] Forster Morley, Director of the International Catalogue of Scientifici Literature31 May 1921
NLB/59/887Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], FRS25 November 1920
NLB/61/225Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematical Society and FRS2 June 1921
NLB/67/746Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Jocelyn Field] Thorpe, FRS26 February 1925
NLB/62/103Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to G. B. Jeffrey Esquire; 365 Pinner Road, Harrow1 December 1921
NLB/61/409Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the High Commissioner for the Union of South Africa4 July 1921
NLB/61/359Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Vernon Kellog Esquire, Secretary of the National Research Council; 1701 Massachusetts Avenue, Washington D.C.23 June 1921
NLB/61/274Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Alfred William] Porter, FRS13 June 1921
NLB/65/890Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Frederick George] Donnan, FRS25 January 1924
NLB/61/292Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Reverend T. E. R. Phillips; Headley Rectory, Epsom17 June 1921
NLB/61/283Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph [Ernest] Petavel, FRS16 June 1921
NLB/61/302Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to P. M. Ryves Esquire; Walton-on-the-Hill, Surrey17 June 1921
NLB/61/367Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Peter] Chalmers Mitchell, FRS23 June 1921
NLB/61/284Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Harold Baily] Dixon, FRS16 June 1921
NLB/62/19Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir George [Thomas] Beilby, FRS15 November 1921
NLB/61/273Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph [Ernest] Petavel, FRS13 June 1921
NLB/64/351Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Edwin] Deller; University of London, South Kensington, S.W.7.22 March 1923
NLB/57/548Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary, the Board of Agriculture2 December 1919
NLB/65/396Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Albert Campbell Esq.; Ballynatrua, Londonderry, Ireland26 October 1923
NLB/61/258Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Herbert Hall] Turner, FRS9 June 1921
NLB/61/272Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS13 June 1921
NLB/61/665Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to H. P. Waran Esquire; Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge4 October 1921
NLB/61/293Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [William] Napier Shaw, FRS17 June 1921
NLB/61/278Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Ernest Rutherford, FRS16 June 1921
NLB/61/355Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Messrs Henry Chapman & Co., Agent for Mr. Thomas Finch; 2 Southampton Street, Strand, W.C.2.24 June 1921
NLB/66/687Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. Baker, FRS19 June 1924
NLB/61/902Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph [Ernest] Petavel, FRS10 November 1921
NLB/61/251Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; George Street, Edinburgh2 June 1921
NLB/61/698Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Horace] Lamb, FRS13 October 1921
NLB/65/555Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Alfred North] Whitehead, FRS20 November 1923
NLB/61/442Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Frank [Watson] Dyson, FRS8 July 1921
NLB/62/448Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir James [George] Frazer, FRS16 February 1922
NLB/61/365Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [George Clarke] Simpson, Director of the Meteorological Office and FRS23 June 1921
NLB/61/456Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [William] Napier Shaw, FRS8 July 1921
NLB/61/338Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [George Clarke] Simpson, Director of the Meteorological Office and FRS21 June 1921
NLB/62/122Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Horace] Lamb, FRS8 December 1921
NLB/61/617Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock Esquire, Chairman of the Chemistry Committee and FRS23 September 1921
NLB/61/384Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir James [Blacklock] Henderson30 June 1921
NLB/62/128Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [James] Alfred Ewing, FRS8 December 1921
NLB/63/433Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society and FRS; to Lord Rayleigh, FRS13 October 1922
NLB/61/362Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Henry] Forster Morley, Director of the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature23 June 1921
NLB/61/383Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Alfred William] Porter, FRS29 June 1921
NLB/61/455Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William [Henry] Bragg, FRS8 July 1921
NLB/61/794Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Charles Emile] Picard; Institut de France, 25 Quai Conti, Paris27 October 1921
NLB/61/277Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock Esquire, Chairman of the Chemistry Committee and FRS16 June 1921
NLB/69/12Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Monsieur [Joseph Achille] Le Bel, Foreign Member of the Royal Society.11 December 1924
NLB/66/624Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Arthur Schuster, Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society.6 June 1924
NLB/62/29Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Dugald Clerk, Chairman of the Engineering Sciences Committee and FRS19 November 1921
NLB/57/765Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr Charles Chree, FRS2 February 1920
NLB/61/382Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John Sealy Edeard] Townsend, FRS29 June 1921
NLB/65/841Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Alfred] Fowler, FRS17 January 1924
NLB/57/557Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Frank [Watson] Dyson, FRS4 December 1919
NLB/62/101Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Frank [Watson] Dyson, FRS1 December 1921
NLB/61/356Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS23 June 1921
NLB/62/651Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur Stanley] Eddington, FRS31 March 1922
NLB/61/438Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Henry] Forster Morley, Director of the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature8 July 1921
NLB/61/453Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Monsieur [Felix] Boquet, Astronome de l'Observatoire; l'Observatorie, Paris8 July 1921
NLB/67/159Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Vernon] Boys Esq., FRS6 November 1924
NLB/61/848Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor Niels [Henrik David] Bohr, FRS3 November 1921
NLB/61/696Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Owen Willans] Richardson, FRS13 October 1921
NLB/61/672Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Alfred] Fowler, FRS4 October 1921
NLB/61/599Copy letter from [James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society]; to Professor [Alfred] Fowler, FRS16 September 1921
NLB/61/850Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph Larmor, FRS3 November 1921
NLB/67/645Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Edward Charles Cyril] Baly, FRS5 February 1925
NLB/62/596Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Mr. Hector. D. E. Saunders; 18 Magdale Road, Cosham, Hants21 March 1922
NLB/64/283Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sydney Pitt Esquire; Clerk to the Armourers & Brasiers' Company; 81 Coleman Street, E.C.l.7 March 1923
NLB/57/660Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor JW [John William ] Nicholson, FRS, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee7 January 1920
NLB/63/637Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society and FRS; to Professor [John Newport] Langley, FRS21 November 1922
NLB/62/98Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS1 December 1921
NLB/64/286Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to G. S. Baker Esquire; National Physical Laboratory, Bushy House, Teddington7 March 1923
NLB/66/281Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Arthur] Smithells, FRS2 April 1924
NLB/61/843Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Horace] Lamb, FRS 3 November 1921
NLB/61/729Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Henry Cort Harold] Carpenter, FRS18 October 1921
NLB/61/625Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the General Secretary of the Royal Society of South Africa; University of Cape Town, Cape Town23 September 1921
NLB/61/676Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS 4 October 1921
NLB/54/602Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [James Hopwood] Jeans, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS2 July 1917
NLB/61/663Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Thomas John I'Anson] Bromwich, FRS4 October 1921
NLB/64/30Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Institute of Physics; 10 Essex Street, Strand, W.C.2.20 January 1923
NLB/57/573Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Frank [Watson] Dyson, FRS8 December 1919
NLB/61/664Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Messrs [Guy] Barlow and H. B. Keene; the University of Birmingham4 October 1921
NLB/61/598Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Dugald Clerk, Chairman of the Engineering Sciences Committee and FRS16 September 1921
NLB/61/497Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Admiralty12 July 1921
NLB/57/657Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Frank [Watson] Dyson, FRS, Astronomer Royal7 January 1920
NLB/61/494Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Ralph Allen] Sampson, FRS12 July 1921
NLB/59/654Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Herbert George] Wells Esquire; Reform Club, London, W.l.30 October 1920
NLB/64/284Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Owen Willans] Richardson, FRS7 March 1923
NLB/61/592Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Baron Alstromer7 September 1921
NLB/61/621Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Thomas John I'Anson] Bromwich, FRS23 September 1921
NLB/62/357Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Seldon Piercy Esquire; 117 Prince of Wales Road, Chalk Farm, N.W.5.31 January 1922
NLB/61/837Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [Gerald Ponsonby] Lenox Conyngham, FRS3 November 1921
NLB/62/123Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Charles [Galton] Darwin Esquire, FRS; Trinity College, Cambridge8 December 1921
NLB/61/589Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Alfred] Fowler, FRS7 September 1921
NLB/61/600Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Frederick [Edward] Brasch Esquire; The John Crerar Library, Chicago16 September 1921
NLB/62/253Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Edward Herbert] Shaughnessy Esquire; Office of the Engineer-in-Chief, General Post Office, E.C.l.13 January 1922
NLB/57/766Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr A Russell; 1 Richmond Bridge Mansions, East Twickenham2 February 1920
NLB/61/701Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Henry Cort Harold] Carpenter, FRS13 October 1921
NLB/61/693Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Charles Herbert] Lees, FRS14 October 1921
NLB/57/558Copy letter from Sir William Bate Hardy [?], Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor HB Fantham; University College, Johannesburg, South Africa4 December 1919
NLB/61/15Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to D. Morgan Esquire; 4 Leghorn Road, Willesden Junction, N.W.28 April 1921
NLB/61/838Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Louis Napoleon George] Filon, FRS3 November 1921
NLB/61/624Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Office of the High Commissioner for the Union of South Africa; Trafalgar Square, W.C.2.23 September 1921
NLB/57/814Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to MG Lecointe, Director of the Royal Observatory of Belgium13 February 1920
NLB/61/626Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Godfrey Harold] Hardy, FRS23 September 1921
NLB/61/825Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Godfrey Harold] Hardy, FRS1 November 1921
NLB/61/578Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society[9 August 1921]
NLB/61/660Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Henry Cort Harold] Carpenter, FRS4 October 1921
NLB/67/160Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur George] Perkin, FRS6 November 1924
NLB/61/700Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Ernest Rutherford, FRS13 October 1921
NLB/61/619Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS23 September 1921
NLB/57/731Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor A [Arthur] Dendy, FRS29 January 1920
NLB/61/20Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Ernest Rutherford, FRS20 April 1921
NLB/58/556Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Sir Frank Heath,] the Secretary of the Scientific and Industrial Research Department21 May 1920
NLB/61/667Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock Esquire, Chairman of the Chemistry Committee and FRS4 October 1921
NLB/62/1Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Henry] Forster Morley, Director of the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature11 November 1921
NLB/62/328Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Walter] Rosenhain, FRS27 January 1922
NLB/61/726Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur Stanley] Eddington, FRS18 October 1921
NLB/61/411Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS4 July 1921
NLB/61/792Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Thomas John I'Anson] Bromwich, FRS26 October 1921
NLB/57/720Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr JWL [James Whitbread Lee] Glaisher, FRS, 28 January 1920
NLB/57/719Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary, the Department of Industrial and Scientific Research28 January 1920
NLB/61/628Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS23 September 1921
NLB/62/205Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Henry] Forster Morley, Director of the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature2 January 1922
NLB/61/789Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; Dr. [George Clarke] Simpson, Director of the Meteorological Office and FRS26 October 1921
NLB/61/788Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Dugald Clerk, Chairman of the Applied Sciences Committee and FRS26 October 1921
NLB/61/554Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society29 July 1921
NLB/57/593Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Director [Sir Joseph Ernest Petavel, FRS, KBE], the National Physical Laboratory12 December 1919
NLB/61/842Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [John Edensor] Littlewood Esquire, FRS3 November 1921
NLB/57/742Copy letter from the Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor WB [Walter Bradford] Cannon, FRS; Harvard Medical School, 240 Longwood Avenue, Boston, Mass30 January 1920
NLB/61/828Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to H. F. Baker Esquire; Walcott, Storey's Way, Cambridge1 November 1921
NLB/61/826Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Sydney] Chapman, FRS1 November 1921
NLB/61/824Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society, to Professor [Alfred North] Whitehead, FRS1 November 1921
NLB/64/329Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Herbert Hall] Turner, FRS15 March 1923
NLB/61/804Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Sydney] Chapman, FRS27 October 1921
NLB/59/536Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Frank Heath [Secretary of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research]14 October 1920
NLB/58/341Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Sir Frank Heath,] the Secretary of the Scientific and Industrial Research Department22 April 1920
NLB/61/5Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Ernest William] Hobson, FRS, and Professor [William Henry] Young, FRS 26 April 1921
NLB/67/461Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society2 January 1925
NLB/55/555Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [James Hopwood] Jeans Esq., Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS07 June 1918
NLB/62/444Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to R. S. Whipple Esquire; the Cambridge and Paul Instrument Co. Ltd., 45 Grosvernor Place16 February 1922
NLB/61/791Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [James] Alfred Ewing, FRS26 October 1921
NLB/61/841Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Godfrey Harold] Hardy, FRS3 November 1921
NLB/64/217Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [William Whitehead] Watts, FRS23 February 1923
NLB/62/121Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. G. B. Jeffery; 365 Pinner Road, Harrow8 December 1921
NLB/61/839Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [William Whitehead] Watts, FRS3 November 1921
NLB/61/23Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Conjoint Board of Scientific Societies; Burlington House, W.l.28 April 1921
NLB/61/267Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [James] Alfred Ewing, FRS13 June 1921
NLB/67/292Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Henry [Bradwardine] Jackson, GCB, FRS, Admiral of the Fleet1 December 1924
NLB/62/330Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Geoffrey Ingram] Taylor Esquire, FRS27 February 1922
NLB/62/124Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS8 December 1921
NLB/61/113Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [George Clarke Simpson,] the Director of the Meteorological Office; Air Ministry, Kingsway, W.C.2.12 May 1921
NLB/62/627Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Colonel Henry George Lyons, Chairman of the Gassiot Committee and FRS28 March 1922
NLB/62/23Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Thomas Henry] Havelock, FRS16 November 1921
NLB/61/910Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Phillipe Auguste] Guye; the University of Geneva12 November 1921
NLB/61/898Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph Larmor, FRS10 November 1921
