Reference number | Title | Date |
MC/6/17 | Letter from [Isaac Newton Wallop], Earl of Portsmouth, Eggesford House, North Devon, to Sir Benjamin [Collins Brodie, President of the Royal Society] | 5 March 1859 |
MM/19/57 | Letter from Edward Sabine to William Sharpey, Secretary, Royal Society | nd |
MC/6/94 | Letter from Geo A [George Alexander] Hamilton, Treasury Chambers, to Sir B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie, President of the Royal Society | 14 June 1860 |
MC/6/172 | Letter from Norton Shaw, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Geographical Society, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society | 5 October 1861 |
MM/19/125 | Letter from Sir Benjamin Brodie Collins | 9 August 1843 |
MM/19/24 | Letter from Edward Sabine, Treasurer, Royal Society, to William Sharpey, Secretary, Royal Society | 14 December 1860 |
MM/19/68 | Letter from Joseph Hodgson to Edward Sabine | 19 October 1860 |
MM/19/21 | Letter from Edward Sabine, Treasurer, Royal Society, to William Sharpey, Secretary, Royal Society | 22 July 1860 |
MM/19/23 | Letter from Edward Sabine, Treasurer, Royal Society, to William Sharpey, Secretary, Royal Society | 20 October [1860] |
MM/19/31 | Letter from Edward Sabine, Treasurer, Royal Society, to Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie, President, Royal Society | 28 September 1861 |
MM/19/76 | Letter from Lord John Russell to Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie | 16 January 1861 |
MM/19/88 | Letter from J Masterman to Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie, President, Royal Society | 27 January 1859 |
MS/769/19 | Letter from Benjamin Collins Brodie, 37 Portland Place, to [Walter White?] | 12 April 1862 |
MS/769/18 | Letter from Benjamin Collins Brodie, 14 Saville Row, to [Walter White?] | 1 June 1860 |
MC/6/84 | Letter from E Hammond, Foreign Office, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society | 25 May 1860 |
MS/843/13 | Letter from Benjamin Collins Brodie, Victoria Hotel, St Leonards-on-Sea, to William Sharpey | 9 October [1860] |
EC/1809/09 | Brodie, Sir Benjamin Collins: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
IM/Maull/000580 | Brodie, Sir Benjamin Collins | nd |
IM/000581 | Brodie, Sir Benjamin Collins | nd |
NLB/37/238 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to C T Dent. Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, 61 Brooke Street, W | 18th February 1908 |
RR/2/28 | Referee's report by Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie, on a paper 'On the dentate body of the cerebellum' by William Brinton | 24 July 1852 |
MS/426/265 | Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir B [Benjamin Collins] Brodie | 12 March 1847 |
MS/426/151 | Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society' to Sir B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie, Bart | 27 October 1845 |
MC/6/118 | Letter from B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie, [President of the Royal Society], 14 Savile Row, to General [Edward] Sabine, [Treasurer of the Royal Society] | 19 December 1860 |
MS/426/700 | Copy letter from Walter White, Clerk of the Royal Society; to Dr Norton Shaw | 1 September 1860 |
MC/6/9 | Letter from Geo A [George Alexander] Hamilton, Treasury Chambers, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society | 9 February 1859 |
MS/426/679 | Copy letter from W [William] Sharpey, Secretary of the Royal Society; to T J Elliott Esq, Colonial Office | 9 December 1859 |
MC/6/7 | Letter from E Hammond, Foreign Office, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society | 29 January 1859 |
MC/6/59 | Letter from [Noel Germinal] Poudra, officier superieur de l'École d'état-major, 15 rue de l'Église, Paris, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society | 27 February 1860 |
MC/6/22 | Letter from T F Elliot, Downing Street, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society | 19 April 1859 |
IM/005517 | Brodie, Benjamin Collins | nd |
MS/843/12 | Letter from Benjamin Collins Brodie, Broome, Betchworth, Surrey, to Edward Sabine | 22 September 1860 |
IM/Maull/000578 | Brodie, Sir Benjamin Collins | nd |
MM/19/54 | Letter from Edward Sabine to William Sharpey, Secretary, Royal Society | 7 August |
MC/6/4 | Letter from Adrien Sicard, physician, 4 rue d'arcole, Marseille, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society | 11 January 1859 |
MM/19/26 | Letter from Edward Sabine, Treasurer, Royal Society, to William Sharpey, Secretary, Royal Society | 15 July 1861 |
