Reference number | Title | Date |
EC/1872/12 | Cleland, John: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
IM/Maull/000880 | Cleland, John | nd |
IM/Maull/000879 | Cleland, John | nd |
NLB/2/79 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr John Cleland, Fellow of the Royal Society, 2, The University, Glasgow | 6 January 1888 |
NLB/16/62 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor E Ray Lankester, Fellow of the Royal Society | 22 January 1898 |
NLB/25/303 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to John Cleland, Fellow of the Royal Society | 15 October 1902 |
NLB/25/356 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Cleland, Fellow of the Royal Society | 21 October 1902 |
NLB/63/19 | Copy letter from Sir Charles Scott Sherrington, President of the Royal Society; to Professor John Cleland, FRS | 15 June 1922 |
RR/4/56 | Referee's report by Thomas Henry Huxley, on a paper 'On the relations of the vomer, ethmoid, and intermaxillary bones' by John Cleland | 17 May 1861 |
PT/64/14/16 | Plate, 'Intermaxillaries of the giraffe' by J [John] Cleland | [1861] |
RR/6/85 | Referee's report by George Rolleston, on a paper 'An inquiry into the variations of the human skull, particularly the antero-posterior direction' by John Cleland | 28 September 1869 |
RR/6/83 | Referee's report by William Sharpey, on a paper 'An inquiry into the variations of the human skull, particularly the antero-posterior direction' by John Cleland | nd [1869] |
RR/6/84 | Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'An inquiry into the variations of the human skull, particularly the antero-posterior direction' by John Cleland | 20 July 1869 |
RR/9/360 | Referee's report by John Cleland, on a paper 'The minute anatomy of the brachial plexus' by W P Herringham | 1886 |
RR/14/109 | Referee's report by John Cleland, on a paper 'The development and morphology of the vascular system in mammals. I. The posterior end of the aorta and the iliac arteris' by Alfred H Young and Arthur Robinson | 8 February 1898 |
NLB/67/868 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Thomas Hastie] Bryce, FRS | 30 March 1925 |
NLB/23/1/321 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Cleland, Fellow of the Royal Society | 24 October 1901 |
PT/64/14/13 | Plate, vomer and ethmoid of lamb by J [John] Cleland | [1861] |
PT/64/14/14 | Plate, 'Intermaxillaries of the sheep' by J [John] Cleland | [1861] |
PT/64/14/8 | Plate, 'Bones from the cat' by J [John] Cleland | [1861] |
PT/64/14/7 | Plate, posterior extremity of vomer by J [John] Cleland | [1861] |
PT/64/14/26 | Plate, 'Section of skull of Delphinus orca' by J [John] Cleland | [1861] |
PT/64/14/25 | Plate, 'Part of the skull of a dugong' by J [John] Cleland | [1861] |
PT/64/14/28 | Plate, 'Diagram of the two most anterior segments of the mammalian skull' by J [John] Cleland | [1861] |
PT/64/14/22 | Plate, 'Part of the skull of cœlogenys' by J [John] Cleland | [1861] |
PT/64/14/18 | Plate, 'Section of the fore part of the skull of a horse' by J [John] Cleland | [1861] |
PT/64/14/27 | Plate, 'Section of skull of Delphinus globiceps from above' by J [John] Cleland | [1861] |
PT/64/14/4 | Plate, 'Bones from specimen referred to in the text as no. 3' by J [John] Cleland | [1861] |
PT/64/14/24 | Plate, 'Part of the skull of a kangaroo' by J [John] Cleland | [1861] |
PT/64/14/23 | Plate, articulations of vomer in rabbit by J [John] Cleland | [1861] |
PT/64/14/15 | Plate, 'Intermaxillaries of the alpaca' by J [John] Cleland | [1861] |
PT/64/14/9 | Plate, 'Vomer and ethmoid of the fox' by J [John] Cleland | [1861] |