NLB/62/171Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [William Arthur] Bone, FRS15 December 1921
NLB/65/397Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Horace] Lamb, FRS26 October 1923
NLB/62/254Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [Thomas] Edward Thorpe, FRS13 January 1922
NLB/62/324Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society24 January 1922
NLB/61/900Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lieutenant Colonel [James William] Gifford10 November 1921
NLB/61/897Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS10 November 1921
NLB/62/374Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Sydney] Chapman, FRS2 February 1922
NLB/62/377Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS2 February 1922
NLB/64/16Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Colonel [Henry George] Lyons, FRS19 January 1923
NLB/62/445Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Frank [Watson] Dyson, FRS16 February 1922
NLB/62/645Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Arthur Schuster, Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society31 March 1922
NLB/66/849Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Colonel [Henry George] Lyons, FRS28 July 1924
NLB/68/292Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society12 June 1925
NLB/61/903Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Vernon] Boys Esquire, FRS10 November 1921
NLB/57/767Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Jones2 February 1920
NLB/57/800Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Ronald Ross, FRS, KCB9 February 1920
NLB/57/803Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Frank Heath, KCB9 February 1920
NLB/62/569Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Horace] Lamb, FRS15 March 1922
NLB/64/144Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS8 February 1923
NLB/62/54Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph [Ernest] Petavel, FRS24 November 1921
NLB/62/834Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; the Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS18 May 1922
NLB/62/159Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Aubrey Strahan, FRS13 December 1921
NLB/65/442Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Horace] Lamb, FRS[1 November 1923]
NLB/62/456Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Mrs. Newton Butler; the Old Cottage, Bowdon, Cheshire16 February 1922
NLB/62/161Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Air Conference Committee, Air Ministry, Kingsway, W.C.2.13 December 1921
NLB/62/104Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lieutenant Colonel [Frederick John Marrian] Stratton, FRS; Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge1 December 1921
NLB/62/24Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph Larmor, FRS17 November 1921
NLB/62/288Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Henry [Bradwardine] Jackson, FRS19 January 1922
NLB/67/939Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to G. A. Armour Esq.; Allison House, Princeton, New Jersey, USA21 April 1925
NLB/62/55Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS24 November 1921
NLB/62/56Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS24 November 1921
NLB/64/356Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Institution of Civil Engineers; Great George Street, Westminster, S.W.l.22 March 1923
NLB/62/252Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, FRS13 January 1922
NLB/57/818Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Dugald Clerk KBE, FRS13 February 1920
NLB/63/612Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society and FRS; to Professor [Horace] Lamb, FRS15 November 1922
NLB/62/102Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS1 December 1921
NLB/62/203Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS2 January 1922
NLB/64/83Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Frank [Watson] Dyson, Chairman of the National Committee for Astronomy and FRS30 January 1923
NLB/64/355Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Reverend [Theodore Evelyn Reece] Phillips, Secretary of the Royal Astronomical Society; Burlington House, W.l.22 March 1923
NLB/62/129Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [William] Napier Shaw, FRS8 December 1921
NLB/62/137Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Alfred William] Porter, FRS8 December 1921
NLB/62/181Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Henry] Forster Morely, Director of the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature20 December 1921
NLB/62/157Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Victor Bulwer-Lytton,] the Under Secretary of State; India Office13 December 1921
NLB/62/841Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Zoological Society of London; Regent's Park, N.W.3.19 May 1922
NLB/62/294Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Vernon] Boys Esquire, FRS19 January 1922
NLB/62/168Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [George] Barger, FRS15 December 1921
RR/56/37Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'On the electromagnetic fields due to variable electric charges and the intensities of spectrum lines according to the quantum theory' by H R Hulme[March 1935]
NLB/62/163Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [George Ellery] Hale, FRS13 December 1921
NLB/55/683Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Mr. [James Hopwood] Jeans, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS17 July 1918
NLB/62/290Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Louis Napoleon George] Filon, FRS19 January 1922
NLB/62/522Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, FRS27 February 1922
NLB/62/206Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [Thomas] Edward Thorpe, FRS2 January 1922
NLB/64/306Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society10 March 1923
NLB/67/195Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Vice-Admiral [Frederick Charles] Learmonth, CB; 87 Victoria Street, S.W.1.11 November 1924
NLB/62/358Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Thomas Ralph] Merton, FRS31 January 1922
NLB/62/257Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Horace] Lamb, FRS13 January 1922
NLB/62/359Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [William] Bell Dawson Esquire, Superintendent of the Tidal Survey; Ottawa, Canada31 January 1922
NLB/62/281Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Le Secretaire Perpetuel de l'Academie; Palais des Academies, Brussels, Belgium19 January 1922
NLB/64/685Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Ernest Rutherford, FRS2 June 1923
NLB/62/498Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor H. S. Carshaw; the University of Sydney23 February 1922
NLB/62/329Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society26 January 1922
NLB/62/455Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Henry Edward] Armstrong, FRS16 February 1922
NLB/62/207Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Edward Herbert] Shaughnessy Esquire; Office of the Engineer-in-Chief, General Post Office, E.C.l. 2 January 1922
NLB/62/379Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock Esquire, Chairman of the Chemistry Committee and FRS2 February 1922
NLB/62/336Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Major [Percy Alexander] MacMahon, FRS26 January 1922
NLB/62/282Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lieutenant Colonel. J. W. Gifford; Oaklands, Chard19 January 1922
NLB/62/497Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Thomas Ralph] Merton, FRS23 February 1922
NLB/62/261Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS13 January 1922
NLB/62/289Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Sydney] Chapman, FRS19 January 1922
NLB/65/443Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr [Robert A.] Millikan1 November 1923
NLB/62/283Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Thomas Ralph] Merton, FRS19 January 1922
NLB/62/355Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Charles Scott Sherrington, President of the Royal Society31 January 1922
NLB/62/259Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Archibald Vivian] Hill, FRS13 January 1922
NLB/62/287Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock Esquire, Chairman of the Chemistry Committee and FRS19 January 1922
NLB/62/284Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Dugald Clerk, Chairman of the Engineering Sciences Committee and FRS19 January 1922
NLB/62/410Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. T. J. J. See; Mare Island, California10 February 1922
NLB/62/629Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [William] Bell Dawson Esquire, Superintendent of Tidal Surveys; Ottowa28 March 1922
NLB/62/285Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS19 January 1922
NLB/62/542Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS3 March 1922
NLB/64/538Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William Bragg, FRS03 May 1923
NLB/64/617Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Henry Richardson] Proctor, FRS11 May 1923
NLB/62/893Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Michael H. Mason Esquire; 16 Bruton Street, W.l.29 May 1922
NLB/62/333Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [George] Udny Yule Esquire, FRS27 January 1922
NLB/62/843Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. Vernon Kellog, Secretary of the National Research Council; 1701 Massachusetts Avenue, Washington D.C.19 May 1922
NLB/62/689Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Arthur Schuster, Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society6 April 1922
NLB/62/630Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Louis Napoleon George] Filon, FRS28 March 1922
NLB/65/346Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Henry Edward] Armstrong, FRS18 October 1923
NLB/62/446Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Alexander Eugen] Conrady; Imperial College, South Kensington, S.W.7.16 February 1922
NLB/62/772Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [George Hartley] Bryan, FRS4 May 1922
NLB/62/376Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John Oliver] Arnold, FRS2 February 1922
NLB/62/632Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [George] Udny Yule Esquire, FRS28 March 1922
NLB/62/360Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Herbert Hall] Turner, FRS31 January 1922
NLB/64/825Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Herbert Hall] Turner, FRS.26 June 1923
NLB/62/409Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS10 February 1922
NLB/62/361Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Horace] Lamb, FRS31 January 1922
NLB/57/843Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Sir Arthur Stanley] AS Eddington, FRS21 February 1920
NLB/64/25Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Peter] Chalmers Mitchell, FRS; Zoological Society of London, Regent's Park, N.W.8. 19 January 1923
NLB/62/441Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Henry] Forster Morley, Director of the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature16 February 1922
NLB/65/121Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Geoffrey Ingram] Taylor Esq., FRS7 August 1923
NLB/63/728Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society and FRS; to The Secretary, The Institution of Civil Engineers, Great George Street, Westminister, S.W.1.07 December 1922
NLB/62/420Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [William] Bell Dawson Esquire, Superintendent of the Tidal Survey; Ottawa, Canada10 February 1922
NLB/62/402Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS9 February 1922
NLB/62/452Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Thomas Ralph] Merton, FRS16 February 1922
NLB/62/681Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS6 April 1922
RR/64/41Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'The shadow of a straight edge' by E T Hanson[April 1937]
NLB/62/440Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Louis Napoleon George] Filon, FRS16 February 1922
NLB/62/572Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, FRS15 March 1922
NLB/57/837Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary, HM [His Majesty's] Treasury19 February 1920
NLB/62/774Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Miss [Dorothy] M. Wrinch; Girton College, Cambridge4 May 1922
NLB/62/442Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [Thomas] Edward Thorpe, FRS15 February 1922
NLB/62/540Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock Esquire, Chairman of the Chemistry Committee and FRS3 March 1922
NLB/57/845Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor JW [John William] Nicholson, FRS21 February 1920
NLB/57/847Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr JWL [James Whitbread Lee] Glaisher, FRS23 February 1920
NLB/62/477Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS21 February 1922
NLB/66/518Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard Glazebrook, FRS22 May 1924
NLB/62/478Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Louis Napoleon George] Filon, FRS21 February 1922
NLB/62/598Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Horace] Lamb, FRS21 March 1922
NLB/65/822Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Albert Charles] Seward, FRS11 January 1924
NLB/62/534Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematical Society and FRS2 March 1922
NLB/62/485Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS21 February 1922
NLB/67/885Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Thomas Jefferson Jackson] See; Royal Observatory, Mare Island, California, USA26 March 1925
NLB/64/563Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Henry Edward] Armstrong, FRS04 May 1923
NLB/62/693Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Frank Edward?] Smith Esquire, FRS6 April 1922
NLB/64/27Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Horace] Lamb, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS29 January 1923
NLB/57/891Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Ronald Ross, FRS, KCB27 February 1920
NLB/64/84Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Frederick Arden] Close, Chairman of the National Committee for Geography and FRS30 January 1923
NLB/62/600Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Cambridge University Press, Fetter Lane, London, E.C.4.21 March 1922
NLB/57/887Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr Morris W [William] Travers, FRS27 February 1920
NLB/62/529Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Robert Vynne] Southwell Esquire; Aerodynamics Department, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington1 March 1922
NLB/62/844Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Alan Archibald] Campbell Swinton Esquire, FRS19 May 1922
NLB/62/495Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph [Ernest] Petavel, FRS23 February 1922
NLB/62/831Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Ernest Rutherford, FRS17 May 1922
NLB/62/633Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [George Barker] Jeffery, FRS; University College, Gower Street, W.C.l.28 March 1922
NLB/62/574Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Alfred Edwin Howard] Tutton, FRS15 March 1922
NLB/64/29Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Geoffrey Ingram] Taylor Esquire, FRS20 January 1923
NLB/62/571Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS15 March 1922
NLB/62/611Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Frank] Newall, FRS22 March 1922
NLB/69/346Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Ernest Rutherford, O.M., President of the Royal Society12 March 1926
NLB/62/556Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS9 March 1922
NLB/62/597Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS21 March 1922
NLB/55/902Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [James Hopwood] Jeans Esq., FRS23 October 1918
NLB/55/553Copy letter from [Robert William Frederick Harrison], Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [James Hopwood] Jeans Esq., Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS01 June 1918
NLB/62/672Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS4 April 1922
NLB/62/601Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. G. Newton Pitt; 15 Portland Place, W.21 March 1922
NLB/62/610Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Reverend [William Frederick Archdall] Ellison; Armagh Observatory, Ireland23 March 1922
NLB/63/638Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society and FRS; to Sir William Bragg, FRS 21 November 1922
NLB/62/575Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS15 March 1922
NLB/55/847Copy letter from [Dr.] Arthur Schuster, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [William Abbott] Herdman, FRS; Sir [Edward Albert] Sharpey-Schafer,FRS; and Mr. [James Hopwood] Jeans, FRS16 October 1918
NLB/62/573Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Academie Royale Serbe des Sciences et des Arts; Belgrade, Serbia15 March 1922
NLB/64/218Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Herbert Hall] Turner, FRS23 February 1923
NLB/62/813Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lloyd S. Lloyd Esquire; Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Old Queen Street S.W.l.11 May 1922
NLB/64/559Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Alfred Egerton Esq., Clarendon Observatory, Oxford04 May 1923
NLB/62/605Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [John Louis Emil] Dreyer; 14 Staverton Street, Oxford21 March 1922
NLB/64/214Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Horace] Lamb, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS23 February 1923
NLB/62/603Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS 21 March 1922
NLB/62/685Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [George Hartley] Bryan, FRS6 April 1922
NLB/62/669Copy lettter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Mr. Carl Baldus; Calle de Manuel Longoria 8, Madrid4 April 1922
NLB/64/110Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Geographical Society; Kensington Gore, S.W.7.1 February 1923
NLB/62/842Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Conjoint Board of Scientific Societies19 May 1922
