
Authorised form of nameBrodie; Sir; Benjamin Collins (1783 - 1862); surgeon
Dates1783 - 1862
Place of birthWinterslow, Wiltshire, England
Date of birth09 June 1783
Place of deathBroome Park, Surrey
Date of death21 October 1862
Research fieldPhysiology
Went to London to study medicine (aged 18); attended Abernethy's lectures (1801) and Wilson's at the Hunterian School (1802); pupil to Everard Home, St George's Hospital, London (1803); assisted in private practice; Assistant Surgeon, St George's Hospital (1808); Surgeon, St George's Hospital (1822); attended George IV (1819, and in his last illness); Sergeant Surgeon to William IV (1832)
Bt 1834
FRCP (President 1844); GMC (President 1858); Royal Medico-Chirurgical Society (President)
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election18/02/1810
Royal Society activityRoyal Society roles:
PRS 1858-1861; VP 1833-1835, 1849-1851, 1854-1856 and 1861-1862
Medals and prizes:
Copley Medal 1811
Croonian 1810 and 1813
RelationshipsFather of Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie (FRS 1849)
Bulloch's Roll; DNB; DSB
Proc Roy Soc 1862-1863 vol 12 pp xlii-lvi
Edmund J Bowen, 'The Balliol-Trinity Laboratories, Oxford 1853-1940' in NR 1970 vol 25 pp 227-236
W P Griffith and P J T Morris, 'Charles Hatchett FRS (1765 - 1847), chemist and discoverer of niobium' in NR 2003 vol 57 pp 299 - 316
DSB gives date of birth as 8 Jun 1783.
Virtual International Authority File
Royal Society codeNA8147
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference numberTitleDate
MC/6/17Letter from [Isaac Newton Wallop], Earl of Portsmouth, Eggesford House, North Devon, to Sir Benjamin [Collins Brodie, President of the Royal Society]5 March 1859
MM/19/57Letter from Edward Sabine to William Sharpey, Secretary, Royal Societynd
MC/6/94Letter from Geo A [George Alexander] Hamilton, Treasury Chambers, to Sir B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie, President of the Royal Society14 June 1860
MC/6/172Letter from Norton Shaw, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Geographical Society, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society5 October 1861
MM/19/125Letter from Sir Benjamin Brodie Collins9 August 1843
MM/19/24Letter from Edward Sabine, Treasurer, Royal Society, to William Sharpey, Secretary, Royal Society14 December 1860
MM/19/68Letter from Joseph Hodgson to Edward Sabine19 October 1860
MM/19/21Letter from Edward Sabine, Treasurer, Royal Society, to William Sharpey, Secretary, Royal Society22 July 1860
MM/19/23Letter from Edward Sabine, Treasurer, Royal Society, to William Sharpey, Secretary, Royal Society20 October [1860]
MM/19/31Letter from Edward Sabine, Treasurer, Royal Society, to Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie, President, Royal Society28 September 1861
MM/19/76Letter from Lord John Russell to Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie16 January 1861
MM/19/88Letter from J Masterman to Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie, President, Royal Society27 January 1859
MS/769/19Letter from Benjamin Collins Brodie, 37 Portland Place, to [Walter White?] 12 April 1862
MS/769/18Letter from Benjamin Collins Brodie, 14 Saville Row, to [Walter White?]1 June 1860
MC/6/84Letter from E Hammond, Foreign Office, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society25 May 1860
MS/843/13Letter from Benjamin Collins Brodie, Victoria Hotel, St Leonards-on-Sea, to William Sharpey9 October [1860]
EC/1809/09Brodie, Sir Benjamin Collins: certificate of election to the Royal Society
IM/Maull/000580Brodie, Sir Benjamin Collinsnd
IM/000581Brodie, Sir Benjamin Collinsnd
NLB/37/238Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to C T Dent. Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, 61 Brooke Street, W18th February 1908
RR/2/28Referee's report by Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie, on a paper 'On the dentate body of the cerebellum' by William Brinton24 July 1852
MS/426/265Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir B [Benjamin Collins] Brodie12 March 1847
MS/426/151Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society' to Sir B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie, Bart27 October 1845
MC/6/118Letter from B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie, [President of the Royal Society], 14 Savile Row, to General [Edward] Sabine, [Treasurer of the Royal Society]19 December 1860
MS/426/700Copy letter from Walter White, Clerk of the Royal Society; to Dr Norton Shaw1 September 1860
