
Authorised form of nameBarnes; Howard Turner (1873 - 1950); physicist
Dates1873 - 1950
Place of birthWoburn, Massachusetts, United States of America
Date of birth21 July 1873
Place of deathBurlington, Vermont, United States of America
Date of death04 October 1950
Research fieldPhysics
Montreal Academy ; DSc (McGill)
Demonstrator at McGill in physics, working under Hugh Longbourne Callendar (FRS 1894); went to the UK on a scholarship from the Royal Society (1899); returned to McGill as lecturer in physics (1900); assistant professor at McGill (1901: associate professor at McGill (1907); appointed Macdonald Professor of Physics and Director of the Laboratory (1907-1917); professor at McGill (1920-1933).
Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada 1908
Tyndall Lecturer 1912
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election04/05/1911
Age at election38
ProposerHugh Longbourne Callendar; Ernest Rutherford; Ernest Hhoward Griffiths; Henry Taylor Bovey; Ernest William MacBride; Frank Dawson Adams; John George Adami; Arthur Schuster; William Cecil Dampier Whetham; Frederick Thomas Trouton; Joseph W Swan
RelationshipsParents: Reverend William S. Barnes, LL.D., and of Mary Alice (née Turner).
Spouse: Miss Anne Kershaw Cunliffe, younger daughter of Thomas Cunliffe of Bolton, Lancashire (September 1901).
Children: William, Thomas, Anne and Mary (twins).
General contextSpecialised in calorimetry, electrolytes, ice formation and ice engineering.
Royal Society Obituary or MemoirClick to view (may be contained within a meeting notice, presidential address or list of death notices)
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Barnes H T, IM Maull 005054.jpg

Bulloch's Roll; DSB vol 17 pp 46-47
Obituary Notices of Fellows of the Royal Society 1952-1953 vol 8 pp 25-35, plate, by J S Foster
R W Home, 'The Royal Society and the Empire: the colonial and Commonwealth Fellowship. Part 2. After 1847' in NR 2003 vol 57 pp 47-84
Royal Society codeNA4794
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference numberTitleDate
IM/Maull/005054Barnes, Howard Turnernd
NLB/18/269Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor G Carey Foster, Fellow of the Royal Society15 February 1899
NLB/21/113Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr Howard Turner Barnes, Fellow of the Royal Society30 July 1900
NLB/21/89Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor George Carey Foster, Fellow of the Royal Society27 July 1900
NLB/21/330Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Dr Howard Turner Barnes, [Fellow of the Royal Society], Macdonald Physical Laboratory, McGill University, Montreal1 November 1900
NLB/57/384Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor AS [Arthur Stewart] Eve, FRS, CBE29 October 1919
NLB/69/693Copy letter from Sir Ernest Rutherford, President of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Howard Turner] Barnes, FRS23 July 1926
RR/33/18Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'Some physical properties of lcebergs and a method for their destruction' by Howard Turner BarnesDecember 1926
NLB/70/107Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Howard Turner] Barnes, FRS5 January 1927
RR/15/165Referee's report by Herbert McLeod, on a paper 'Continuous electrical calorimetry' by Hugh Longbourne CallendarJanuary 1901
NLB/19/773Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Howard Turnder Barnes, [Fellow of the Royal Society], McGill College, Montreal15 December 1899
NLB/21/22Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society17 July 1900
EC/1911/02Barnes, Howard Turner: certificate of election to the Royal Society
EC/1911/01Barnes, Howard Turner: certificate of election to the Royal Society
RR/15/163Referee's report by Ernest Howard Griffiths, on a paper 'Continuous electrical calorimetry' by Hugh Longbourne Callendar4 January 1902
RR/15/155Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'A determination by a thermal method of the variation of the critical velocity of water with temperature' by Howard Turner Barnes and Ernest George Coker28 October 1901
RR/13/175Referee's report by John William Strutt, Lord Rayleigh, on a paper 'On the variation of the electromotive force of different forms of the Clark standard cell with temperature and with strength of solution' by Hugh Longbourne Callendar and Howard Turner Barnes17 March 1897
RR/15/7Referee's report by Ernest Howard Griffiths, on a paper 'The capacity for heat of water between the freezing & boiling points' by Howard Turner BarnesJuly 1900
RR/15/8Referee's report by Osborne Reynolds, on a paper 'The capacity for heat of water between the freezing & boiling points' by Howard Turner Barnes26 July 1900
RR/15/154Referee's report by Henry Selby Hele-Shaw, on a paper 'A determination by a thermal method of the variation of the critical velocity of water with temperature' by Howard Turner Barnes and Ernest George Coker15 October 1901
MC/26/17Letter from [Howard Turner] Barnes, McGill University, Montreal, to the Secretaries, Royal Society, London26 July 1911
MC/26/18Letter from [Howard Turner] Barnes, McGill University, Montreal, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Assistant Secretary], [Royal Society]August 1911
MC/27/48Letter from [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Imperial College of Science and Technology, Royal College of Science, South Kensington, London, S.W6 February 1912
MC/37/9Letter from Howard [Turner] Barnes, McGill University, Montreal, to Sir David Prain, Treasurer of the Royal Society, London13 November 1923
MC/39/8Letter from Howard [Turner] Barnes, McGill University, Montreal, to Sir David28 July 1925
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