Reference number | Title | Date |
MM/21/30 | Letter from James Paget | 12 February 1887 |
IM/003405 | Paget, Sir James | 1849 |
AP/53/7/4 | Unpublished figure, 'Rough tracing showing varicosity of small blood vessels in an inflamed pericardium (Paget)' by Richard Morris | 1871 |
NLB/3/234 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Michael Foster, Secretary, Royal Society | 15 April 1889 |
NLB/7/83 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir James Paget | 25 November 1892 |
NLB/8/768 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir James Paget, Fellow of the Royal Society | 19 December 1893 |
NLB/8/738 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir James Paget, Fellow of the Royal Society | 15 December 1893 |
NLB/19/811 | Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Messrs Harrison & Sons | 1 January 1900 |
NLB/21/15 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr Jonathan Hutchinson, Fellow of the Royal Society | 13 July 1900 |
RR/3/249 | Referee's report by James Paget, on a paper 'Enquiries into the quality of air repsired each quarter of an hour of the day and night and under the influence of various kinds of exercise, food and medicine and temperature' by Edward Smith | 5 June 1857 |
RR/3/12 | Referee's report by James Paget, on a paper 'Micro-chemical researches on the digestion of amylaceous foods' by Phillip Burnard Ayres | 7 November 1855 |
RR/2/132 | Referee's report by James Paget, on a paper 'On the nerves which supply the muscular structure of the heart' by Robert Lee | 15 February 1854 |
RR/3/75 | Referee's report by James Paget on a paper, 'Researches on the intimate structure of the brain, human and comparative.—First series. On the structure of the medulla oblongata' by Jacob Augustus Lockhart Clarke | 30 January 1858 |
RR/3/99 | Referee's report by James Paget, on a paper 'Researches into the nature of the involuntary muscular tissue of the urinary bladder' by George Viner Ellis | 1 November 1856 |
RR/3/179 | Referee's report by James Paget, on a paper 'On the early stages of inflammations' by Joseph Lister | 30 July 1857 |
RR/4/62 | Referee's report by James Paget, on a paper 'On the electrical condition of the egg of the common fowl' by John Davy | 15 June 1859 |
RR/4/21 | Referee's report by James Paget, on a paper 'On the repair of tendons after their subcutaneous division' by Bernard Brodhurst | 10 January 1860 |
EC/1851/12 | Paget, Sir James: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
NLB/3/491 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, President of the Royal Society | 24 June 1889 |
AP/72/3 | Unpublished paper, 'The healing of incisions in vegetable tissues' by Samuel G [George] Shattock | 1895 |
NLB/3/501 | Copy letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to Sir Henry Isaacs, the Right Honorable Lord Mayor, Mansion House, E.C. | 26 June 1889 |
RR/2/133 | Second referee's report by James Paget, on a paper 'On the nerves which supply the muscular structure of the heart' by Robert Lee | 30 March 1854 |
PT/50/5 | Paper, 'Observations on the respiratory movements of insects' by William Frederick Barlow | [1854] |
RR/4/12 | Referee's report by James Paget on a paper 'On the distribution of nerves to the elementary fibres of striped muscle' by Lionel Smith Beale | 23 July 1860 |
RR/3/76 | Referee's report by James Paget, on a paper 'Further researches on the grey substance of the spinal cord' by Jacob Augustus Lockhart Clarke | 18 October 1858 |
PT/51/2 | Paper, 'On the development of striated muscular fibre in mammalia' by William S [Scovell] Savory | November 1854 |
RR/3/274 | Referee's report by James Paget, on a paper 'Account of experiments on the vagus and spinal accessory nerves' by Augustus Volney Waller | 21 April 1856 |
RR/5/175 | Referee's report by James Paget, on a paper 'On the immunity enjoyed by the stomach from being digested by its own secretion during life' by Frederick William Pavy | 6 June 1863 |
PT/37/9 | Paper, 'Observations on the freezing of the albumen of eggs' by James Paget | [1849] |
MC/9/245 | Letter from Jos D [Joseph Dalton] Hooker, Royal Gardens, Kew to J [James] Paget | 5 August 1871 |
MC/9/250 | Letter from G E Adams, College of Arms, London, to Sir James Paget | 15 August 1871 |