MC/6/9Letter from Geo A [George Alexander] Hamilton, Treasury Chambers, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society9 February 1859
MS/426/679Copy letter from W [William] Sharpey, Secretary of the Royal Society; to T J Elliott Esq, Colonial Office9 December 1859
MC/6/7Letter from E Hammond, Foreign Office, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society29 January 1859
MC/6/59Letter from [Noel Germinal] Poudra, officier superieur de l'École d'état-major, 15 rue de l'Église, Paris, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society27 February 1860
MC/6/22Letter from T F Elliot, Downing Street, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society 19 April 1859
IM/005517Brodie, Benjamin Collinsnd
MS/843/12Letter from Benjamin Collins Brodie, Broome, Betchworth, Surrey, to Edward Sabine22 September 1860
IM/Maull/000578Brodie, Sir Benjamin Collinsnd
MM/19/54Letter from Edward Sabine to William Sharpey, Secretary, Royal Society7 August
MC/6/4Letter from Adrien Sicard, physician, 4 rue d'arcole, Marseille, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society11 January 1859
MM/19/26Letter from Edward Sabine, Treasurer, Royal Society, to William Sharpey, Secretary, Royal Society15 July 1861
NLB/14/509Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to T Holmes, 6 Sussex Place, Hyde Park, W. 23 March 1897
RR/1/85Referee's report by Benjamin Collins Brodie, on a paper 'On the structure and functions of the spleen' by Thomas Gordon Hake9 August 1839
MC/6/67Letter from B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie, [President of the Royal Society], 14 Saville Row, to the Royal Society24 March 1860
PT/5/2Paper, 'The Croonian Lecture, on some physiological researches, respecting the influence of the brain on the action of the heart and on the generation of animal heat' by B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie[1810]
PT/8/8Paper, 'Experiments and observations on the influence of the nerves of the eighth pair on the secretions of the stomach' by B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie[1814]
PT/25/2Paper, 'Memoir of the case of a gentleman, born blind and successfully operated upon in the 18th year of his age, with physiological observations and experiments' by J C August Franz[1840]
PT/3/7Paper, 'Account of the dissection of a human foetus, in which the circulation of the blood was carried on without a heart' by Mr B [Benjamin] C [Collins] Brodie[1809]
PT/31/4Paper, 'On the secretory apparatus and function of the liver' by C [Charles] Handfield Jones20 October 1845
PT/31/4/2Plate, figures 1-5 showing series of liver cells and lobules by Charles Handfield Jones20 October 1845
PT/31/4/5Plate, figures 6-7 showing lobule surrounded by interlobular ducts and portions of lobules by Charles Handfield Jones20 October 1845
PT/31/4/3Plate, figure 6 showing a lobule surrounded by interlobular ducts by Charles Handfield Jones20 October 1845
PT/31/4/4Plate, figures 1-5 showing series of liver cells and lobules by Charles Handfield Jones20 October 1845
PT/35/6Paper, 'On the chemical nature of wax. Part III' by B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie[1848]
PT/34/9iPaper, 'On the chemical nature of a wax from China. Part II' by B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie[1848]
MC/2Volume 2 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1832-1838
PT/5/11Paper, 'Experiments and observations on the different modes in which death is produced by certain vegetable poisons' by B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie[1811]
MC/2/110Letter from J.F. Palmer, 38 Golden Square, to [Benjamin Collins] Brodie4 February 1834
MC/2/105Letter from J.F. Palmer, 38 Golden Square, to [Benjamin Collins] Brodie16 December 1833
PT/31/4/1Manuscript, 'On the secretory apparatus and function of the liver' by C [Charles] Handfield Jones20 October 1845
RR/2/27Letter from William Bowman, on a paper 'On the dentate body of the cerebellum' by William Brinton to Benjamin Collins Brodie23 July 1852
PT/6/20Paper, 'Further experiments and observations on the influence of the brain on the generation of animal heat' by B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie[1812]
MC/3Volume 3 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1839-1843
MC/3/187Letter from Joseph Knaggs, Skelton, Guisbro [Guisborough], Yorkshire, to Dr. [Peter Mark] Roget, Secretary of the Royal Society24 August 1841
MC/3/251Letter from Benjamin Collins Brodie, 14 Saville Row, to Dr. [Peter Mark] Roget, [Secretary of the Royal Society]5 December 1842
MC/3/255Letter from Benjamin Collins Brodie, 14 Saville Row, to the Royal Society15 December 1842
