
Authorised form of nameCollins; John (1625 - 1683); mathematician and scientific administrator
Dates1625 - 1683
Place of birthWood Eaton, Oxfordshire, England, Europe
Date of birth5 March 1625
Place of deathGarlick Hill, London, England, Europe
Date of death10 November 1683
Dates and placesBurial:
Parish church of St James, London, England, Europe (13 November 1683)
OccupationCivil servant; Sailor
Research fieldAlgebra
Apprenticed to Thomas Allam, bookseller, of Oxford; Clerk employed by John Marr, clerk to the Kitchen of the Prince of Wales; served on an English merchant ship used by the Venetians as a warship in the defence of Crete from the Turks (1642-1649); teacher of mathematics in London (1649-1660); accountant to the Excise Office; accountant in Chancery; Secretary to the Council of Plantations; manager of the Farthing Office (1672); accountant to the Royal Fishery Company
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election17/10/1667
Age at election42
ProposerSeth Ward
Other Royal Society activityActed as a correspondent on mathematical topics, e.g. to Isaac Barrow (FRS 1663), Isaac Newton (FRS 1672) and John Wallis (FRS 1663); Communicated and published some papers with the 'Philosophical Transactions' (1670s)
RelationshipsMarried: Bellona Austen
Published worksRCN: 33828
RCN: 33831
RCN: 33832
RCN: 33829
RCN: 33830
General contextCollins worked to publish multiple mathematical works by his peers, e.g. some of Isaac Barrow's works or John Wallis' 'Mechanica' and 'Algebra'. Some of his own works deemed most important were 'An Introduction to Merchants' Accompts' (1652) or 'Geometrical Dialling' (1659). His papers and correspondence constitute a valuable insight into natural philosophy at the time of the Restoration as well as evidence in the well-known dispute between Newton and Gottfried Leibniz (FRS 1673), which started after Collins' death.
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Bulloch's Roll; DNB; DSB; Hunter; ODNB
Cook, Sir A. 1996. 'The 350th Anniversary of the Birth of G W Leibniz, FRS', in Notes and Records, vol. 50, pp. 153-163
Hall, A R. 1995. 'John Collins on Newton's Telescope', in Notes and Records, vol. 49, pp. 71-78
Lewis, R. 2002. 'The publication of John Wilkins's Essay (1668): some contextual considerations', in Notes and Records, vol. 56, pp. 133-146
Malcolm, N. 2004. 'An unpublished letter from Henry Oldenburg to Johann Heinrich Rahn', in Notes and Records, vol. 58, pp.249-266
Munby, A N L. 1953. 'The Distribution of the First Edition of Newton's Principia', in Notes and Records, vol. 10, pp.28-39
Quarrie, P. 2006. 'The Scientific library of the earls of Macclesfield', in Notes and Records, vol. 60, pp. 5-25
Whitrow, G J. 1989. 'Newton's Role in the History of Mathematics', in Notes and Records, vol. 43, pp. 71-92
Virtual International Authority File
Royal Society codeNA2898
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference numberTitleDate
EL/G1/22Extract of a letter, from James Gregory to Mr [John] Collins23 September 1672
EL/G1/23Copy of a letter, from James Gregory to Mr [John] Collins7 March 1673
EL/C2/36Letter, from John Collins to Michael Langdon, dated at Stratton21 January 1703
EL/F1/83Letter, from John Flamsteed to John Collins, dated at Derby18 March 1671
MM/6/86Letter from John Collins to John Wallis14 February 1676
CLP/24/7Paper, 'Concerning arithmetical progression' by John Collins17th century
CLP/24/21/1Letter, Discourse with mathematical rules from Mr [Isaac] Barrow to John Collins28 March 1668
CLP/24/6Paper, Description of the double horizontal dial presented to the Royal Society by John Collins[7 November 1667]
CLP/24/29/1Paper, 'Solutions to certain geometrical problems' by John Collins17th century
LBO/7/51Copy extract of a letter from John Wallis, Oxford, to John Collins24 August 1674
LBO/6/27Copy letter from Isaac Newton, Cambridge, to John Collins9 April 1673
LBO/7/129Copy letter from George Follet, Dublin, to John Collins29 August 1675
