RefNo | CLP/14i/38 |
Level | Item |
Title | Paper, 'Lugenda historia Pernetta ancillae mea Mayerne, quae hydrophobica Albonae interiit 9 februarÿ 1925' by [Théodore de] Mayerne |
Date | [1625] |
Description | 'The lamentable narration of Pernetta my maid who being bit by a mad dog died at Albona [modern day Istria County, Croatia] February 9 1625'.
English and Latin versions of the account of Mayerne's maid who died following a bite from a rabid dog. Mayerne describes the symptoms that the maid experienced leading up to her death. The third page provides a prescription in Latin for a medicine to treat rabid dogs and those bitten by them. There is no English translation for this portion.
Subject: Medicine
Read to the Royal Society on 18 April 1694. |
Language | Latin |
English |
Extent | 4p |
Format | Manuscript |
PhysicalDescription | Ink on paper |
Digital images | View item on Science in the Making |
AccessStatus | Open |