MC/6/14Letter from Edwin Lankester, President of the Microscopial Society, 8 Saville Row, to Sir Benjamin [Collins] Brodie, President of the Royal Society18 February 1859
PT/34/15/3Plate, figure 9 showing arteries, veins, and electrodes used in Baxter's experiments by Henry Foster Baxter[1848]
MC/4/246Letter from Benjamin Collins Brodie, 13 Albert Road, Regent's Park, to the Royal SocietyJune 1848
MC/4/365Letter from C B [Charles Beaumont] Phipps, Windsor Castle, to C R [Charles Richard] Weld, [Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society]18 November 1850
AP/3/4/1Unpublished manuscript, 'Experiments and observations upon vital temperatures' by James Macartney[early 19th century]
MC/4Volume 4 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1844-1850
MS/426/656Copy letter from B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie; President of the Royal Society; to Major Gen Hon C Grey; and to Richard Owen, President of the British Association.9 December 1858
MC/6/12Letter from John J [Joseph] Bennett, British Museum, to Sir Benjamin [Collins] Brodie, [President of the Royal Society]12 February 1859
MC/6/16Letter from Jas [James] P Muirhead, Haseley Court, near Tetsworth, Oxfordshire, to Sir Benjamin C [Collins] Brodie, President of the Royal Society28 February 1859
MC/6/18Letter from Jas [James] P Muirhead, Haseley Court, near Tetsworth, Oxfordshire, to Sir Benjamin C [Collins] Brodie, President of the Royal Society8 March 1859
MC/6/23Letter from B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie, [President of the Royal Society], 4 Saville Row, to the Royal Society20 April 1859
MC/6/19Letter from J [Joseph] Plimsoll, 14 St Monique Street, Montreal, Canada, to Sir Benjamin [Collins] Brodie, President of the Royal Society25 March 1859
MC/6/24Letter from W H [William Henry] Smyth, St John's Lodge, near Aylesbury, to Sir Benjamin [Collins Brodie], [President of the Royal Society]28 April 1859
MC/6/37Letter from Ben J Thomson, secretary, Mercantile Marine Service Association, 20 Water Street, Liverpool, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society and to the Council, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London11 October 1859
MC/6/64Letter from Leonard Horner, President of the Geological Society, Somerset House, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society and to the Council16 March 1860
MC/6/60Letter from Geo A [George Alexander] Hamilton, Treasury Chambers, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society2 March 1860
MC/6/85Letter from Warington W [Wilkinson] Smyth, Geological Society, Somerset House, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society and to the Council30 May 1860
MC/6/80Letter from Geo A [George Alexander] Hamilton, Treasury Chambers, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society16 May 1860
MC/6/74Letter from Henry Cole, Science and Art Department, South Kensington, London, to Sir James Clark28 April 1860
MS/426/691Copy letter from W [William] Sharpey, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Henry Cole Esq12 May 1860
MC/6/65Letter from Leonard Horner, 17 Queen's Road West, Regent's Park, to Sir Benjamin [Collins] Brodie, President of the Royal Society17 March 1860
AP/13/2Unpublished paper, 'An experimental inquiry into the physiological effects of oxygen gas upon the animal system' by S D [Samuel Daniel] Broughton[1829]
MC/6/102Letter from Professor [Richard] Owen, British Museum, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Council of the Royal Society1 August 1860
MC/6/105Letter from B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie, [President of the Royal Society], Broome, Betchworth, Surrey, to Major-General [Edward] Sabine, Treasurer of the Royal Society22 September 1860
MC/6/117Letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, [Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society], to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society and to the Council 17 December 1860
MC/6/122Letter from Geo A [George Alexander] Hamilton, Treasury Chambers, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society, Burlington House24 January 1861
MC/6/129Letter from C B [Charles Beaumont] Phipps, St James's Palace, to Sir Benjamin [Collins Brodie], [President of the Royal Society]20 March 1861
MC/6/137Letter from L [Luigi] Corti, Italian Chargé d'affaires, 23 Park Lane, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society7 May 1861
MC/6/116Letter from Geo A [George Alexander] Hamilton, Treasury Chambers, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society11 December 1860