PT/64/14/10 | Plate, 'Intermaxillaries of Ursus maritimus' by J [John] Cleland | [1861] |
PT/64/14/1 | Manuscript, 'On the relations of the vomer, ethmoid, and intermaxillary bones' by John Cleland | [1861] |
PT/64/14/12 | Plate, 'Part of a hedgehog's skull' by J [John] Cleland | [1861] |
PT/64/14/6 | Plate, diagram of vomer, ethmoid, and sphenoidal spongy bones by J [John] Cleland | [1861] |
PT/64/14/3 | Plate, 'Bones from specimen referred to in the text as no. 2' by J [John] Cleland | [1861] |
PT/64/14/11 | Plate, 'Vomer and ethmoid of Phoca vitulina' by J [John] Cleland | [1861] |
PT/64/14/32 | Plate, 'Diagram of the two most anterior segments of a fish's skull' by J [John] Cleland | [1861] |
PT/64/14/2 | Plate, 'Bones from specimen referred to in the text as no. 1' by J [John] Cleland | [1861] |
PT/64/14/17 | Plate, 'Part of the skull of a horse' by J [John] Cleland | [1861] |
PT/64/14/21 | Plate, 'Anterior nares of the tapir' by J [John] Cleland | [1861] |
PT/64/14/5 | Plate, vomers by J [John] Cleland | [1861] |
PT/64/14/19 | Plate, 'Vomer etc. from the skull of a sucking pig' by J [John] Cleland | [1861] |
PT/64/14/20 | Plate, 'Vomer etc. of a young elephant' by J [John] Cleland | [1861] |
PT/64/14/29 | Plate, 'Vomer and palatals of a duck, viewed from above' by J [John] Cleland | [1861] |
PT/64/14/31 | Plate, intermaxillary and vomer of python and nasal and vomer of Malapterurus by J [John] Cleland | [1861] |
PT/64/14/30 | Plate, 'Section of the skull of a cod' by J [John] Cleland | [1861] |
MC/9/14 | Letter from John Cleland, Vicarscroft, Galway, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society | 24 January 1870 |
MC/8/431 | Letter from John Cleland, Vicars Croft, Galway, to Walter White, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society | 15 October 1869 |
MC/9 | Volume 9 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1870-June 1873 |
RR/6/86 | Letter from John Cleland, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'An inquiry into the variations of the human skull, particularly the antero-posterior direction' by John Cleland | 6 October 1869 |
MC/8 | Volume 8 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1867-1869 |
AP/74/15/1 | Unpublished manuscript, 'A study of the anatomy of symmetrical double monstrosities [sic] in the trout' by James F [Fairlie] Gemmill | 1901 |
AP/74/15 | Unpublished paper, 'A study of the anatomy of symmetrical double monstrosities [sic] in the trout' by James F [Fairlie] Gemmill | 1901 |
PT/64/14 | Paper, 'On the relations of the vomer, ethmoid, and intermaxillary bones' by John Cleland | [1861] |
RR/4/55 | Referee's report by Allen Thomson, on a paper 'On the relations of the vomer, ethmoid, and intermaxillary bones' by John Cleland | 3 July 1861 |
RR/11/197 | Referee's report by John Cleland, on a paper 'The human sacrum' by A M Paterson | 25 May 1892 |
RR/14/1 | Referee's report by John Cleland, on a paper 'On the topographical anatomy of the abdominal viscera, especially the gastro-intestinal canal in man' by Christopher Addison | [November 1898] |
NLB/43/596 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr John Cleland, Fellow of the Royal Society | 20 February 1911 |
MC/26/54 | Letter from John Cleland, Drumclog, Crewkerne, Somerset, [Robert] Harrison, Assistant Secretary, Royal Society | 17 February 1911 |
MC/39 | Volume 39 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1925 |
MC/39/18 | Letter from Thomas [Hastie] Bryce, Slieve Donard Hotel, Newcastle, to [Francis Alexander] Towle | 2 April 1925 |