NLB/14/509 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to T Holmes, 6 Sussex Place, Hyde Park, W. | 23 March 1897 |
RR/1/85 | Referee's report by Benjamin Collins Brodie, on a paper 'On the structure and functions of the spleen' by Thomas Gordon Hake | 9 August 1839 |
MC/6/67 | Letter from B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie, [President of the Royal Society], 14 Saville Row, to the Royal Society | 24 March 1860 |
PT/5/2 | Paper, 'The Croonian Lecture, on some physiological researches, respecting the influence of the brain on the action of the heart and on the generation of animal heat' by B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie | [1810] |
PT/8/8 | Paper, 'Experiments and observations on the influence of the nerves of the eighth pair on the secretions of the stomach' by B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie | [1814] |
PT/25/2 | Paper, 'Memoir of the case of a gentleman, born blind and successfully operated upon in the 18th year of his age, with physiological observations and experiments' by J C August Franz | [1840] |
PT/3/7 | Paper, 'Account of the dissection of a human foetus, in which the circulation of the blood was carried on without a heart' by Mr B [Benjamin] C [Collins] Brodie | [1809] |
PT/31/4 | Paper, 'On the secretory apparatus and function of the liver' by C [Charles] Handfield Jones | 20 October 1845 |
PT/31/4/2 | Plate, figures 1-5 showing series of liver cells and lobules by Charles Handfield Jones | 20 October 1845 |
PT/31/4/5 | Plate, figures 6-7 showing lobule surrounded by interlobular ducts and portions of lobules by Charles Handfield Jones | 20 October 1845 |
PT/31/4/3 | Plate, figure 6 showing a lobule surrounded by interlobular ducts by Charles Handfield Jones | 20 October 1845 |
PT/31/4/4 | Plate, figures 1-5 showing series of liver cells and lobules by Charles Handfield Jones | 20 October 1845 |
PT/35/6 | Paper, 'On the chemical nature of wax. Part III' by B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie | [1848] |
PT/34/9i | Paper, 'On the chemical nature of a wax from China. Part II' by B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie | [1848] |
MC/2 | Volume 2 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1832-1838 |
PT/5/11 | Paper, 'Experiments and observations on the different modes in which death is produced by certain vegetable poisons' by B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie | [1811] |
MC/2/110 | Letter from J.F. Palmer, 38 Golden Square, to [Benjamin Collins] Brodie | 4 February 1834 |
MC/2/105 | Letter from J.F. Palmer, 38 Golden Square, to [Benjamin Collins] Brodie | 16 December 1833 |
PT/31/4/1 | Manuscript, 'On the secretory apparatus and function of the liver' by C [Charles] Handfield Jones | 20 October 1845 |
RR/2/27 | Letter from William Bowman, on a paper 'On the dentate body of the cerebellum' by William Brinton to Benjamin Collins Brodie | 23 July 1852 |
PT/6/20 | Paper, 'Further experiments and observations on the influence of the brain on the generation of animal heat' by B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie | [1812] |
MC/3 | Volume 3 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1839-1843 |
MC/3/187 | Letter from Joseph Knaggs, Skelton, Guisbro [Guisborough], Yorkshire, to Dr. [Peter Mark] Roget, Secretary of the Royal Society | 24 August 1841 |
MC/3/251 | Letter from Benjamin Collins Brodie, 14 Saville Row, to Dr. [Peter Mark] Roget, [Secretary of the Royal Society] | 5 December 1842 |
MC/3/255 | Letter from Benjamin Collins Brodie, 14 Saville Row, to the Royal Society | 15 December 1842 |
MC/6/14 | Letter from Edwin Lankester, President of the Microscopial Society, 8 Saville Row, to Sir Benjamin [Collins] Brodie, President of the Royal Society | 18 February 1859 |
PT/34/15/3 | Plate, figure 9 showing arteries, veins, and electrodes used in Baxter's experiments by Henry Foster Baxter | [1848] |
MC/4/246 | Letter from Benjamin Collins Brodie, 13 Albert Road, Regent's Park, to the Royal Society | June 1848 |
MC/4/365 | Letter from C B [Charles Beaumont] Phipps, Windsor Castle, to C R [Charles Richard] Weld, [Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society] | 18 November 1850 |
AP/3/4/1 | Unpublished manuscript, 'Experiments and observations upon vital temperatures' by James Macartney | [early 19th century] |
MC/4 | Volume 4 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1844-1850 |