AP/8A/15Unpublished letter, 'Account of a case, in which the remains of a foetus were found in the abdomen of a female child' from Edward Phillips to B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie18 January 1815
MC/6/145Letter from B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie, [President of the Royal Society], Broome Park, Betchworth, Surrey, to General [Edward] Sabine, [Treasurer of the Royal Society]4 June 1861
MC/6/142Letter from Edouard Thomarri [?], le convent de la conception, maison Durran, Montpellier, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society22 May 1861
MC/6/153Letter from Corniz [?], Seillans, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society18 June 1861
MC/6/160Letter from Rob B [Robert Brotherton] Upton, Clerk to the Society of Apothecaries, Apothecaries Hall, London, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society29 June 1861
MC/6/178Letter from R W [Robert William] Sievier, 35 Rochester Road, Kentish Town, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society and to the Committee9 November 1861
MC/6/182Letter from Wm [William] Lassell, 9 Stierna, via Torre, Malta, to Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie, [President of the Royal Society]26 November 1861
MC/6Volume 6 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1859-1863
PT/6/10Paper, 'Further experiments and observations on the action of poisons on the animal system' by B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie[1812]
PT/34/9Paper, 'An investigation on the chemical nature of wax. Part I' by B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie23 February 1848
PT/31/4/6Plate, figure 8 showing contiguous margins of lobules by Charles Handfield Jones20 October 1845
MC/8/40Letter from Norton Edward, 18 Holyrood Road, The Boltons, West Brompton, to the Secretary of the Royal Society27 April 1867
AP/8A/18Unpublished paper, 'Observations on the mechanism by which the eyes adapted to the vision of objects at different distances' by Benj [Benjamin] Travers[1815]
AP/3/4Unpublished paper, 'Experiments and observations upon vital temperatures' by James Macartney[early 19th century]
AP/30/6/1Unpublished manuscript, 'Researches on the function of the intercostal muscles, and on the respiratory movements, with some remarks upon muscular power in man' by John Hutchinson1848
PT/30/15Paper, 'On the nerves of the uterus' by Thomas S [Snow] Beck[1845]
PT/34/15/1Manuscript, 'An experimental inquiry undertaken with the view of ascertaining whether any, and what signs of current electricity are manifested during the organic process of secretion in living animals; being an attempt to apply some of the discoveries of Faraday to physiology' by H F [Henry Foster] Baxter[1848]
PT/34/15Paper, 'An experimental inquiry undertaken with the view of ascertaining whether any, and what signs of current electricity are manifested during the organic process of secretion in living animals; being an attempt to apply some of the discoveries of Faraday to physiology' by H F [Henry Foster] Baxter[1848]
AP/28/13Unpublished paper, 'Further research on the nervous system of the uterus' by Robert LeeFebruary 1846
AP/30/6Unpublished paper, 'Researches on the function of the intercostal muscles, and on the respiratory movements, with some remarks upon muscular power in man' by John Hutchinson1848
AP/31/1Paper, 'An experimental inquiry undertaken with the view of ascertaining, whether any and what signs of current electricity are manifested during the organic process of secretion in living animals; being an attempt to apply some of the discoveries of [Michael] Faraday to physiology' by H F [Henry Foster] Baxter1848
PT/34/15/2Plate, figures 1-8 showing arrangement of galvanometer, mercurial cup, and electrodes by Henry Foster Baxter[1848]
AP/25/6Unpublished paper, 'On the anatomy and physiology of certain structures in the orbit not previously described' by J M FerrallApril 1841
AP/25/6/1Unpublished manuscript, 'On the anatomy and physiology of certain structures in the orbit not previously described' by J M FerrallApril 1841
AP/31/1/1Manuscript, 'An experimental inquiry undertaken with the view of ascertaining, whether any and what signs of current electricity are manifested during the organic process of secretion in living animals; being an attempt to apply some of the discoveries of [Michael] Faraday to physiology' by H F [Henry Foster] Baxter1848
AP/36/2Unpublished paper, 'An experimental inquiry undertaken with the view of ascertaining whether any force is evolved during muscular contraction analogous to the force evolved in the fish, gymnotus and torpedo [ray]' by Henry Foster Baxter1855