NLB/57/888Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Institution of Electrical Engineers27 February 1920
NLB/62/784Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [James Hopwood] Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society5 May 1922
NLB/62/846Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [John Louis Emil] Dreyer; 14 Staverton Road, Oxford19 May 1922
NLB/62/631Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Geoffrey Ingram] Taylor Esquire, FRS28 March 1922
NLB/62/640Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS30 March 1922
NLB/62/653Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Herbert Hall] Turner, FRS30 March 1922
NLB/62/673Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [George] Yule Udny Esquire, FRS4 April 1922
NLB/62/797Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [John Louis Emil] Dreyer; 14 Staverton Road, Oxford9 May 1922
NLB/62/773Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock Esquire, Chairman of the Chemistry Committee and FRS4 May 1922
NLB/62/649Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Hugh Kerr] Anderson, FRS31 March 1922
NLB/69/204Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to F. J. Selby, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington28 January 1926
NLB/62/902Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Herbert Hall] Turner, FRS1 June 1922
NLB/64/313Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Dewrance; Cranmore Place, Chiselhurst12 March 1923
NLB/62/905Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to J. W. Gordon Esquire; 11 King's Bench Walk, Temple, E.C.1 June 1922
NLB/64/164Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Geoffrey Ingram] Taylor Esquire, FRS15 February 1923
NLB/55New Letter Book volume 55, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration5 November 1917-1 November 1918
NLB/63/622Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society and FRS; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock Esq, FRS16 November 1922
NLB/64/253Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John Cunningham] McLennan, FRS; Hotel Mont Fleuri, Mentone1 March 1923
NLB/64/81Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Royal Meteorological Society; 70 Victoria Street, S.W.l.30 January 1923
NLB/62/802Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Percy [Edwin] Spielmann Esquire; the Arts Club, 40 Dover Street, W.l.9 May 1922
NLB/65/393Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Ernest Rutherford [Baron Rutherford of Nelson], FRS26 October 1923
NLB/64/358Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John] Joly, FRS22 March 1923
NLB/57/804Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor JE [Sir Joseph Ernest] Petavel, FRS9 February 1920
NLB/68/161Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard Glazebrook, Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society21 May 1925
NLB/63/648Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society and FRS; to Sydney Pitt Esq., Clerk to the Armourers and Braisers Company, Armourers Hall, 81 Coleman Street, E.C.2.23 November 1922
NLB/67/67Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Henry Cort Harold] Carpenter, FRS14 October 1924
NLB/62/896Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [George Clarke] Simpson, Director of the Meteorological Office and FRS29 May 1922
NLB/62/837Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Geoffrey Harold] Hardy, FRS18 May 1922
NLB/64/127Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Algernon] Parsons, FRS5 February 1923
NLB/62/811Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [John Louis Emil] Dreyer; 14 Staverton Road, Oxford11 May 1922
NLB/62/769Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Frederick Arden] Close, FRS4 May 1922
NLB/62/731Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society24 April 1922
NLB/64/72Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Hector Munro] Macdonald, FRS26 January 1923
NLB/62/779Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Horace] Lamb, FRS4 May 1922
NLB/64/311Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Mr. W. Tait; 40 Robertson Street, Greenwich, S.E.10.12 March 1923
NLB/63/454Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society and FRS19 October 1922
NLB/62/839Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Geoffrey Ingram] Taylor Esquire, FRS18 May 1922
NLB/62/372Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [John Louis Emil] Dreyer; 14 Staverton Road, Oxford2 February 1922
NLB/66/507Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. E. K. Rideal, the Chemical Laboratory, the University, Cambridge20 May 1924
NLB/64/728Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor Ralph Allen Sampson, FRS11 June 1923
NLB/57/705Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor J. E. [Sir Joseph Ernest] Petavel, FRS23 January 1920
NLB/64/88Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the National Committee for Radio-Telegraphy and FRS30 January 1923
NLB/67/725Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Colonel [Henry George] Lyons, FRS19 February 1925
NLB/64/15Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Royal Geographical Society; Kensington Gore, S.W.7.19 January 1923
NLB/64/265Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Harold Baily] Dixon, FRS1 March 1923
NLB/62/835Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS17 May 1922
NLB/65/46Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Ernest George] Coker, FRS17 July 1923
NLB/62/838Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Colonel [Henry George] Lyons, Chairman of the Gassiot Committee and FRS19 May 1922
NLB/64/87Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William [Henry] Bragg, Chairman of the National Committee for Physics30 January 1923
NLB/62/878Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS25 May 1922
NLB/68/745Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Mr E. Barnard Esq.; Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, 16 Old Queen Street, S.W.1.29 October 1925
NLB/66/751Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretaries, Geological Society of London, Burlington House, W.13 July 1924
NLB/63/815Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [James Hopwood] Jenas, Secretary of the Royal Society and FRS02 January 1923
NLB/62/899Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Morris William] Travers, FRS31 May 1922
NLB/68/814Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Alfred North] Whitehead, FRS5 November 1925
NLB/65/603Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Geoffrey Ingram] Taylor, FRS27 November 1923
NLB/64/352Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Dugald Clerk, FRS22 March 1923
NLB/62/892Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS29 May 1922
NLB/63/58Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society and FRS; to Dr. Vernon Kellogg, Secretary, National Research Council, 1701, Massachusetts Avenue, Washington D.C., USA16 June 1922
NLB/62/926Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society9 June 1922
NLB/62/894Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock, Chairman of the Chemistry Committee and FRS29 May 1922
NLB/67/65Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomson Rees] Wilson, Esq., FRS14 October 1924
NLB/64/78Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph [Ernest] Petavel, FRS 29 January 1923
NLB/64/143Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Geoffrey Ingram] Taylor Esquire, FRS8 February 1923
NLB/64/82Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Ernest William] Hobson, Chairman of the National Committee for Mathematics and FRS30 January 1923
NLB/62/895Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Sydney] Chapman, FRS29 May 1922
NLB/57/717Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Editor of the Daily Telegraph28 January 1920
NLB/64/169Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Frank Edward] Smith Esquire, FRS 15 February 1923
NLB/62/906Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Harold Albert] Wilson, FRS1 June 1922
NLB/64/26Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sydney Pitt Esquire, Clerk to the Armourers and Brasiers' Company; 81 Coleman Street, E.C.l.19 January 1923
NLB/66/250Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Ernest William] Dalby, FRS27 March 1924
NLB/64/19Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [Gerald Ponsonby] Lenox-Conyngham, FRS19 January 1923
NLB/64/13Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Conjoint Board of Scientific Societies; Burlington House, W.l.19 January 1923
NLB/64/357Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lloyd S. Lloyd Esquire; Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, 16 Old Queen Street, S.W.l.22 March 1923
NLB/64/287Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, FRS7 March 1923
NLB/64/142Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Thomas Ralph] Merton, FRS8 February 1923
NLB/64/28Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Horace] Lamb, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS20 January 1923
NLB/64/86Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William [Henry] Bragg, FRS30 January 1923
NLB/64/57Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Theodore Evelyn Reece Phillips,] the Secretary of the Royal Astronomical Society; Burlington House, W.l.25 January 1923
NLB/64/90Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William [Jackson] Pope, FRS30 January 1923
NLB/64/23Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Dewrance; Cranmore Place, Chislehurst19 January 1923
NLB/62New Letter Book volume 62, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration11 November 1921-10 June 1922
NLB/64/288Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to O. J. R. Howarth Esquire; British Association, Burlington House7 March 1923
NLB/64/99Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the British Association; Burlington House, W.l.1 February 1923
NLB/64/22Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Great George Street, Westminster, S.W.l.19 January 1923
NLB/64/21Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Arden Frederick] Close, FRS19 January 1923
NLB/64/754Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to A.C.Egerton Esq. C/O Lord Parmour, S.W.114 June 1923
NLB/65/802Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Albert Charles] Seward, FRS4 January 1924
NLB/57/788Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor AW [Alfred William] Porter, FRS5 February 1920
NLB/64/140Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Horace] Lamb, Chairman of the Mathematical Committee and FRS8 February 1923
NLB/66/69Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh, FRS15 February 1924
NLB/64/692Copy letter from William Bate Hardy; to Sir Sidney [Frederic] Harmer, K.B.E, FRS4 June 1923
NLB/65/204Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Meghnad N.] Saha; University College of Science, Calcutta19 September 1923
NLB/64/803Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Nevil Vincent] Sidgewick, FRS21 June 1923
NLB/63/417Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [James Hopwood] Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society and FRS10 October 1922
NLB/64/104Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society; 63 Comiston Drive, Edinburgh1 February 1923
NLB/64/328Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John] Joly, FRS15 March 1923
NLB/64/91Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Horace] Lamb, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS30 January 1923
NLB/64/537Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [William] Napier Shaw, FRS03 May 1923
NLB/64/101Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Cambridge Philosophical Society; St. John's College, Cambridge1 February 1923
IM/GA/Russell/002409Jeans, Sir James Hopwood1922
NLB/64/128Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Frederick Arden] Close, FRS5 February 1923
NLB/64/103Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Institution of Electrical Engineers; Savoy House, W.C.2.1 February 1923
NLB/64/350Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lloyd S. Lloyd Esquire; Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, 16 Old Queen Street, S.W.l.22 March 1923
NLB/63/609Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society and FRS; to [Charles Vernon] Boys Esq., FRS15 November 1922
NLB/66/716Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph Thomson, FRS25 June 1924
NLB/64/149Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; [John William] Nicholson, FRS8 February 1923
NLB/64/168Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Alfred William] Porter, FRS15 February 1923
NLB/64/254Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Horace] Lamb, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS1 March 1923
NLB/64/80Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph [Ernest] Petavel, FRS30 January 1923
NLB/57/658Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph Larmor, FRS, MP7 January [1920]
NLB/64/85Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Colonel Henry George Lyons,] Chairman of the National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics and FRS30 January 1923
NLB/66/689Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Sydney] Chapman, FRS19 June 1924
NLB/64/197Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John Cunningham] McLennan, FRS22 February 1923
NLB/64/123Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard Threlfall, FRS5 February 1923
NLB/64/190Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Harold Albert] Wilson, FRS22 February 1923
NLB/64/105Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Assistant Secretary of the British Astronomical Association; 136 Rodenhurst Road, S.W.4.1 February 1923
NLB/68/597Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Frederick Alexander] Lindemann, FRS16 September 1925
NLB/64/111Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS1 February 1923
NLB/64/183Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Horace] Lamb, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS20 February 1923
NLB/57/740Copy letter from the Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor JB [John Bretland] Farmer, FRS30 January 1920
NLB/57/844Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to JE [John Edensor ] Littlewood, FRS21 February 1920
NLB/63/623Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society and FRS; to Lord Rayleigh, FRS16 November 1922
NLB/57/328Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, FRS, Chairman of the Physics Committee17 October 1919
NLB/64/229Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society26 February 1923
NLB/64/181Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS20 February 1923
NLB/57/780Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Librarian, University College, Dundee3 February 1920
NLB/64/361Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Frederick Arden] Close, FRS22 March 1923
NLB/57/431Copy letter from Sir Arthur Schuster, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Keeper HM [His Majesty's] Privy Purse [Frederick Edward Grey Ponsonby, 1st Baron Sysonby, GCB, GCVO, PC]6 November 1919
NLB/64/216Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Dorothy] M. Wrinch; Girton College, Cambridge23 February 1923
NLB/64/182Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Frederick Alexander] Lindemann, FRS20 February 1923
NLB/63/611Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society and FRS; to Lord Rayleigh, FRS15 November 1922
NLB/64/255Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS1 March 1923
NLB/57/886Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Ernest Rutherford, FRS27 February 1920
NLB/57/776Copy letter from unknown correspondent; to Egerton C Grey, Esq. D.Sc.2 February 1920
NLB/64/129Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Horace] Lamb, Chairman of the Mathematical Society and FRS5 February 1923
NLB/64/194Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Colonel [Henry George] Lyons, Chairman of the Gassiot Committee and FRS22 February 1923
NLB/57/846Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor EG [Ernest George] Coker, FRS21 February 1920
NLB/57/828Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor JW [John William] Nicholson, FRS17 February 1920
NLB/64/435Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society11 April 1923
NLB/57/754Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Sir Joseph Ernest] Petavel, FRS31 January 1920
NLB/57/806Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, FRS, KCB12 February 1920
NLB/65/577Copy letter from [James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society]; to [the Editor of 'Nature']22 November 1923
NLB/64/282Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Horace] Lamb, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS7 March 1923
NLB/64/359Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock Esquire, Chairman of the Chemistry Committee and FRS22 March 1923
NLB/57/764Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor EG [Ernest George]Coker, FRS2 February 1920
NLB/57/760[Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society]; unknown correspondent[February] 1920
NLB/57/734Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr Charles Chree, FRS30 January 1920
NLB/57/743Copy letter from the Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Editor, Nature, [Sir Richard Arman Gregory, FRS]30 January 1920
NLB/57/733Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor JW [John William] Nicholson, FRS30 January 1920
RR/68/235Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'A derivation of the tidal equations' by Harold Jeffreys[1942]
NLB/57/707Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Ernest Rutherford [Baron Rutherford of Nelson], FRS [PRS]23 January 1920
NLB/64/234Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Frederick Alexander] Lindemann, FRS27 February 1923
NLB/64/281Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Dugald Clerk, FRS7 March 1923
NLB/64/89Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Theodore Evelyn Reece Phillips,] the Secretary of the Royal Astronomical Society30 January 1923
