Reference number | Title | Date |
EC/1964/25 | Walsh, Arthur Donald: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
IM/GA/WRS/9336 | Walsh, Arthur Donald | nd |
RR/66/233 | Referee's report by Owen Willans Richardson, on a paper 'The absorption spectra of conjugated dienes in the vacuum ultra-violet (1)' by William Charles Price and Arthur Donald Walsh | [November 1939] |
RR/68/118 | Letter from James Chadwick, to Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton, regarding a paper 'The absorption spectra of the cyclic dienes in the vacuum ultra-violet' by William Charles Price and Arthur Donald Walsh | 31 May 1941 |
RR/68/510 | Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The absorption spectra of hexatriene and divinyl acetylene in the vacuum ultra-violet' by William Charles Price and Arthur Donald Walsh | [1944] |
RR/68/512 | Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The absorption spectrum of acetaldehyde in the vacuum ultra-violet' by Arthur Donald Walsh | [1944] |
RR/72/225 | Referee's report by Harold Warris Thompson, on a paper 'The far ultra-violet absorption spectra of the hydrides and deuterides of sulphur, selenium and tellurium and of the methyl derivatives of hydrogen sulphide' by William Charles Price, J P Teegan and Arthur Donald Walsh | 1949 |
IM/004780 | Walsh, Arthur Donald | nd |
RR/69/252 | Referee's report by Edmund John Bower, on two papers 'The absorption spectra of benzene derivatives in the vacuum ultra-violet. Parts I and II' by William Charles Price and Arthur Donald Walsh | 1946 |
RR/68/116 | Letter from R M B Pearse, to Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton, regarding a paper 'The absorption spectra of the cyclic dienes in the vacuum ultra-violet' by William Charles Price and Arthur Donald Walsh | 24 May 1941 |
RR/68/117 | Letter from Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton, to James Chadwick, regarding a paper 'The absorption spectra of the cyclic dienes in the vacuum ultra-violet' by William Charles Price and Arthur Donald Walsh | 25 May 1941 |
RR/73/281 | Referee's report by Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton, on a paper 'A study of the reactions that lead to 'knock' in the spark ignition engine' by Diarmuid Downs, Arthur Donald Walsh and R W Wheeler | 6 December 1950 |
RR/77/75 | Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The inhibiting effect of the lead tetraethyl. Part I. The effect of lead compounds on the vapour phase slow oxidation of diisopropyl ether and on the ignition of diethyl ether' by G H N Chamberlain and Arthur Donald Walsh | 25 April 1952 |
RR/73/282 | Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'A study of the reactions that lead to 'knock' in the spark ignition engine' by Diarmuid Downs, Arthur Donald Walsh and R W Wheeler | 14 December 1950 |