AP/40/6Paper, 'Some remarks on the action of the Upas Antiar (Antiaris toxicaria)' by Albert von Kölliker1857
AP/41/2/1Unpublished manuscript, 'Note sur un organe, placé dans le cordon spermatique et dont l'existence n'a pas été signalée par les anatomistes' [Note on an organ, located in the spermatic cord, and whose existence has not been reported by the anatomists] by F Giraldès1858
AP/41/2Unpublished paper, 'Note sur un organe, placé dans le cordon spermatique et dont l'existence n'a pas été signalée par les anatomistes' [Note on an organ, located in the spermatic cord, and whose existence has not been reported by the anatomists] by F Giraldès1858
AP/43/4/1Unpublished manuscript, 'Physiological anatomy of the lungs' by James Newton Heale1860
AP/43/4Unpublished paper, 'Physiological anatomy of the lungs' by James Newton Heale1860
AP/29/8/1Unpublished manuscript, 'Researches on the function of the intercostal muscles and on respiratory movements with some remarks on muscular power, in man' by John HutchinsonJune 1847
AP/10/2Unpublished paper, 'The Croonian Lecture, on the influence of the nervous system on the action of the muscles in general, and of the heart in particular' by B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie[1813]
AP/29/8Unpublished paper, 'Researches on the function of the intercostal muscles and on respiratory movements with some remarks on muscular power, in man' by John HutchinsonJune 1847
PT/25/6Paper, 'Researches, tending to prove the nonvascularity of certain animal tissues, viz. of articular cartilage, and the cartilage of the different classes of fibro cartilage; of the cornea, crystalline lens, and vitreous humour; and of the epidermoid appendages; and to demonstrate the peculiar uniform mode of their organization and nutrition' by Joseph Toynbee[1841]
RR/1/147Referee's report by Benjamin Collins Brodie and Richard Partridge, on a paper 'On the ganglia and nerves of the virgin uterus' by Robert Lee[1843]
RR/2/118Referee's report by Benjamin Collins Brodie, on a paper 'Contributions to animal chemistry. —Paper V. On the oxidation of ammonia in the human body, with some remarks on nitrification' by Henry Bence Jones20 January 1853
MC/17Volume 17 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1897-1899
P/0015Portrait of Brodie, Sir Benjamin
HS/4/290Letter, from Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie [the elder] to Sir John Herschel, dated at 14 Saville Row12 January 1860
HS/4/294Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie, Jr., dated at Collingwood13 June 1867
HS/4/286Letter, from Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie [the elder] to Sir John Herschel, dated at Bonchurch, I.o.W.20 August 1861
HS/4/282Letter, from Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie [the elder] to Sir John Herschel, dated at Broome Park6 January 1860
HS/4/281Letter, from Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie [the elder] to Sir John Herschel, dated at 14 Saville Row21 April 1859
HS/4/289Letter, from Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie [the elder] to Sir John Herschel, dated at Bonchurch, I.o.W.31 August 1861
HS/4/291Letter, from Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie [the elder] to Sir John Herschel, dated at Broome Parkundated
HS/4/283Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie [the elder], dated at Collingwood8 January 1860
HS/4/292Letter, from Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie [the elder] to Sir John Herschel, dated at Broome Park1859
HS/4/288Letter, from Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie [the elder] to Sir John Herschel, dated at Bonchurch, I.o.W.22 August 1861
HS/4/287Letter, from Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie [the elder] to Sir John Herschel, dated at Bonchurch, I.o.W.21 August 1861
HS/4/285Letter, from Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie [the elder] to Sir John Herschel, dated at Bonchurch, I.o.W.17 August 1861
MS/426/293Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John [Frederick William] Herschel; to G B [George Biddell] Airy Esq; to Sir B [Benjamin Collins] Brodie; to Leonard Horner1 November 1847
HS/15/251Letter, from Edward Sabine to Benjamin Collins Brodie [the elder], dated at 13 Ashley Place12 November 1859
HS/4/284Letter, from Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie [the elder] to Sir John Herschel, dated at Bonchurch, I.o.W.14 August 1861
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