NLB/64/316Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lloyd S. Lloyd Esquire; Department of Scientific & Industrial Research12 March 1923
NLB/64/327Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Louis Napoleon George] Filon, FRS15 March 1923
NLB/64/330Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Sydney] Chapman, FRS15 March 1923
NLB/64/333Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John Cunningham] McLennan, FRS15 March 1923
NLB/64/107Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Theodore Evelyn Reece Phillips,] the Secretary of the Royal Astronomical Society; Burlington House, W.l.1 February 1923
NLB/64/354Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Horace] Lamb, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS22 March 1923
NLB/64/741Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Doctor [Gilbert Thomas] Walker FRS11 June 1923
NLB/64/289Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Thomas Ralph] Merton, FRS7 March 1923
NLB/64/332Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Horace] Lamb, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS15 March 1923
NLB/70/138Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [James Hopwood] Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society10 January 1927
RR/67/193Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'The theory of the divisions in Saturn's rings' by George Ridsdale GoldsbroughOctober 1940
NLB/63/737Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [James Hopwood] Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society and FRS08 December 1922
NLB/64/353Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Ernest George] Coker, FRS22 March 1923
NLB/68/670Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Commander [Alban Rohere] Poyntz; R.I.M.S 'Lawrence', Basra, Persian Gulf8 October 1925
NLB/63/613Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society and FRS; to Professor [Arthur Stanley] Eddington, FRS15 November 1922
NLB/65/174Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Geoffrey Ingram] Taylor Esq., FRS8 September 1923
NLB/64/662Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr [Gilbert Thomas] Walker; FRS29 May1923
NLB/63/643Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society and FRS; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock Esq., FRS23 November 1922
NLB/65/345Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Aubrey Strahan, FRS18 October 1923
NLB/67/712Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Arthur Schuster, FRS19 February 1925
NLB/63/647Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society and FRS; to Sir Dugald Clerk, FRS23 November 1922
NLB/65/12Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Dugald Clerk, FRS12 July 1923
NLB/64/681Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Sydney] Chapman, FRS.31 May 1923
NLB/68/287Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Alfred William] Porter, FRS12 June 1925
NLB/67/196Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard Gregory, Editor of 'Nature'; Messrs Macmillan and Co. Ltd., St Martin's Street, W.C.2.11 November 1924
NLB/65/832Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [William Mitchinson] Hicks, FRS15 January 1924
NLB/66/324Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; [John Cunningham] McLennan, FRS8 April 1924
NLB/67/277Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to H. Eustace Davies Esq.; Treasury Chambers, Whitehall, S.W.1.26 November 1924
NLB/64/668Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Frederick Arden-]Close, K.B.E, FRS29 May 1923
NLB/63/806Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society and FRS; to Lord Rayleigh, FRS22 December 1922
NLB/64/687Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; Professor [Owen Willans] Richardson FRS2 June 1923
NLB/64/534Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord Rayleigh, FRS02 May 1923
NLB/68/380Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to E. Shaw Esq.; 1 Lowther Gardens, Exhibition Road, S.W.7.1 July 1925
NLB/64/606Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to H. Harries Esq., 35 Marine Avenue, Hove, Brighton10 May 1923
NLB/71/947Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to E. H. Davison Esq.15 December 1928
NLB/63/771Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [James Hopwood] Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society and FRS13 December 1922
NLB/65/601Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Frederick Alexander] Lindemann, FRS27 November 1923
NLB/65/9Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John Newport] Langley, FRS12 July 1923
NLB/64/536Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Henry Selby] Hele-Shaw, FRS02 May 1923
NLB/69/205Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Lloyd] S. Lloyd Esq., C.B28 January 1926
NLB/64/548Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph Petavel, FRS03 May 1923
NLB/65/440Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to D. F. Couzens Esq.; Lucknow Street, Plumstead Common, S.E.18.1 November 1923
NLB/65/239Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hector Munro] Macdonald, FRS27 September 1923
NLB/64/867Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hector Munro] Macdonald, FRS5 July 1923
NLB/64/505Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord Rayleigh, FRS26 April 1923
NLB/64/540Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock, FRS03 May 1923
NLB/67/211Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Owen Willans] Richardson, FRS13 November 1924
NLB/66/37Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Ernest Rutherford, FRS12 February 1924
NLB/66/251Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Colonel Winterbotham, Geographical Section, General Staff, War Office, S.W.127 March 1924
NLB/64/731Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Heike] Kamerlingh Onnes, Forgein Member of the Royal Society11 June 1923
NLB/64/612Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock Esq., FRS11 May 1923
NLB/67/552Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Treasury; Whitehall, S.W.1.22 January 1925
NLB/65/152Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Thomas Ralph] Merton, FRS[August] 1923
NLB/65/131Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Frank [Watson] Dyson, FRS7 August 1923
NLB/65/929Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [William Ernest] Dalby, FRS31 January 1924
NLB/65/441Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Albert Campbell Esq.; Ballynatrua, Londonderry, Ireland1 November 1923
NLB/64/604Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Alfred] Fowler, FRS09 May 1923
NLB/68/200Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William [Henry] Bragg, FRS28 May 1925
NLB/65/600Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock Esq., FRS27 November 1923
NLB/65/627Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Godfrey Harold] Hardy, FRS30 November 1923
NLB/65/780Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Thomas Ralph] Merton, FRS21 December 1923
NLB/65/145Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], FRS13 August 1923
NLB/65/310Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Alfred] Fowler, FRS10 October 1923
NLB/66/723Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; Professor [Horace] Lamb [Chairman of the Mathematics Committee] FRS.25 June 1924
NLB/65/526Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Thomas Martin] Lowry, FRS13 November 1923
NLB/65/10Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, FRS12 July 1923
NLB/64/750Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Major [Percy Alexander] MacMahon FRS14 June 1923
NLB/65/124Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr [George Clarke] Simpson, FRS7 August 1923
NLB/64/542Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Thomas Martin] Lowry, C.B.E., FRS03 May 1923
NLB/64/820Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to The Hon. Sir Charles [Algernon] Parsons, FRS26 June 1923
NLB/68/456Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Ralph Allen] Sampson, FRS9 July 1925
RR/32/45Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'The lunar diurnal magnetic variation at Greenwich and other observatories' by Sydney ChapmanJanuary 1925
NLB/67/840Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Edwin Henry] Barton, FRS21 March 1925
NLB/69/33Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. Albert Einstein, Foriegn Member of the Royal Society.16 December 1925
NLB/64/554Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock, FRS03 May 1923
NLB/66/868Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; Prof. [Horace] Lamb [Chairman of the Mathematics Committee] FRS.1 August 1924
NLB/64/613Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph Petavel, FRS11 May 1923
NLB/69/256Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Admiral Sir Henry Jackson, FRS16 February 1926
NLB/66/165Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof [George Neville] Watson, FRS6 March 1924
NLB/64/615Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Jocelyn Field] Thorpe, FRS11 May 1923
NLB/66/690Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [John Sealy Edward]Townsend, FRS19 June 1924
NLB/64/609Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to H.E. Wimperis Esq., Air Ministry Laboratory, Imperial College of Science, South Kensington, S.W.7.10 May 1923
NLB/65/884Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to F. J. Lambert Esq.; 35 Leighton Avenue, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex24 January 1924
NLB/71/810Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [William Henry] Young, FRS1 November 1928
NLB/69/212Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Francis Arthur] Freeth, FRS2 February 1926
NLB/65/933Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor Dr [Pieter] Zeeman, ForMemRS31 January 1924
NLB/65/648Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the President of the University of California3 December 1923
NLB/64/691Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph [Ernest] Petavel FRS.4 June 1923
NLB/66/862Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Frederick Alexander] Lindemann, FRS1 August 1924
NLB/66/62Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the African Society, Imperial Institute, South Kensington S.W.715 February 1924
NLB/65/138Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Thomas Martin] Lowry, FRS10 August 1923
NLB/64/836Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Horace] Lamb [Chairman of the Mathematics Committee] FRS27 June 1923
NLB/65/444Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor Herbert [Brereton] Baker, FRS1 November 1923
NLB/65/314Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Herbert Hall] Turner, FRS10 October 1923
NLB/66/188Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Geoffrey Ingram] Taylor, FRS12 March 1924
NLB/64/568Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord Rayleigh, FRS04 May 1923
NLB/65/902Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William [Henry] Bragg, FRS25 January 1924
NLB/66/92Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof [Sydney] Chapman, FRS21 February 1924
NLB/64/666Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Nevil Vincent] Sidgwick, FRS29 May 1923
NLB/64/826Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock Esq. FRS26 June 1923
NLB/65/470Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Charles Herbert] Lees, FRS5 November 1923
NLB/69/720Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Niels] Bohr, Foreign Memeber of the Royal Society8 September 1926
NLB/65/289Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society6 October 1923
NLB/65/201Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Alfred] Fowler, FRS19 September 1923
NLB/65/556Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sydey Pitt Esq.; Armourers and Brasiers' Company, 81 Colman Street, E.C.2.20 November 1923
NLB/68/963Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles Close, FRS10 December 1925
NLB/66/117Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Vito] Volterra, Foreign Member of the Royal Society25 February 1924
NLB/66/34Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir George [Thomas] Beilby, FRS12 February 1924
NLB/64/788Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Hon. Sir Charles [Algernon] Parsons FRS19 June 1923
NLB/66/599Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Sydney] Chapman3 June 1924
NLB/65/181Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph [Ernest] Petavel, FRS11 September 1923
NLB/65/86Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society25 July 1923
NLB/65/434Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Horace] Lamb, FRS1 November 1923
NLB/64/827Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [George Albert] Chaddock, Wapping, Liverpool.26 June 1923
NLB/65/622Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Frederick Alexander] Lindemann, FRS30 November 1923
NLB/65/177Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Dugald Clerk, FRS8 September 1923
NLB/65/765Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock, FRS21 December 1923
NLB/64/624Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Horace] Lamb, [Chairman of the Mathematics Committee] FRS16 May 1923
NLB/64/711Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Alfred Ergerton Esq. of Linton Road, Oxford.7 June 1923
NLB/65/772Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Arthur Schuster, Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society21 December 1923
NLB/65/176Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Owen Willans] Richardson, FRS8 September 1923
NLB/64/837Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock, FRS27 June 1923
NLB/64/714Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [George Neville] Watson, FRS.7 June 1923
NLB/65/736Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], FRS14 December 1923
NLB/65/44Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock Esq., FRS17 July 1923
NLB/65/67Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society21 July 1923
NLB/64/870Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sydney [Hewitt] Pitt; The Armouries and Brasiers Company, Coleman Street, E.C.15 July 1923
NLB/64/869Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh5 July 1923
NLB/64/667Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [John Robert Strutt] Lord Rayleigh FRS29 May 1923
NLB/64/625Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh, FRS16 May 1923
NLB/65/159Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], FRS28 August 1923
NLB/64/865Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Herbert Hall Prof. Turner, FRS4 July 1923
NLB/66/72Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [William Mitchinson] Hicks, FRS18 February 1924
NLB/64/628Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock Esq. FRS16 May 1923
NLB/64/633Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [James Charles] Philip, FRS17 May 1923
NLB/65/11Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [Joseph John] Thomson, FRS12 July 1923
NLB/65/155Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [James] S. Hodgson Esq.[August 1923]
NLB/65/175Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to J. F. Dugger, Jr., Esq.; Hope Hull, Alabama, USA8 September 1923
NLB/65/130Copy letter from [James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society]; to Sir William [Henry?] Bragg, FRS7 August 1923
NLB/65/498Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Dugald Clerk, FRS8 November 1923
NLB/65/831Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [James Charles] Philip, FRS15 January 1924
NLB/66/134Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Cecil Orr, Esq., Dawlish, Devonshire.28 February 1924
NLB/68/668Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Frank] Twyman Esq., FRS8 October 1925
NLB/64/684Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr [Arthur] Harden, FRS2 June 1923
NLB/65/172Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor A. Hopewell-Smith; 12 Wickham Way, Beckenham8 September 1923
NLB/66/137Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of Messrs. Brunner, Mond & Co. Limited, Winnington, Northwich28 February 1924
NLB/66/132Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Geoffrey Ingram]Taylor, FRS.28 February 1924
NLB/70/47Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor Ernst Cohen, President of the Union Internationale de la Chimie Pure et Appliquee; 49 Rue des Mathurins, Paris10 December 1926
NLB/64/749Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Mr S.C.Mitra of Dacca, [Dhaka] Bengal, India [Bangladesh]14 June 1923
NLB/66/189Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society, to [Patrick Maynard Stuart] Blackett, Kings' College, Cambridge12 March 1924
NLB/65/439Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William Bragg, FRS1 November 1923
NLB/67/810Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William Bragg, FRS13 March 1925
NLB/65/349Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sydney Pitt Esq.; [Clerk to] The Armourers and Brasiers Company, 81 Coleman Street, E.C.18 October 1923
NLB/65/504Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], FRS9 November 1923
NLB/64/845Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [John Cunningham] McLennan, FRS28 June 1923
NLB/64/785Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Henry Edward] Armstrong, FRS.19 June 1923
NLB/67/796Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Frank Edward] Smith Esq., FRS11 March 1925
NLB/67/554Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Treasury; Whitehall22 January 1925
NLB/65/842Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock Esq., FRS17 January 1924
NLB/66/17Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Ernest Rutherford, FRS7 February 1924
NLB/67/479Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Arden] Close, FRS7 January 1925
NLB/66/508Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Sydney] Chapman20 May 1924
NLB/68/289Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Colonel [Henry George] Lyons, FRS12 June 1925
JHJ/4/84Inaugural address made by Jeans at the Twenty-Fifth Indian Science Congress, Silver Jubilee Session, Calcutta. 1938
NLB/65/843Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to President [William Wallace] Campbell, ForMemRS17 January 1924