MS/426/656 | Copy letter from B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie; President of the Royal Society; to Major Gen Hon C Grey; and to Richard Owen, President of the British Association. | 9 December 1858 |
MC/6/12 | Letter from John J [Joseph] Bennett, British Museum, to Sir Benjamin [Collins] Brodie, [President of the Royal Society] | 12 February 1859 |
MC/6/16 | Letter from Jas [James] P Muirhead, Haseley Court, near Tetsworth, Oxfordshire, to Sir Benjamin C [Collins] Brodie, President of the Royal Society | 28 February 1859 |
MC/6/18 | Letter from Jas [James] P Muirhead, Haseley Court, near Tetsworth, Oxfordshire, to Sir Benjamin C [Collins] Brodie, President of the Royal Society | 8 March 1859 |
MC/6/23 | Letter from B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie, [President of the Royal Society], 4 Saville Row, to the Royal Society | 20 April 1859 |
MC/6/19 | Letter from J [Joseph] Plimsoll, 14 St Monique Street, Montreal, Canada, to Sir Benjamin [Collins] Brodie, President of the Royal Society | 25 March 1859 |
MC/6/24 | Letter from W H [William Henry] Smyth, St John's Lodge, near Aylesbury, to Sir Benjamin [Collins Brodie], [President of the Royal Society] | 28 April 1859 |
MC/6/37 | Letter from Ben J Thomson, secretary, Mercantile Marine Service Association, 20 Water Street, Liverpool, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society and to the Council, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London | 11 October 1859 |
MC/6/64 | Letter from Leonard Horner, President of the Geological Society, Somerset House, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society and to the Council | 16 March 1860 |
MC/6/60 | Letter from Geo A [George Alexander] Hamilton, Treasury Chambers, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society | 2 March 1860 |
MC/6/85 | Letter from Warington W [Wilkinson] Smyth, Geological Society, Somerset House, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society and to the Council | 30 May 1860 |
MC/6/80 | Letter from Geo A [George Alexander] Hamilton, Treasury Chambers, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society | 16 May 1860 |
MC/6/74 | Letter from Henry Cole, Science and Art Department, South Kensington, London, to Sir James Clark | 28 April 1860 |
MS/426/691 | Copy letter from W [William] Sharpey, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Henry Cole Esq | 12 May 1860 |
MC/6/65 | Letter from Leonard Horner, 17 Queen's Road West, Regent's Park, to Sir Benjamin [Collins] Brodie, President of the Royal Society | 17 March 1860 |
AP/13/2 | Unpublished paper, 'An experimental inquiry into the physiological effects of oxygen gas upon the animal system' by S D [Samuel Daniel] Broughton | [1829] |
MC/6/102 | Letter from Professor [Richard] Owen, British Museum, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Council of the Royal Society | 1 August 1860 |
MC/6/105 | Letter from B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie, [President of the Royal Society], Broome, Betchworth, Surrey, to Major-General [Edward] Sabine, Treasurer of the Royal Society | 22 September 1860 |
MC/6/117 | Letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, [Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society], to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society and to the Council | 17 December 1860 |
MC/6/122 | Letter from Geo A [George Alexander] Hamilton, Treasury Chambers, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society, Burlington House | 24 January 1861 |
MC/6/129 | Letter from C B [Charles Beaumont] Phipps, St James's Palace, to Sir Benjamin [Collins Brodie], [President of the Royal Society] | 20 March 1861 |
MC/6/137 | Letter from L [Luigi] Corti, Italian Chargé d'affaires, 23 Park Lane, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society | 7 May 1861 |
MC/6/116 | Letter from Geo A [George Alexander] Hamilton, Treasury Chambers, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society | 11 December 1860 |
AP/8A/15 | Unpublished letter, 'Account of a case, in which the remains of a foetus were found in the abdomen of a female child' from Edward Phillips to B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie | 18 January 1815 |
MC/6/145 | Letter from B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie, [President of the Royal Society], Broome Park, Betchworth, Surrey, to General [Edward] Sabine, [Treasurer of the Royal Society] | 4 June 1861 |