MC/9/246 | Letter from H [Henry] Bence Jones, Folkestone, to Sir James [Paget] | 5 August 1871 |
MC/9/275 | Letter from William B [Benjamin] Carpenter, 56 Regents Park Road, to Sir James Paget | 9 November 1871 |
MC/9/367 | Letter from James Paget, 1 Harewood Place, Hanover Square, to Walter White, [Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society] | 20 April 1872 |
MC/10/92 | Letter from James Paget, 1 Harewood Place, Hanover Square, to Dr [Joseph Dalton] Hooker, President of the Royal Society | 18 March 1874 |
MC/9 | Volume 9 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1870-June 1873 |
MC/10 | Volume 10 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | July 1873-1876 |
AP/64/14 | Unpublished paper, 'On the force with which the two layers of the healthy pleura cohere' by Samuel West | 1887 |
AP/36/11 | Unpublished paper, 'The applicability of gelatine paper as a medium for colouring light' by Horace B [Benge] Dobell | August 1854 |
RR/2/196 | Referee's report by James Paget, on a paper 'The physical theory of muscular contraction' by Charles Bland Radcliffe | 3 February 1855 |
AP/37/25 | Paper, 'Examination of the cerebro-spinal fluid' by William Turner | 1854 |
AP/39/40 | Abstract, 'Experimental researches on the spinal cord as a leader for sensibility and voluntary movements' by [Charles Edward] Brown-Sequard | 1857 |
AP/39/44 | Abstract, 'Summary of a paper on the power possessed by motor and sensitive nerves of retaining their vital properties longer than muscles, when deprived of blood' by [Charles Edward] Brown-Sequard | 1857 |
AP/39/42 | Abstract, 'Experimental researches on the influence of efforts of inspiration on the movements of the heart' by [Charles Edward] Brown-Sequard | 1857 |
AP/39/43 | Abstract, 'Summary of a paper on the influence of oxygen on the vital properties of the spinal cord, nerves, and muscles' by [Charles Edward] Brown-Sequard | 1857 |
AP/39/41 | Abstract, 'Summary of a paper on the resemblance between the effects of the section of the sympathetic nerve in the neck and of a transverse section of a lateral half of the spinal cord' by [Charles Edward] Brown-Sequard | 1857 |
RR/4/239 | Referee's report by James Paget, on a paper 'Experimental inquiries into the chemical and other phenomena of respiration, and their modifications by various physical agencies' by Edward Smith | 19 April 1859 |
AP/42/8/1 | Unpublished manuscript, 'On the influence of white light, of the different coloured rays, and of darkness on the development, growth and nutrition of animals' by Horace Dobell | December 1858 |
AP/42/14 | Unpublished paper, 'On muscular action from an electrical point of view' by C B [Charles Bland] Radcliffe | 1859 |
AP/42/14/1 | Unpublished manuscript, 'On muscular action from an electrical point of view' by C B [Charles Bland] Radcliffe | 1859 |
AP/71/11 | Unpublished paper, 'An attempt to cultivate parasitic protozoa from malignant tumours, Vaccinia, Molluscum Contagiosum, and certain normal tissues, together with infection experiments carried out with the culture media, and a note on the treatment of cancer' by Samuel George Shattock and Charles A [Alfred] Ballance | 1895 |
RR/2/126 | Referee's report by James Paget, on a paper 'Discovery that the veins of the bat's wing (which are furnished with valves) are endowed with rythmical contractility, and that the onward flow of blood is accelerated by each contraction' by Thomas Wharton Jones | 23 February 1852 |
RR/5/180 | Referee's report by James Paget, on a paper 'On the arrangement of the muscular fibres in the ventricles of the vertebrate heart, with physiological remarks' by James Bell Pettigrew | 26 June 1860 |
MC/14/231 | Letter from E Calvert, 42 Cotton Hill, Shrewsbury, to Herbert Rix | 17 June 1887 |
MC/14 | Volume 14 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1885-1888 |
AP/42/8 | Unpublished paper, 'On the influence of white light, of the different coloured rays, and of darkness on the development, growth and nutrition of animals' by Horace Dobell | December 1858 |
MS/743/1/110 | Letter from James Paget, 1 Harewood Place, Hanover Square, to [John Hall] Gladstone | 7 June 1886 |
MS/769/73 | Letter from James Paget, 1 Harewood Place, Hanover Square, to [Walter] White | 15 March 1878 |