NLB/66/57Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Harold Baily] Dixon, FRS.14 February 1924
NLB/65/679Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock, FRS6 December 1923
NLB/66/56Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Godfrey Harold] Hardy, FRS14 February 1924
NLB/65/680Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph [Ernest] Petavel, FRS6 December 1923
NLB/64/910Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society9 July 1923
NLB/67/161Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Deputy Minister of the Mint6 November 1924
NLB/65/495Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr Alexander Scott, FRS8 November 1923
NLB/60/656Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS10 March 1921
NLB/65/347Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Heike] Kamerlingh Onnes, FRS18 October 1923
NLB/65/41Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John Newport] Langley, FRS[17 July 1923]
NLB/66/554Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Alfred] Fowler, FRS, Gayton, St. Leonard's On Sea29 May 1924
NLB/65/570Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], FRS22 November 1923
NLB/65/341Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], FRS16 October 1923
NLB/65/642Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, FRS1 December 1923
NLB/65/833Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], FRS15 January 1924
NLB/67/555Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Owen Willans] Richardson, FRS22 January 1925
NLB/67/608Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Colonel [Evan Maclean] Jack, CMG, Director General of the Ordnance Survey Office; Southampton28 January 1925
NLB/64/829Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. Jurgen, Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft, Bibliotheksausschuss, Berlin26 June 1923
NLB/64/626Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Dugald Clerk FRS16 May 1923
NLB/65/682Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Henry Reginald Arnulph] Mallock Esq., FRS6 December 1923
NLB/65/178Copy letter from [James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society]; to Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], FRS8 September 1923
NLB/66/99Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society to [Godfrey Harold] Hardy, FRS22 February 1924
NLB/67/66Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to W. E. Crowther Esq.; 3 Green Lane, Liverpool14 October 1924
NLB/64/220Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS23 February 1923
NLB/66/101Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Godfrey Harold] Hardy22 February 1924
NLB/66/208Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard Glazebrook, FRS14 March 1924
NLB/66/223Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Mr. H.M Close, C/o The Returned Soldier Club, Auckland, New Zealand19 March 1924
NLB/65/395Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Scott] Sherrington, FRS, President of the Royal Society26 October 1923
NLB/62/401Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Herbert Hall] Turner, FRS9 February 1922
NLB/67/270Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Sidney [Gerald] Burrard, FRS26 November 1924
NLB/65/625Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William [Henry] Bragg, FRS30 November 1923
NLB/66/810Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Vito] Volterra, Foreign Member of the Royal Society15 July 1924
NLB/66/247Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to H. Hargrove Esq., Messrs Hargrove & Co. Caxton Street, S.W.127 March 1924
NLB/65/647Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Alfred] Fowler, FRS3 December 1923
NLB/65/901Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr [George Clarke] Simpson, FRS25 January 1924
NLB/65/650Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], FRS3 December 1923
NLB/64/871Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Patrick Maynard Stuart] Blackett Esq. King's College, Cambridge5 July 1923
NLB/64/678Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Horace] Lamb [Chairman of the Mathematics Committee] FRS31 May 1923
NLB/65/500Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, FRS8 November 1923
NLB/65/898Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John Cunningham] McLennan, FRS25 January 1924
NLB/65/767Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur] Smithells, FRS21 December 1923
NLB/65/885Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock Esq., FRS24 January 1924
NLB/70/756Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Right Honourable Sir Alfred Mond, Baronet; Nobel House, Buckingham Gate, S.W.1.27 July 1927
NLB/67/721Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Director General of the Ordnance Survey Office; Southampton19 February 1925
NLB/65/836Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur William] Crossley, FRS17 January 1924
NLB/65/624Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Mr [Sisir Kumar] Mitra; 27 Kayethtuly, P. O. Ramna, Dacca, Bengal, India30 November 1923
NLB/66/136Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph Petavel, FRS.28 February 1924
NLB/67/275Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William Bragg, FRS26 November 1924
NLB/64/571Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to C.R. Enock Esq., F.R.G.S., Froxfield, Petersfield, Hants.04 May 1923
NLB/65/796Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Thomas Ralph] Merton, FRS4 January 1924
NLB/65/552Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Alfred] Fowler, FRS20 November 1923
NLB/65/713Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], FRS12 December 1923
NLB/66/73Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh, FRS18 February 1924
NLB/66/53Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh, FRS14 February 1924
NLB/65/804Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Harold Baily] Dixon, FRS4 January 1924
NLB/67/131Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr J. Jackson, Secretary of the Royal Astronomical Society30 October 1924
NLB/67/158Copy letter from William Bate Hardy and James Hopwood Jeans, Secretaries of the Royal Society; to Sir Otto [John] Beit, Bart, KCMG6 November 1924
NLB/65/801Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [William Mitchinson] Hicks, FRS4 January 1924
NLB/66/39Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [William Arthur] Bone, FRS12 February 1924
NLB/65/803Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Harry] Buckley Esq.; Photometry Department, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington4 January 1924
NLB/68/584Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr [Francis Arthur] Freeth, FRS5 September 1925
NLB/66/474Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [William Ernest] Dalby, FRS15 May 1924
NLB/66/100Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [John Cunnigham] McLennan, FRS22 February 1924
NLB/65/663Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Geoge [Thomas] Beilby, FRS5 December 1923
NLB/64/818Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [William Mitchinson] Hicks, FRS, Vancouver [British Colombia] Canada21 June 1923
NLB/69/132Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Owen Willans] Richardson, FRS18 January 1926
NLB/65/905Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Owen Willans] Richardson, FRS25 January 1924
NLB/66/166Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [John Cunningham] McLennan, FRS6 March 1924
NLB/66/683Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William Bragg, FRS19 June 1924
NLB/66/746Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Charles Thomas Heycock, FRS3 July 1924
NLB/66/80Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir James Walker, FRS18 February 1924
NLB/67/126Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Henry Edward] Armstrong, FRS28 October 1924
NLB/65/678Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], FRS6 December 1923
NLB/66/94Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; Mr. S.C. Mitra of P.O. Ramma, Decca, [Dhaka] Bengal, India [Bangladesh]18 February 1924
NLB/65/892Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Henry Edward] Armstrong24 January 1924
NLB/65/830Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Alfred] Fowler, FRS15 January 1924
NLB/65/768Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society21 December 1923
NLB/65/662Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], FRS5 December 1923
NLB/65/805Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Henry Reginald Arnulph] Mallock Esq., FRS4 January 1924
NLB/67/729Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society20 February 1925
NLB/68/114Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr [Charles] Chree, FRS14 May 1925
NLB/65/558Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, FRS20 November 1923
NLB/66/167Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to to Sir Ernest Rutherford, FRS6 March 1924
NLB/66/21Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Harold Baily] Dixon, FRS7 February 1924
NLB/65/895Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [William Mitchinson] Hicks, FRS24 January 1924
NLB/61/156Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS26 May 1921
NLB/67/119Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Alfred] Porter, FRS28 October 1924
NLB/66/190Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof [Frederick Alexander] Lindemann, FRS12 March 1924
NLB/66/64Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. Sydney Chapman, FRS.15 February 1924
NLB/66/252Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof [Frederick George] Donnan27 March 1924
NLB/66/16Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [James Charles] Philip, FRS7 February 1924
NLB/65/800Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Robert Robertson, FRS4 January 1924
NLB/67/547Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William [Henry] Bragg, FRS20 January 1925
NLB/66/284Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Frederick George] Donnan, FRS2 April 1924
NLB/67/952Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Arthur Schuster, FRS22 April 1925
NLB/65/897Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Frederick Alexander] Lindemann, FRS25 January 1924
NLB/67/127Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Owen Willans] Richardson, FRS30 October 1924
NLB/66/628Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary, Cambridge Philosophical Society, Cambridge5 June 1924
NLB/65/797Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Joseph T. Maguire Esq.; 17 Hesketh Street, Chevy Chase, Maryland, USA4 January 1924
NLB/68/494Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Henry Edward] Armstrong, FRS17 July 1925
NLB/66/224Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Henry Reginald Arnulph] Mallock Esq,. FRS20 March 1924
NLB/67/285Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Arden] Close, FRS1 December 1924
NLB/66/225Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Ernest Rutherford, FRS20 March 1924
NLB/65/838Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Geoffrey Ingram] Taylor, FRS17 January 1924
NLB/65/889Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Alfred] Fowler, FRS24 January 1924
NLB/66/135Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. J.C. Merriam, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington D.C. U.S.A28 February 1924
NLB/66/139Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [William Mitchinson] Hicks, FRS28 February 1924
NLB/66/877Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Walter] Rosenhain, FRS1 August 1924
NLB/66/509Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [William Ernest] Dalby, FRS20 May 1924
NLB/64/167Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Owen Willans] Richardson, FRS15 February 1923
NLB/67/102Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Captain [Thomas Jefferson Jackson] See; Royal Observatory, Mare Island, California21 October 1924
NLB/65/103Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], FRS31 July 1923
NLB/66/141Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Patrick Maynard Stuart] Blackett, Esq., King's College, Cambridge28 February 1924
NLB/66/729Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh, FRS28 June 1924
NLB/66/210Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Alexander Oliver] Rankine, Imperial College, South Kensington, S.W.715 March 1924
NLB/66/249Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Ernest] Barker, Principle of King's College, London, W.C.227 March 1924
NLB/66/164Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Sydney] Chapman, FRS6 March 1924
NLB/67/561Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Frank] Newall, FRS22 January 1925
NLB/72/263Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to J. K. Roberts Esq., D.Sc13 June 1929
NLB/68/444Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Geoffrey Ingram] Taylor, FRS13 July 1925
NLB/67/201Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to S. E. Alley Esq.; 17 Iddesleigh House, Caxton Street, S.W.112 November 1924
NLB/69/154Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William [Bate] Hardy, FRS21 January 1926
NLB/69/152Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Herbert Hall] Turner, FRS21 January 1926
NLB/68/83Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Vito] Volterra, ForMemRS8 May 1925
NLB/66/320Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Samuel Walter Johnson] Smith, FRS8 April 1924
NLB/67/603Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir James Walker, FRS28 January 1925
NLB/66/220Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh.18 March 1924
NLB/71/948Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Crown Agents for the Colonies, 4 Millbank, SW114 December 1928
NLB/67/553Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Owen Willans] Richardson, FRS22 January 1925
NLB/68/819Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Ralph Allen] Sampson, FRS5 November 1925
NLB/66/516Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Arthur Schuster, Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society22 May 1924
NLB/67/709Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Lloyd] S. Lloyd, Esq., CB19 February 1925
NLB/67/274Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Frank Dyson, FRS26 November 1924
NLB/67/777Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to A. E. Levin Esq.; The Croft, Bickley, Kent5 March 1925
NLB/66/169Copy letter from [James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of] the Royal Society; to Professor [William Ernest] Dalby, FRS6 March 1924
NLB/66/216Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Arthur Schuster, Foreign Secretary for the Royal Society18 March 1924
NLB/65/795Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], FRS4 January 1924
NLB/67/308Copy letter from [James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society]; to Dr [Peter] Chalmers Mitchell, FRS25 November 1924
NLB/66/248Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Thomas Edward] Stanton, FRS27 March 1924
NLB/66/319Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Thomas Ralph] Merton, FRS8 April 1924
NLB/67/527Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir James Walker, FRS15 January 1925
NLB/66/187Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Dewrance K.B.E, Cramer Place, Chislehurst12 March 1924
NLB/66/621Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Under-Secretary of State, India Office, Whitehall, S.W.16 June 1924
NLB/66/221Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to John Ace, Esq., Ashville, North Carolina, U.S.A20 March 1924
NLB/66/138Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sydney Chapman, FRS28 February 1924
NLB/66/555Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Major H. E. Wimperis, Kensington, W.1429 May 1924
NLB/68/78Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor K. Grant; The University of Adelaide8 May 1925
NLB/66/333Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh, FRS10 April 1924
NLB/66/287Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Nevil Vincent] Sidgwick, FRS3 April 1924
NLB/66/285Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr [Ezer] Griffiths, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex3 April 1924
NLB/67/548Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to F. W. M. Draper Esq.; Tollington School, Tetherdown, Muswell Hill, N.10.20 January 1925
NLB/67/920Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Women's Engineering Society; 26 George Street, Hanover Square, W.1.8 April 1925
NLB/66/724Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; J. E. P. Wagstaff Esq., the University, Leeds26 June 1924
NLB/68/583Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary; Messrs Brunner, Mond and Co., Winnington, Northwich5 September 1925
NLB/70/696Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr W. H. George7 July 1927
NLB/67/411Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor Dr John Radakovits16 December 1924
NLB/67/780Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Jocelyn Field] Thorpe, FRS5 March 1925
NLB/66/229Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Sidney] Chapman20 March 1924
NLB/66/194Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Henry Cort Harold] Carpenter, FRS13 March 1924
NLB/66/282Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Arthur William] Crossley FRS2 April 1924
NLB/66/102Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh22 February 1924
NLB/68/714Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to P. A. Mainstone Esq.; Old Buildings, University College of North Wales, Bangor20 October 1925
NLB/66/325Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Alfred] Fowler, FRS8 April 1924
NLB/69/419Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. Karl Pearson, FRS30 March 1926
NLB/67/549Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Geoffrey Ingram] Taylor, FRS20 January 1925
NLB/66/475Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh, FRS15 May 1924
NLB/67/121Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Frank] Newall, FRS28 October 1924
NLB/68/917Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Mr Satyendra Ray; Physics Department, Lucknow University, Lucknow, India30 November 1925