MC/6/142 | Letter from Edouard Thomarri [?], le convent de la conception, maison Durran, Montpellier, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society | 22 May 1861 |
MC/6/153 | Letter from Corniz [?], Seillans, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society | 18 June 1861 |
MC/6/160 | Letter from Rob B [Robert Brotherton] Upton, Clerk to the Society of Apothecaries, Apothecaries Hall, London, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society | 29 June 1861 |
MC/6/178 | Letter from R W [Robert William] Sievier, 35 Rochester Road, Kentish Town, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society and to the Committee | 9 November 1861 |
MC/6/182 | Letter from Wm [William] Lassell, 9 Stierna, via Torre, Malta, to Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie, [President of the Royal Society] | 26 November 1861 |
MC/6 | Volume 6 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1859-1863 |
PT/6/10 | Paper, 'Further experiments and observations on the action of poisons on the animal system' by B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie | [1812] |
PT/34/9 | Paper, 'An investigation on the chemical nature of wax. Part I' by B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie | 23 February 1848 |
PT/31/4/6 | Plate, figure 8 showing contiguous margins of lobules by Charles Handfield Jones | 20 October 1845 |
MC/8/40 | Letter from Norton Edward, 18 Holyrood Road, The Boltons, West Brompton, to the Secretary of the Royal Society | 27 April 1867 |
AP/8A/18 | Unpublished paper, 'Observations on the mechanism by which the eyes adapted to the vision of objects at different distances' by Benj [Benjamin] Travers | [1815] |
AP/3/4 | Unpublished paper, 'Experiments and observations upon vital temperatures' by James Macartney | [early 19th century] |
AP/30/6/1 | Unpublished manuscript, 'Researches on the function of the intercostal muscles, and on the respiratory movements, with some remarks upon muscular power in man' by John Hutchinson | 1848 |
PT/30/15 | Paper, 'On the nerves of the uterus' by Thomas S [Snow] Beck | [1845] |
PT/34/15/1 | Manuscript, 'An experimental inquiry undertaken with the view of ascertaining whether any, and what signs of current electricity are manifested during the organic process of secretion in living animals; being an attempt to apply some of the discoveries of Faraday to physiology' by H F [Henry Foster] Baxter | [1848] |
PT/34/15 | Paper, 'An experimental inquiry undertaken with the view of ascertaining whether any, and what signs of current electricity are manifested during the organic process of secretion in living animals; being an attempt to apply some of the discoveries of Faraday to physiology' by H F [Henry Foster] Baxter | [1848] |
AP/28/13 | Unpublished paper, 'Further research on the nervous system of the uterus' by Robert Lee | February 1846 |
AP/30/6 | Unpublished paper, 'Researches on the function of the intercostal muscles, and on the respiratory movements, with some remarks upon muscular power in man' by John Hutchinson | 1848 |
AP/31/1 | Paper, 'An experimental inquiry undertaken with the view of ascertaining, whether any and what signs of current electricity are manifested during the organic process of secretion in living animals; being an attempt to apply some of the discoveries of [Michael] Faraday to physiology' by H F [Henry Foster] Baxter | 1848 |
PT/34/15/2 | Plate, figures 1-8 showing arrangement of galvanometer, mercurial cup, and electrodes by Henry Foster Baxter | [1848] |
AP/25/6 | Unpublished paper, 'On the anatomy and physiology of certain structures in the orbit not previously described' by J M Ferrall | April 1841 |
AP/25/6/1 | Unpublished manuscript, 'On the anatomy and physiology of certain structures in the orbit not previously described' by J M Ferrall | April 1841 |
AP/31/1/1 | Manuscript, 'An experimental inquiry undertaken with the view of ascertaining, whether any and what signs of current electricity are manifested during the organic process of secretion in living animals; being an attempt to apply some of the discoveries of [Michael] Faraday to physiology' by H F [Henry Foster] Baxter | 1848 |
AP/36/2 | Unpublished paper, 'An experimental inquiry undertaken with the view of ascertaining whether any force is evolved during muscular contraction analogous to the force evolved in the fish, gymnotus and torpedo [ray]' by Henry Foster Baxter | 1855 |
AP/40/6 | Paper, 'Some remarks on the action of the Upas Antiar (Antiaris toxicaria)' by Albert von Kölliker | 1857 |