LBO/18/44Copy etter from Hugh Stackhouse to John Collins20 August 1724
CLP/24/21/2Diagram, by Isaac Barrow28 March 1668
CLP/24/38/1Paper, A solution to a geometric problem by John Collins17th century
NLB/61/67Copy letter from Frederick Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to S. B. Gaythorpe Esquire; Prospect Road, Barrow-in-Furness5 May 1921
CLP/24/31/1Paper, Solutions to certain geometrical problems by John Collins17th century
CLP/24/39Summary, An account of Stefano degli Angeli's book 'De Infinitis Spiralibus' and of Michaelis Angeli Ricci's book 'Exercitatio Geometrixa: De Maximis et Minimis' by John Collins17th century
CLP/22i/3/2Diagram, Method of finding the length of an arc of a circle1669
CLP/24/35Paper, 'An account of Michael Davy's "Guaging Epitomized"' by John Collins1674
CLP/24/34Extracts, From Vincent Leotaud's book 'The centre of gravitie of an arch' copied out by John Collins1663
CLP/24/18Paper, Concerning arithmetical progression resolved by John Collinsc.17th century
CLP/24/23Paper, 'Guaging [gauging] Promoted', an appendix to 'Stereometricall Propositions' by John Collins1669
CLP/24/13Paper, 'Discourse to prove that the roots of all equations might be calculated by the aid of tables' by John Collinsc.17th century
CLP/24/37/3Diagram, Isaac Barrow's solution to [Renatus Franciscus] Slusius' 'Construction of Solid Problems' [relayed by John Collins]17th century
CLP/24/21Letter, Discourse with mathematical rules from Mr [Isaac] Barrow to John Collins28 March 1668
CLP/24/20/1Memorandum, On the books to be mentioned to Renatus Slusius by John Collinsc.20 February 1672
CLP/24/36Letter, from John Collins to Henry Oldenburgc.12 September 1669
CLP/24/17/1Letter, from John Collins to Henry Oldenburgc.15 March 1670
CLP/24/38/2Diagram, A solution to a geometric problem by John Collins17th century
CLP/6/25List, 'Writers of the weights of mettals and liquors' by Mr [John] Collins7 July 1670
CLP/24/31/3Diagram, Solutions to certain geometrical problems by John Collins17th century
CLP/24/17/5Diagram, by John Collinsc.15 March 1670
CLP/24/31/6Diagram, Solutions to certain geometrical problems by John Collins17th century
CLP/24/31Paper, Solutions to certain geometrical problems by John Collins17th century
CLP/24/24/1Letter, from John Collins to Henry Oldenburg1660
CLP/24/28Paper, 'A solution to a geometric problem' by John Collins17th century
RBO/4/26Solution by John Collins of a chorographical problem proposed by Richard Towneley1670
CLP/24/20/2Diagram, by John Collinsc.20 February 1672
CLP/24/37/2Diagram, Isaac Barrow's solution to [Renatus Franciscus] Slusius' 'Construction of Solid Problems' [relayed by John Collins]17th century
CLP/24/26/2Diagram, 'The Answer of John Collins to a Paper of Mr. Hobbs - endeavouring to invalidate the doctrine of Dr. Wallis in his Arithmetica Infinitorum' by John Collins17th century
CLP/25/114Paper, 'Of the fishery and of an excise upon salt' by John Collins [1682]
RBO/3/71'A Demonstration Of the Rule for finding the Year of the Julian Period' brought in by John Collins19 December 1667
CLP/24/31/5Diagram, Solutions to certain geometrical problems by John Collins17th century
CLP/24/31/2Diagram, Solutions to certain geometrical problems by John Collins17th century
CLP/24/38Paper, A solution to a geometric problem by John Collins17th century
CLP/24/26Paper, 'The Answer of John Collins to a Paper of Mr. Hobbs - endeavouring to invalidate the doctrine of Dr. Wallis in his Arithmetica Infinitorum' by John Collins17th century
CLP/24/26/1Paper, 'The Answer of John Collins to a Paper of Mr. Hobbs - endeavouring to invalidate the doctrine of Dr. Wallis in his Arithmetica Infinitorum' by John Collins17th century
CLP/24/37/1Paper, Isaac Barrow's solution to [Renatus Franciscus] Slusius' 'Construction of Solid Problems' [relayed by John Collins]17th century
CLP/24/17/3Diagram, by John Collinsc.15 March 1670
CLP/24/25Paper, Isaac Barrow's paper concerning 'Gregory's Problem' as considered by John Collinsc.17th century