NLB/66/332Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Sydney] Chapman, FRS10 April 1924
NLB/68/284Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Arden] Close, FRS12 June 1925
NLB/67/646Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to F. J. Selby Esq.; National Physical Laboratory, Teddington6 February 1925
NLB/68/876Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William Bragg, FRS19 November 1925
NLB/67/795Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr J. L. E. Dreer; 14 Staverton Road, Oxford11 March 1925
NLB/66/553Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Thomas Ralph] Merton, FRS 29 May 1924
NLB/67/526Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Ernest Rutherford, FRS15 January 1925
NLB/66/682Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary; Royal Society of Arts. 19 June 1924
NLB/66/515Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary, The Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, USA.21 May 1924
NLB/66/629Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary, British Astronomical Association, the Croft, Bickley5 June 1924
NLB/68/201Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Owen Willans] Richardson, FRS28 May 1925
NLB/67/798Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur William] Crossley, FRS11 March 1925
NLB/69/872Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir James Walker, FRS4 November 1926
NLB/67/809Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Geoffrey Ingram] Taylor, FRS13 March 1925
NLB/66/634Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary, Royal Geographical Society, S.W.75 June 1924
NLB/68/749Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of Messrs Brunner Mond & Co. Ltd.; Winnington, Northwich29 October 1925
NLB/67/745Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Theodore William] Chaundy Esq.; Christ Church, Oxford26 February 1925
NLB/66/283Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh, FRS2 April 1924
NLB/69/871Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Dukinfield Henry] Scott, FRS4 November 1926
NLB/66/457Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [John William] Nicholson, FRS15 May 1924
NLB/67/850Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hens] Kienle; Universirars-Sternwarte, Gottingen, Germany25 March 1925
NLB/68/750Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Owen Willans] Richardson, FRS29 October 1925
NLB/67/530Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Owen Willans] Richardson, FRS15 January 1925
NLB/66/469Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William Pope, FRS15 May 1924
NLB/68/66Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr [Frederick Edward] Brasch; the History of Science Society, Smithsonian Division, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.7 May 1925
NLB/67/950Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William Bragg, FRS21 April 1925
NLB/66/461Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard Glazebrook, K.C.B, FRS15 May 1924
NLB/66/745Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Horace] Lamb [Chairman of the Mathematics Committee] FRS.3 July 1924
NLB/66/744Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. M. Al-Kafyaly, Sullaniyet School, Aleppo, Syria.3 July 1924
NLB/69/93Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William [Bate] Hardy, FRS8 January 1926
NLB/67/128Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretaries of the Royal Astronomical Society; Burlington House, W.1.30 October 1924
NLB/69/375Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Frederick Alexander] Lindermann, FRS23 March 1926
NLB/66/622Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh, FRS6 June 1924
NLB/66/470Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Frederick George] Donnan, FRS15 May 1924
NLB/66/471Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to J. S. Ruchwaldy, Esq., Off Thomson Road, Singapore, S.S15 May 1924
NLB/66/597Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Alfred] Fowler, FRS3 June 1924
NLB/66/633Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary, British Association, Burlington House, W.15 June 1924
NLB/66/718Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Augustus Edward Hough] Love, FRS25 June 1924
NLB/66/533Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Frank Edward] Smith, FRS26 May 1924
NLB/66/608Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Resident Secretary, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin4 June 1924
NLB/66/462Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard Glazebrook, K.C.B, FRS15 May 1924
NLB/66/685Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph Petavel, FRS19 June 1924
NLB/69/393Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Frederick George] Donnan, FRS25 March 1926
NLB/69/213Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh, FRS2 February 1926
NLB/67/831Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Lloyd] S. Lloyd Esq., CB; Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, 16 Old Queen Street, S.W.1.16 March 1925
NLB/66/728Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. McLennan, FRS C/o The Athenauem, S.W.127 June 1924
NLB/66/670Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Alfred Yarrow, Barts. FRS17 June 1924
NLB/69/862Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Keeper, H.M. Privy Purse4 November 1926
NLB/67/314Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Henry [Bradwardine] Jackson, GCB, FRS, Admiral of the Fleet4 December 1924
NLB/66/520Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Colonel [Henry George] Lyons, FRS22 May 1924
NLB/66/598Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to H. Eustance Davies, Esq., Treasury Chambers, Whitehall, S.W.13 June 1924
NLB/66/556Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Ralph Allen] Sampson, FRS30 May 1924
NLB/66/625Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Hon. Secretary, Physical Society, London5 June 1924
NLB/68/359Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the General Secretary of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; 22 George Street, Edinburgh25 June 1925
NLB/66/632Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Institution of Electrical Engineers, Savoy Place, W.C.25 June 1924
NLB/68/85Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur Edwin] Boycott, FRS8 May 1925
NLB/69/320Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. du Riche Preller, Edinburgh2 March 1926
NLB/66/631Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Assistant Secretary, Royal Meteorological Society, S.W.75 June 1924
NLB/68/55Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Alfred] Fowler, FRS7 May 1925
NLB/66/630Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary, Edinburgh Mathematical Society, Edinburgh5 June 1924
NLB/68/59Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Colonel [Henry George] Lyons, FRS8 May 1925
NLB/67/223Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Owen Willans] Richardson, FRS14 November 1924
NLB/66/769Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Colonel [Henry George] Lyons, FRS4 July 1924
NLB/69/868Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Admiral of the Fleet, Sir Henry [Bradwardine] Jackson, G.C.B, K.C.V.O., FRS4 November 1926
NLB/69/391Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to John F. Watts Esq., Northwich, Cheshire25 March 1926
NLB/67/482Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Frank] Newall, FRS7 January 1925
NLB/71/946Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to P. Hardy Esq., Messrs. Young, Jackson, Beard and King, 46 Parliament Street, SW115 December 1928
NLB/66/722Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [David Meredith Seares] Watson, FRS25 June 1924
NLB/66/473Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh, FRS15 May 1924
NLB/66/627Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary, Royal Astronomical Society, Burlington House, W.15 June 1924
NLB/66/715Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock Esq., FRS25 June 1924
NLB/69/11Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William Bragg, FRS11 December 1924
NLB/66/838Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William Bragg, FRS24 July 1924
NLB/66/68Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Geoffrey Ingram] Taylor, FRS15 February 1924
NLB/66/747Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary, Treasury, Whitehall, S.W.13 July 1924
NLB/66/609Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Alfred William] Porter, FRS5 June 1924
NLB/66/734Copy letter from [James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of] the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph Petavel, FRS30 June 1924
NLB/66/95Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof [William Ernest] Dalby, FRS21 February 1924
NLB/66/623Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Sydney] Chapman, FRS6 June 1924
NLB/66/805Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Thomas Ralph] Merton, FRS11 July 1924
NLB/66/748Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Thomas Martin] Lowry, FRS3 July 1924
NLB/68/676Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Owen Willans] Richardson, FRS8 October 1925
NLB/66/750Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; To the Secretary, Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 16 Chambers Street, Edinburgh3 July 1924
NLB/68/840Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [William Henry] Perkin, FRS10 November 1925
NLB/67/244Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], FRS20 November 1924
NLB/69/374Copy letter from [James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of] the Royal Society; to Prof. [Charles Thomson Rees] Wilson, FRS23 March 1926
NLB/66/725Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Robert Robertson, FRS27 June 1924
NLB/69/17Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Percy Faraday] Frankland, FRS11 December 1924
NLB/69/249Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Arthur Stanley] Eddington, FRS12 February 1926
NLB/72/476Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor Gilbert Newton Lewis7 November 1929
NLB/69/581Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Selig] Brodetsky11 June 1926
NLB/68/311Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Honourable Secretary of the British Science Guild; 6 John Street, Adelphi, W.C.2.; also sent to the Secretary of the Faraday Society; the London Mathematical Society; the Secretary of the Society of Chemical Industry[June 1925]
NLB/66/726Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Sydney] Chapman, FRS27 June 1924
NLB/66/843Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Sydney] Chapman24 July 1924
NLB/66/863Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Frederick George] Donnan, FRS1 August 1924
NLB/66/635Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Sydney] Chapman, FRS10 June 1924
NLB/66/719Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph Larmor, FRS25 June 1924
NLB/68/810Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Henry Edward] Armstrong, FRS5 November 1925
NLB/69/759Copy letter from [James Hopwood Jeans,] Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [John Charles Grant] Ledingham, FRS6 October 1926
NLB/68/362Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Frederick Alexander] Lindemann, FRS25 June 1925
NLB/69/923Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Messrs. J. Russell and Sons, Ltd., 73 Baker Street, W118 November 1926
NLB/66/596Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Geoffrey Ingram] Taylor, FRS 3 June 1924
NLB/69/32Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary, Institution of Naval Architects, 5 Adelphi Terrace, W.C.216 December 1925
NLB/66/801Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Frederick Alexander] Lindemann, FRS11 July 1924
NLB/66/552Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Ernest Rutherford, FRS29 May 1924
NLB/68/361Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to E. Barnard Esq.; Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Westminster, S.W.1.25 June 1925
NLB/66/606Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr [Walter] Rosenahin [Rosenhain], FRS3 June 1924
NLB/69/250Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Frederick Alexander] Lindemann, FRS11 February 1926
NLB/69/16Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Arthur] Harden, FRS11 December 1924
NLB/66/883Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [Gerald Ponsonby] Lenox-Conyngham, FRS6 August 1924
NLB/70/907Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Keeper of His Majesty's Privy Purse3 November 1927
NLB/66/688Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [William Ernest]Dalby19 June 1924
NLB/69/150Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Ronald Aylmer] Fisher Esq., Rothamsted Experimental Station, Harpenden21 January 1926
NLB/66/884Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Colonel [Henry George] Lyons, FRS6 August 1924
NLB/68/357Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS24 June 1925
NLB/69/425Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [James Hopwood] Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society12 April 1926
NLB/62/260Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS13 January 1922
NLB/70/908Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to William [David] Coolidge Esq.3 November 1927
NLB/68/485Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [James Hopwood] Jeans Esq., Secretary of the Royal Society16 July 1925
NLB/68/291Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Sydney] Chapman, FRS12 June 1925
NLB/68/581Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Owen Willans] Richardson, FRS5 September 1925
NLB/69/257Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Peter] Chalmers Mitchell, FRS11 February 1926
NLB/68/586Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [William Arthur] Bone, FRS5 September 1925
NLB/69/131Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to C. Crowley Esq., Alum Rock, Birmingham18 January 1926
NLB/68/849Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph Thomson, CM, FRS12 November 1925
NLB/68/592Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Owen Willans] Richardson, FRS11 September 1925
NLB/71/806Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. Friederich Paschen1 November 1928
NLB/70/44Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr Stephen Miall, Secretary of the Federal Council; c/o Chemical Society, Burlington House, W.1.10 December 1926
NLB/68/447Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], FRS13 July 1925
NLB/70/695Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to J. Taylor Esq.7 July 1927
NLB/68/962Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Vincent Raven, KBE; Nately Lodge, Hook, Basingstoke10 December 1925
NLB/69/646Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Peter] Chalmers Mitchell, FRS8 July 1926
NLB/68/925Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Ronald Ross, KCB, FRS1 December 1925
NLB/69/264Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [George Neville] Watson, FRS18 February 1926
NLB/69/251Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Colonel [Henry George] Lyons12 February 1926
NLB/69/214Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Henry Edward] Armstrong, FRS2 February 1926
NLB/69/541Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Frank [Watson] Dyson, FRS3 June 1926
NLB/69/603Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Herbert Hall] Turner 18 June 1926
NLB/69/149Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [William] Barlow Esq., FRS21 January 1926
NLB/69/252Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh, FRS11 February 1926
NLB/69/869Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William [Bate] Hardy, FRS4 November 1926
NLB/69/370Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to E. B. Knobel Esq., W.C.123 March 1926
NLB/69/130Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to W. A. Whatmough Esq., Kildare, N.1218 January 1926
NLB/69/321Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to M. F. Headlam Esq., C.B., The Treasury, Whiehall, S.W.12 March 1926
NLB/68/748Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Owen Willans] Richardson, FRS29 October 1925
NLB/61/630Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Herbert Hall] Turner, FRS23 September 1921
NLB/68/816Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Albert] Einstein, ForMemRS5 November 1925
NLB/69/364Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Francis Arthur] Bather, FRS18 March 1926
NLB/69/283Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to to Sir Ernest Rutherford, O.M. FRS22 February 1926
NLB/69/390Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William Pope, FRS25 March 1926
NLB/69/825Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Under-Secretary of State for India, India Office, Whitehall, SW128 October 1926
NLB/68/821Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor Albert Einstein, ForMemRS5 November 1925
NLB/69/363Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Colonel Lyons, FRS, Chairman, Gassiot Committee18 March 1926
NLB/69/327Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Henry Edward] Armstrong, FRS4 March 1926
NLB/69/680Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Frank Heath, K.C.B14 July 1926
NLB/70/932Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Thomas Lewis, FRS8 November 1927
NLB/70/168Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Alfred Egerton Esq.21 January 1927
NLB/68/672Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society8 October 1925
NLB/69/392Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. Karl Pearson, FRS25 March 1926
NLB/69/153Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary, Institution of Naval Architects, 5 Adelphi Terrace, W.C.221 January 1926
NLB/69/395Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Lloyd] S. Lloyd., C.B., Department of Scientific and Industrial Research25 March 1926
NLB/69/361Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to H. A. P. Littledale Esq., Streatley-on-Thames18 March 1926
NLB/70/933Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John Cunningham] McLennan, FRS8 November 1927