AP/41/2/1 | Unpublished manuscript, 'Note sur un organe, placé dans le cordon spermatique et dont l'existence n'a pas été signalée par les anatomistes' [Note on an organ, located in the spermatic cord, and whose existence has not been reported by the anatomists] by F Giraldès | 1858 |
AP/41/2 | Unpublished paper, 'Note sur un organe, placé dans le cordon spermatique et dont l'existence n'a pas été signalée par les anatomistes' [Note on an organ, located in the spermatic cord, and whose existence has not been reported by the anatomists] by F Giraldès | 1858 |
AP/43/4/1 | Unpublished manuscript, 'Physiological anatomy of the lungs' by James Newton Heale | 1860 |
AP/43/4 | Unpublished paper, 'Physiological anatomy of the lungs' by James Newton Heale | 1860 |
AP/29/8/1 | Unpublished manuscript, 'Researches on the function of the intercostal muscles and on respiratory movements with some remarks on muscular power, in man' by John Hutchinson | June 1847 |
AP/10/2 | Unpublished paper, 'The Croonian Lecture, on the influence of the nervous system on the action of the muscles in general, and of the heart in particular' by B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie | [1813] |
AP/29/8 | Unpublished paper, 'Researches on the function of the intercostal muscles and on respiratory movements with some remarks on muscular power, in man' by John Hutchinson | June 1847 |
PT/25/6 | Paper, 'Researches, tending to prove the nonvascularity of certain animal tissues, viz. of articular cartilage, and the cartilage of the different classes of fibro cartilage; of the cornea, crystalline lens, and vitreous humour; and of the epidermoid appendages; and to demonstrate the peculiar uniform mode of their organization and nutrition' by Joseph Toynbee | [1841] |
RR/1/147 | Referee's report by Benjamin Collins Brodie and Richard Partridge, on a paper 'On the ganglia and nerves of the virgin uterus' by Robert Lee | [1843] |
RR/2/118 | Referee's report by Benjamin Collins Brodie, on a paper 'Contributions to animal chemistry. —Paper V. On the oxidation of ammonia in the human body, with some remarks on nitrification' by Henry Bence Jones | 20 January 1853 |
MC/17 | Volume 17 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1897-1899 |
P/0015 | Portrait of Brodie, Sir Benjamin | |
HS/4/290 | Letter, from Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie [the elder] to Sir John Herschel, dated at 14 Saville Row | 12 January 1860 |
HS/4/294 | Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie, Jr., dated at Collingwood | 13 June 1867 |
HS/4/286 | Letter, from Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie [the elder] to Sir John Herschel, dated at Bonchurch, I.o.W. | 20 August 1861 |
HS/4/282 | Letter, from Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie [the elder] to Sir John Herschel, dated at Broome Park | 6 January 1860 |
HS/4/281 | Letter, from Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie [the elder] to Sir John Herschel, dated at 14 Saville Row | 21 April 1859 |
HS/4/289 | Letter, from Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie [the elder] to Sir John Herschel, dated at Bonchurch, I.o.W. | 31 August 1861 |
HS/4/291 | Letter, from Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie [the elder] to Sir John Herschel, dated at Broome Park | undated |
HS/4/283 | Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie [the elder], dated at Collingwood | 8 January 1860 |
HS/4/292 | Letter, from Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie [the elder] to Sir John Herschel, dated at Broome Park | 1859 |
HS/4/288 | Letter, from Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie [the elder] to Sir John Herschel, dated at Bonchurch, I.o.W. | 22 August 1861 |
HS/4/287 | Letter, from Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie [the elder] to Sir John Herschel, dated at Bonchurch, I.o.W. | 21 August 1861 |
HS/4/285 | Letter, from Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie [the elder] to Sir John Herschel, dated at Bonchurch, I.o.W. | 17 August 1861 |
MS/426/293 | Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John [Frederick William] Herschel; to G B [George Biddell] Airy Esq; to Sir B [Benjamin Collins] Brodie; to Leonard Horner | 1 November 1847 |
HS/15/251 | Letter, from Edward Sabine to Benjamin Collins Brodie [the elder], dated at 13 Ashley Place | 12 November 1859 |
HS/4/284 | Letter, from Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie [the elder] to Sir John Herschel, dated at Bonchurch, I.o.W. | 14 August 1861 |