EL/N1/45Extract of a letter, from Isaac Newton to John Collins1672
CLP/6/21Paper, 'A narrative of the making of salt in Cheshire [England]' by [Mr Collins]c1667
EL/N1/44Extract of a letter, from Isaac Newton to John Collins1672
EL/L5/100Copy of a letter, from Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz to Collins, dated at Hanover12 July 1677
CLP/24/24Letter, from John Collins to Henry Oldenburg1660
EL/F1/108Extract of a letter, from John Flamsteed to John Collins14 December 1674
EL/F1/84Extract of a letter, from John Flamsteed to John Collins18 March 1671
EL/L5/99Copy of a letter, from Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz to Collins, dated at Hanover21 June 1677
EL/F1/81Copy of a letter, from John Flamsteed to John Collins, dated at Derby1 January 1672
CLP/24/29Paper, 'Solutions to certain geometrical problems' by John Collins17th century
EL/F1/99Letter, from John Flamsteed to John Collins, dated at Derby12 July 1673
EL/F1/107Extract of a letter, from John Flamsteed to John Collins25 November 1674
EL/N1/42Continuation of an extract of a letter, from Isaac Newton to John Collinsnd
EL/T/25Letter, from Richard Towneley to John Collins, dated at Towneley29 January 1672
CLP/24/11/4Diagram, The Parisian problem by John CollinsDecember 1667/January 1668
CLP/24/21/3Diagram, by Isaac Barrow28 March 1668
CLP/24/40Letter, from John Collins to Thomas Strode16 July 1672
CLP/24/29/2Diagram, 'Solutions to certain geometrical problems' by John Collins17th century
CLP/24/36/2Diagram, by John Collinsc.12 September 1669
CLP/24/17/4Diagram, by John Collinsc.15 March 1670
CLP/24/17/6Diagram, by John Collinsc.15 March 1670
CLP/24/31/4Diagram, Solutions to certain geometrical problems by John Collins17th century
CLP/24/36/1Letter, from John Collins to Henry Oldenburgc.12 September 1669
CLP/24/24/2Diagram, by John Collins 1660
LBO/5/44Copy extract of a letter from Richard Townley to John Collins29 January 1671/1672
EL/W2/24Letter, from John Wallis to Mr Coller, dated at Oxford24 August 1674
EL/N1/43Extract of a letter, from Isaac Newton to John Collins1672
EL/N1/46Letter, from Isaac Newton to John Collins, dated at Cambridge9 April 1672
CLP/16/8Paper, 'A demonstration of the rule, for finding the year of the Julian period' by John Collins12 December 1667
CLP/24/17Letter, from John Collins to Henry Oldenburgc.15 March 1670
CLP/24/11/3Diagram, The Parisian problem by John CollinsDecember 1667/January 1668
CLP/24Classified papers: volume 24, papers of John Collins, Henry Oldenburg, Robert Hooke, mathematics17th century
CLP/24/1Letter, 'Introduction to algebra translated out of the High Dutch into English by Thomas Brancker...' from John Collins to Henry Oldenburg14 May 1668
CLP/24/8Paper, 'Concerning the controversy between Monsieur Huygens and James Gregory' by John Collins17th century
CLP/24/9Paper, 'Andreae Tacquet et Societate Jesu Opera mathematica (Posthuma) [Andre Tacquet and the Society of Jesus mathematical works (posthumus)]' by John Collins17th century
CLP/24/10Paper, concerning the work of Isaac Barrow by John Collins17th century
CLP/24/15Letter, from John Collins to Renatus Slusiusc.17th century
CLP/24/20Memorandum, On the books to be mentioned to Renatus Slusius by John Collinsc.20 February 1672
CLP/24/22Letter, from John Collins to Henry Oldenburg, Secretary of the Royal Society1666
CLP/24/30Paper, An account of Renatus Franciscus Slusius' book 'Duae Mediae Proportionales inter extremas datas per circulum et per infinitas hyperbolas vel ellipses' by John Collins1668
CLP/24/32List, 'An Inquisition after some Bookes for the Presse' by John Collins17th century
CLP/24/33Letter, from John Collins to Henry Oldenburg [Secretary of the Royal Society]17th century
CLP/24/37Paper, Isaac Barrow's solution to [Renatus Franciscus] Slusius' 'Construction of Solid Problems' [relayed by John Collins]17th century
EL/T/45Letter, from George Tollet to John Collins, dated at London19 August 1675
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