NLB/69/396Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Frank Edward] Smith Esq., FRS25 March 1926
NLB/69/617Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Frank Dyson, FRS25 June 1926
NLB/72/264Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Henry Lyons, Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society13 June 1929
NLB/70/927Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Scott] Sherrington, OM, GBE, FRS8 November 1927
NLB/69/757Copy letter from [James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of] the Royal Society; to the 'Memorandum for Messrs, Harrison & Sons.'5 October 1926
NLB/69/580Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Willliam Bragg, FRS11 June 1926
NLB/69/640Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Arthur Schuster, FRS8 July 1926
NLB/69/866Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Archibald Vivian] Hill, O.B.E FRS4 November 1926
NLB/70/13Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Clerk of the Armourers and Brasiers' Company; Armourers' Hall, 81 Coleman Street, E.C.2.30 November 1926
NLB/70/926Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr Major Greenwood8 November 1927
NLB/72/475Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor Hans Geiger7 November 1929
NLB/70/909Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor Arthur [Amos] Noyes3 November 1927
NLB/69/762Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof [Jocelyn Field] Thorne, FRS6 October 1926
NLB/69/758Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Major [Walter Scott] Patton Patton, Departmet of Zoology, Edinburgh University6 October 1926
NLB/69/925Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to G. Woods Wollaston Esq., College of Anne, Queen Victoria Street, EC18 November 1926
NLB/69/745Copy letter from [James Hopwood Jeans,] Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. A. W. Grace, Island Medical Office, Kingston, Jamaica29 September 1926
NLB/69/864Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Morris William] Travers, FRS4 November 1916
NLB/69/870Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Frederick [Gowland] Hopkins, FRS4 November 1926
NLB/69/924Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Messrs Goulty & Goodfellow, 6 Brown Street, Manchester18 November 1926
NLB/69/927Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Napier Shaw, FRS19 November 1926
NLB/73/124Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir James [Hopwood] Jeans, FRS15 December 1930
NLB/71/731Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, FRS16 October 1928
NLB/72/474Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor Max Planck, ForMemRS7 November 1929
NLB/71/553Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Gilbert Murray6 July 1928
NLB/72/477Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John Edensor] Littlewood, FRS7 November 1929
NLB/71/570Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Messrs. W. Dawson & Sons, Cannon House, Bream's Buildings, EC47 July 1928
NLB/71/949Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Geoffrey Ingram] Taylor, FRS12 December 1928
NLB/71/781Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Keeper, H.M. Privy Purse1 November 1928
NLB/72/455Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Keeper of His Majesty's Privy Purse31 October 1929
NLB/71/944Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Messrs. Few & Co.14 December 1928
NLB/71/805Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to le Duc [Louis Cesar Victor] Maurice de Broglie1 November 1928
NLB/71/942Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Messrs. Macmillian and Co., Ltd, St. Martin's Street, WC213 December 1928
NLB/71/807Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Arthur Stanley] Eddington, FRS5 November 1928
NLB/71/808Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to to the Hon.Sir Chalres [Algernon] Parsons, O.M., K.C.B., FRS1 November 1928
NLB/71/809Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Frederick George] Donnan, C.B.E., FRS1 November 1928
NLB/71/945Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Director, Bureau of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 25 Gordon Stree5t, Endsleigh Gardens, WC114 December 1928
NLB/71/941Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Miss D. Crofts, King's College for Women, Campden Hill Road, W813 December 1928
NLB/72/228Copy letter from [Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society]; to Sir Herbert Jackson, KBE, FRS[May 1929]
NLB/72/514Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir James [Hopwood] Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society22 November 1929
JHJ/5/7Various handwritten and typed notesnd
JHJ/4/41'The Origin of the Solar System'1925
NLB/64/502Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. D.M. Wrinch, Girton College, Cambridge26 April 1923
NLB/64/679Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Sir Geoffrey Ingram] Taylor, FRS31 May 1923
NLB/64/607Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Alfred Edwin Howard] Tutton, FRS10 May 1923
NLB/59/302Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph [John] Thomson, President of the Royal Society8 September 1920
CD/66/6Letter regarding the Conference with Sir Frank Heath; to Sir David Prain; Sir Richard Glazebrook; Sir Charles Sherrington; Dr [James Hopwood] Jeans; and Sir [William Bate] Hardy28 February 1925
NLB/67/724Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Oliver Lodge, FRS20 February 1925
NLB/68/669Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [William] Barlow Esq., FRS8 October 1925
NLB/68/665Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to P. A. Mainstone Esq.; Old Buildings, University College of North Wales, Bangor9 October 1925
NLB/64/730Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock FRS11 June 1923
NLB/67/747Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Percy Fitz-Patrick] Rowell Esq.; Institution of Electrical Engineers, Savoy Place, Victoria Embankment, W.C.2.26 February 1925
NLB/64/729Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Horace] Lamb [Chairman of the Mathematics Committee] FRS11 June 1923
NLB/64/603Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomson Rees] Wilson Esq., FRS09 May 1923
NLB/68/68Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Owen Willans] Richardson, FRS8 May 1925
NLB/68/671Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Mr Satyendra Ray; Sunder Bagh, 14b, Hewett Road, Lucknow, India30 September 1925
NLB/64/102Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Royal Society of Edinburgh1 February 1923
NLB/64/732Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society;[Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh11 June 1923
NLB/64/797Copy letter from [James Hopwood Jeans], Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS20 June 1923
NLB/64/751Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Horace] Lamb [Chairman of the Mathematics Committee] FRS14 June 1923
NLB/65/16Copy letter from [James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society]; to Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], FRS13 July 1923
NLB/65/15Copy letter from [James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society]; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, FRS13 July 1923
NLB/65/525Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], FRS13 November 1923
NLB/65/557Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], FRS20 November 1923
NLB/66/35Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Sydney] Chapman, FRS12 February 1924
NLB/65/823Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], FRS11 January 1924
NLB/65/928Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], FRS31 January 1924
NLB/66/38Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh, FRS12 February 1924
NLB/67/829Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur William] Crossley, FRS19 March 1925
NLB/68/915Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Ralph Howard] Fowler Esq., FRS30 November 1925
NLB/68/199Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Thomas Holland, FRS28 May 1925
NLB/67/535Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans Esq, Secretary of the Royal Society16 January 1925
NLB/66/255Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh27 March 1924
NLB/66/103Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Arthur William] Crossley, FRS.22 February 1924
NLB/66/133Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh.28 February 1924
NLB/66/334Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Arthur William] Crossley, FRS10 April 1924
NLB/66/453Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Thomas Ralph] Merton, FRS14 May 1924
NLB/66/454Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Alfred] Fowler15 May 1924
NLB/66/466Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to to Prof. [Arthur William] Crossley, FRS15 May 1924
NLB/66/717Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh, FRS25 June 1924
NLB/67/525Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Sydney] Chapman, FRS15 January 1925
NLB/68/589Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur William] Crossley, CMG, FRS11 September 1925
NLB/66/686Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh, FRS19 June 1924
NLB/68/674Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Sydney] Chapman, FRS8 October 1925
NLB/68/162Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Godfrey Harold] Hardy, FRS21 May 1925
NLB/67/893Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr [Alexander] Russell, FRS2 April 1925
NLB/68/325Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Henry Edward] Armstrong, FRS18 June 1925
NLB/68/914Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr Alexander Soos; Budapest, VIII. Jozsef korut, November 1925
NLB/72/454Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Deputy Master of the Royal Mint31 October 1929
NLB/71/187Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Algernon] Parsons, O.M., K.C.B., FRS26 January 1928
NLB/69/284Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Frederick George] Donnan, FRS22 February 1926
NLB/70/252Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Under Secretary of State for India; India Office17 February 1927
NLB/70/906Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Deputy Minister of the Royal Mint3 November 1927
NLB/70/72Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Robert Robertson, FRS16 December 1926
NLB/71/780Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Deputy Master, The Royal Mint1 November 1928
NLB/72/424Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society, on behalf of James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Alfred] Chaston Chapman Esq., FRS14 October 1929
NLB/63New Letter Book volume 63, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration10 June 1922-19 January 1923
JHJ/4/38'Cosmogonic Problems Associated With a Secular Decrease of Mass', 'Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society', Vol. LXXXV, No. 1November 1924
JHJ/2/1/10Letter from Samuel Hawkesley Burbury FRS to Jeans10 November 1903
JHJ/3/1/3/62Copy of Jeans' reply to J Chalen, re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.5 March 1930
NLB/59/596Copy letter from Edwin Deller, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society23 October 1920
JHJ/3/25'Life Outside the Solar System'1942
JHJ/3/1/3/10Letter from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle re Jeans' 'My Point of View' talk.24 February 1930
P/0154Portrait of Jeans, Sir James Hopwood1924
NLB/64/74Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. H. Jefferys; St. John's College, Cambridge25 January 1923
NLB/63/842Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society and FRS; to Professor [Horace] Lamb, FRS06 January 1923
IM/002408Jeans, Sir James Hopwoodnd
RR/15/67Memoranda from Robert William Frederick Harrison, and reply from George Carey Foster, on a paper 'The distribution of molecular energy' by James Hopwood Jeans27 July 1900
NLB/21/386Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to James Hopwood Jeans, Trinity College, Cambridge10 November 1900
JHJSir James Hopwood Jeans Papers1896-1945
NLB/60/838Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [William Whitehead] Watts, FRS14 April 1921
NLB/60/884Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS21 April 1921
RR/24/51Referee's report by Frank Watson Dyson, on the Bakerian Lecture 'The configurations of rotating compressible masses' by James Hopwood Jeans[May 1917]
NLB/60/59Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS6 December 1920
RR/24/82Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'The dissipation of energy in the tides in connection with the acceleration of the moon’s mean motion' by R O Streetnd [1917]
NLB/56New Letter Book volume 56, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration1 November 1918-27 June 1919
NLB/66/55Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Ernest Rutherford, FRS14 February 1924
NLB/56/185Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [James Hopwood] Jeans, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS9 December 1918
NLB/58/773Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Frank Heath [Secretary of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research]17 June 1920
NLB/59/337Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor P. Zeeman, Secretary of the Koninkikjke Academy van Wetenschappen21 September 1920
NLB/58/623Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to an unknown correspondent27 May 1920
NLB/58/912Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John Cunningham] McLennan, FRS3 July 1920
NLB/59/188Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Horace] Lamb, FRS24 July 1920
NLB/59/333Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph [John] Thomson, President of the Royal Society; Trinity College, Cambridge21 September 1920
NLB/59/195Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Francis Arthur] Bather, FRS24 July 1920
NLB/59/308Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [Joseph] Larmor, FRS9 September 1920
NLB/60/11Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Owen Willans] Richardson, FRS2 December 1920
NLB/60/410Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Colonel [Henry George] Lyons, Chairman of the Gassiot Committee and FRS1 February 1921
RR/65/75Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'The problem of n bodies in general relativity theory' by Arthur Stanley Eddington and G L ClarkMarch 1938
NLB/60/542Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS21 February 1921
NLB/60/494Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph Larmor, FRS15 February 1921
NLB/60/657Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Frederic] Stanley Kipping, FRS10 March 1921
NLB/60/429Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to R. O. Street Esquire; 23 Radstock Road, Elm Park, Liverpool3 February 1921
NLB/60/624Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Frank [Watson] Dyson, FRS3 March 1921
NLB/60/879Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [George Walker] Walker Esquire, FRS21 April 1921
NLB/61/57Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock Esquire, Chairman of the Chemistry Committee and FRS3 May 1921
NLB/61/75Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematical Committee and FRS5 May 1921
NLB/61/126Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS17 May 1921
NLB/61/101Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS10 May 1921
NLB/61/110Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Victor Bulwer-Lytton,] the Under Secretary of State for India; India Office12 May 1921
RR/50/134Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'On the electromagnetic fields due to variable electric charges and the intensities of spectrum lines according to the quantum theory' by George Adolphus SchottNovember 1933
NLB/57/354Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to JH [Sir James Hopwood] Jeans Esq,FRS23 October 1919
NLB/61/269Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Frederick Alexander] Lindemann, FRS13 June 1921
NLB/61/268Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William [Henry] Bragg, FRS13 June 1921
NLB/61/492Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Cargill Gilston] Knott, FRS12 July 1921
NLB/57/659Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor A [Alfred] Fowler, FRS7 January [1920]
NLB/57/656Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir David Prain, Treasurer of the Royal Society, FRS, IMS, CMG7 January 1920
NLB/61/627Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Oliver [Joseph] Lodge, FRS23 September 1921
NLB/61/695Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS13 October 1921
NLB/61/303Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Frederick Bernard] Pidduck Esquire; Queen's College, Oxford17 June 1921
NLB/57/654Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, FRS, KCB7 January 1920
NLB/57/744Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Editor, Biochemical Journal30 January 1920
NLB/61/901Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hector Munro] Macdonald, FRS10 November 1921
NLB/62/99Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Henry] Forster Morley, Director of the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature1 December 1921
NLB/62/87Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Colonel [Henry George] Lyons, Chairman of the Gassiot Committee and FRS30 November 1921
NLB/62/100Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Sir Frank Heath] the Secretary of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research 1 December 1921
NLB/62/156Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Under Secretary of State; Foreign Office13 December 1921
NLB/62/162Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Colonel [Henry George] Lyons, Chairman of the Gassiot Committee and FRS13 December 1921
NLB/62/173Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS15 December 1921
NLB/62/239Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [James Hopwood] Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society9 January 1922
NLB/62/363Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Charles James] Martin, FRS31 January 1922
NLB/62/400Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock Esquire, Chairman of the Chemistry Committee and FRS9 February 1922
NLB/62/454Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Frank [Watson] Dyson, FRS16 February 1922
NLB/62/488Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Colonel [Henry George] Lyons, Chairman of the Gassiot Committee and FRS21 February 1922
NLB/62/879Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS25 May 1922
NLB/64/112Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Horace] Lamb, Chairman of the Mathematical Committee and FRS1 February 1923
NLB/57/433Copy letter from Sir Arthur Schuster, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Deputy Master of the Mint [November 1919]
NLB/57/813Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr E Deller13 February 1920
NLB/57/802Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society;to Professor JW [John William] Nicholson, FRS, Chairman of the Mathematics Sectional Committee9 February 1920
NLB/57/759Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Frank Heath, KCB [Secretary to the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research]. 2 February 1920
NLB/57/655Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor HF [Hugh Frank] Newall, FRS7 January 1920
NLB/64/312Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Horace] Lamb, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS12 March 1923
NLB/62/650Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William [Henry] Bragg, FRS31 March 1922
NLB/66/20Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh, FRS7 February 1924
NLB/66/201Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Frank Edward] Smith, Esq., FRS13 March 1924
NLB/66/222Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Francois Antoine Alfred] Lacroix, Foreign Member of the Royal Society20 March 1924
NLB/65/722Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society12 December 1923
NLB/66/499Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to William Bragg, FRS20 May 1924
NLB/66/611Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to to [Frederick Alexander] Lindemann, FRS5 June 1924
NLB/66/551Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Arthur William] Crossley, FRS29 May 1924
NLB/66/549Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh, FRS29 May 1924
NLB/66/798Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [William Ernest] Dalby, FRS11 July 1924
NLB/66/673Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Eddington, FRS17 June 1924
NLB/66/610Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh, FRS5 June 1924
NLB/66/803Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Horace] Lamb [Chairman of the Mathematics Committee] FRS.11 July 1924
NLB/66/800Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Ll. S. Lloyd Esq., C.B., Department of Scientific and Industrial Reserach, Westminster, S.W.111 July 1924
NLB/69/362Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [John Turner] Macgregor Morris Esq., East London College, Mile End Road, E.118 March 1926
NLB/66/669Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Sydney] Chapman17 June 1924
NLB/66/684Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Horace] Lamb, Chairman of the Mathematical Committee19 June 1924
NLB/66/626Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the General Secretary, Royal Society of Edinburgh, Edinburgh5 June 1924
NLB/66/36Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Arthur William] Crossley, FRS12 February 1924
NLB/69/119Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [James Hopwood] Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society14 January 1926
NLB/69/285Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lady Dewar, Cavendish Square, W.122 February 1926
NLB/68/846Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary; Treasury, Whitehall, S.W.1.11 November 1925
NLB/69/677Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary, Cambridge Philosophical Society14 July 1926
NLB/69/614Copy letter from [James Hopwood Jeans,] Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [John Charles Grant] Ledingham, FRS24 June 1926
NLB/69/863Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Deputy Master, The Royal Mint4 November 1926
NLB/69/926Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to W. Felolberg Esq., National Institute for Medical Research, Hampstead, NW319 November 1926
NLB/71/423Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary, the International Society for the Exploration of the Arctic Regions by means of the Airship.11 May 1928
NLB/72/285Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to H. Pitt Esq18 June 1929
NLB/64/677Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh FRS31 May 1923
NLB/65/43Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], FRS17 July 1923
NLB/65/899Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Harold Baily] Dixon, FRS24 January 1924
NLB/64/75Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur Stewart] Eve, FRS26 January 1923
NLB/64/634Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Geoffrey Ingram] Taylor, Esq. FRS17 May 1923
NLB/64/106Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Royal Irish Academy; Dawson Street, Sublin1 February 1923
NLB/67/101Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur William] Crossley, FRS21 October 1924
NLB/65/140Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], FRS10 August 1923
NLB/65/604Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], FRS27 November 1923
NLB/66/140Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Ernest Rutherford, FRS28 February 1924
NLB/66/168Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh, FRS6 March 1924
NLB/66/318Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh8 April 1924
NLB/69/133Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Hans Friedrich] Gadow, FRS18 January 1926
NLB/69/39Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Owen Willans] Richardson, FRS16 December 1925
NLB/69/318Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Frank Dyson, FRS2 March 1926
NLB/69/746Copy letter from [James Hopwood Jeans,] Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office29 September 1926
NLB/54New Letter Book volume 54, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration10 January 1917-2 November 1917
NLB/56/98Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [Jeans Hopwood] Jeans, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS19 November 1918
NLB/61/336Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Callendar] Longbourne, FRS21 June 1921
NLB/58New Letter Book volume 58, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration28 February 1920-9 July 1920
NLB/60/116Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Royal Irish Academy10 December 1920
NLB/60/456Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS10 February 1921
NLB/59New Letter Book volume 59, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration9 July 1920-2 December 1920
NLB/60/885Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Arthur Schuster, Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society21 April 1921
NLB/60New Letter Book volume 60, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration2 December 1920-26 April 1921
NLB/61/279Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS16 June 1921
NLB/60/81Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS9 December 1920
NLB/61/597Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS16 September 1921
NLB/57/556Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, FRS4 December 1919
NLB/61/896Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS10 November 1921
NLB/61/904Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock Esquire, Chairman of the Chemistry Committee and FRS10 November 1921
NLB/61New Letter Book volume 61, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration26 April 1921-11 November 1921
NLB/62/127Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Henry] Forster Morley, Director of the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature8 December 1921
NLB/62/286Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John William] Nicholson, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS19 January 1922
NLB/62/332Copy letter from [James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society]; to Professor [Edwin Henry] Barton, FRS 27 January 1922
NLB/62/362Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Colonel [Henry George] Lyons, Chairman of the Gassiot Committee and FRS31 January 1922
NLB/57/890Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Director of the Meteorological Office [Sir William Napier Shaw, FRS]27 February 1920
NLB/62/771Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], Chairman of the Physics Committee and FRS4 May 1922
NLB/57/819Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr JWL [James Whitbread Lee] Glaisher, FRS13 February 1920
NLB/57/799Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary HM [His Majesty's] Treasury9 February 1920
NLB/66/506Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh, FRS20 May 1924
NLB/66/720Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Sydney] Chapman25 June 1924
NLB/66/548Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Sydney] Chapman29 May 1924
NLB/66/464Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Geoffrey Ingram] Taylor, FRS15 May 1924
NLB/66/517Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Sydney] Chapman, FRS22 May 1924
NLB/66/657Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh13 June 1924
NLB/66/829Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [James Hopwood] Jeans esq., Secretary of the Royal Society21 July 1924
NLB/66/804Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Sydney] Chapman, FRS11 July 1924
NLB/66/878Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh, FRS1 August 1924
NLB/66/658Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Sydney] Chapman13 June 1924
NLB/66/799Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh, FRS11 July 1924
NLB/66/811Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh, FRS15 July 1924
NLB/69/146Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Geoffrey Ingram] Taylor, FRS21 January 1926
NLB/68/812Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Deputy Master of the Royal Mint5 November 1925
NLB/69/13Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [William Lawrence] Bragg, FRS11 December 1924
NLB/69/386Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Godfrey Harold] Hardy, FRS25 March 1926
NLB/70/45Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Arthur Schuster, FRS; General Secretary of the International Research Council; Burlington House, W.1.10 December 1926
NLB/69/681Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to H. M. Treasury14 July 1926
NLB/66New Letter Book volume 66, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration1 February 1924-25 September 1924
NLB/64New Letter Book volume 64, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration19 January 1923-11 July 1923
NLB/64/712Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh7 June 1923
NLB/65/766Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], FRS21 December 1923
NLB/66/54Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh, FRS14 February 1924
NLB/66/841Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh, FRS24 July 1924
NLB/69/379Copy letter from [James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of] the Royal Society; to to Prof. [Thomas Renton] Elliott, FRS24 March 1926
NLB/69/602Copy letter from [James Hopwood Jeans], Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [John Charles Grant] Ledingham, FRS17 June 1926
NLB/69/799Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Colonel [Frederick John Marrian] Stratton19 October 1926
NLB/52New Letter Book volume 52, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration9 July 1915-8 March 1916
NLB/57New Letter Book volume 57, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration27 June 1919-27 February 1920
RR/15/65Memoranda from Robert William Frederick Harrison and reply from George Carey Foster, on a paper 'On the static diffusion of gases and liquids' by Horace Tabberer Brown and F Escombe and 'On the distribution of molecular energy' by James Hopwood Jeans16 July 1900
RR/47/32Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'Theory of electric charge' by Arthur Stanley Eddington15 April 1932
MS/421/6Register of Papers submitted to the Royal Society, series A, 1927-19331927-1933
MS/421/5Register of Papers submitted to the Royal Society, 1921-19261921-1926
MS/421/4Register of Papers submitted to the Royal Society, 1905-19201905-1920
RR/68/119Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'On Laplace’s differential equations for the tides' by Joseph Proudman[June 1941]
RR/15/63Referee's report by William Thomson, Lord Kelvin on a paper 'The distribution of molecular energy' by James Hopwood Jeans9 July 1900
RR/21/79Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'A suggestion regarding black body radiation' by George Green[June 1914]
RR/21/93Referee's report by Frank Watson Dyson, on a paper 'On the potential of ellipsoidal bodies, and figures of equilibrium of rotating liquid masses' by James Hopwood Jeans[June 1914]
RR/21/94Referee's report by Horace Lamb, on a paper 'On the potential of ellipsoidal bodies, and figures of equilibrium of rotating liquid masses' by James Hopwood Jeans[July 1914]
RR/21/119Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'On the origin of the absorption spectra of certain types of organic compounds' by N P McCleland[April 1914]
RR/22/98Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'On electrodynamic theory of magnetism' by T J J SeeSeptember 1915
RR/24/3Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'Characteristic frequency and atomic number' by Herbert Stanley Allennd [1917]
RR/46/103Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'On Eddington's problem of the expansion of the universe by condensation' by N R Sen[June 1932]
RR/50/70Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'The kelvin-poincare problem of stellar evolution' by V V NarlikarApril 1933
RR/62/102Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'The effect of the fitzgerald-lorentz contraction on the frequency of longitudinal vibration of a rod' by A B Wood, G A Tomlinson and Louis Essen[September 1936]
MC/21Volume 21 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1906
MC/21/329Letter from [James Hopwood] Jeans, Princeton University, Princeton, to the Secretaries of the Royal Society14 May 1906
MC/32/152Letter from [James Hopwood] Jeans, 8 Ormonde Gate, Chelsea, S.W, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]22 April 1917
MC/37/31Letter from John Dewrance, 165 Great Dover Street, London, S.E.1., to [Francis Alexander] Towle, The Royal Society, Burlington House, W.1.10 January 1923
MC/33/95Letter from [James Hopwood] Jeans, Cleveland Lodge, Dorking, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]3 July 1918
MC/35Volume 35 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1921
MC/35/19Letter from [William Lawrence] Bragg, The University, Manchester, to [James Hopwood] Jeans2 February 1921
MC/34/114Letter from [James Hopwood] Jeans, Cleveland Lodge, Dorking, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]April 1919
MC/35/17Lette from [Niels Henrik David] Bohr, Universitetets Institut for Teoretisk Fysik, to [James Hopwood] Jeans10 November 1921
MC/35/37Letter from Duguld Clerk, Consulting Engineer, 57 & 58 Lincolnn's Inn Fields, London, to Dr [James Hopwood] Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society, Burlington House25 January 1921
MC/35/48Letter from [Harold Baily] Dixon, The University, Manchester, to Dr [James Hopwood] Jeans11 June 1921
MC/37/23Letter from [Henry Cort Harold] Carpenter, Imperial College of Science and Technology (Royal College of Mines), South Kensington, London, S.W.7., to Dr J. H. Jeans, The Royal Society, Burlington House, W.112 March 1923
MC/35/76Letter from [Godfrey Harold] Hardy, Trinity College, Cambridge, to [James Hopwood] Jeans[August 1921]
MC/35/86Letter from [James Hopwood] Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society, Imperial Hotel, Torquay, to [Francis Alexander] Towle22 March 1921
MC/35/87Letter from [James Hopwood] Jeans, Fife Arms Hotel, Braemar, to [Francis Alexander] Towle[August 1921]
MC/35/141Letter from Arthur Schuster, Yeldall, Twyford, Berkshire, to [James Hopwood] Jeans2 November 1921
MC/36Volume 36 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1922
MC/36/21Letter from [Charles] Chree, 75 Church Road, Richmond, Surrey, to [James Hopwood] Jeans13 November 1922
MC/38/30Letter from [Richard Tetley] Glazebrook, Ballards Oak, Limpsfield, Surrey, to [James Hopwood] Jeans3 October 1924
MC/36/56Letter from [James Hopwood] Jeans, Cleveland Lodge, Dorking, to [Francis Alexander] Towle[November 1922]
MC/37/119Letter from [Ralph Allen] Sampson, General Secretary, Royal Society of Edinburgh, 22 George Street, to [James Hopwood] Jeans, Secretary, Royal Society of London, Burlington House, London7 June 1923
MC/37/125Letter from [William] Napier Shaw, 10 Moreton Gardens, S.W.5., to [James Hopwood] Jeans, [Royal Society]7 November 1923
MC/36/111Letter from Pieter Zeeman, Amsterdam, to Professor [James Hopwood] Jeans11 November 1922
MC/39Volume 39 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1925
MC/39/37Letter from [Alfred] Fowler, Imperial College of Science and Technology (Royal College of Science), South Kensington, London, to [James Hopwood] Jeans20 February 1925
MC/39/49Letter from Messrs Hargrove & Co., 8 Iddesleigh House, Caxton Street, Westminster, to James [Hopwood] Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly5 January 1925
MC/39/63Letter from R J Lang, Assistant Professor of Physics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, to [James Hopwood] Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society, Burlington House, London, England24 December 1924
MC/39/94Letter from Arthur Schuster, The Royal Society, Burlington House, London, to [James Hopwood] Jeans4 November 1924
MC/39/116Letter from [Alfred North] Whitehead, 504 Radnor Hall, Charles River Road, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, to [James Howpwood Jeans], Secretary of the Royal Society18 November 1925
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