RefNo | EC/1735/11 |
Previous numbers | Cert I, 72; A01271 |
Level | Item |
Title | Celsius, Andreas: certificate of election to the Royal Society |
Date | 29 January 1736 |
Citation | Dominus Andreas Celsius Astron Prof Upsal & Reg Soc Suec Secret A Gentleman well skilled in all branches of Natural knowledge, as well as Astronomy and Mathematicks, Author of a Book intituled CCCXVI Observationes de Lumine Boreali &c. Of many curious peices printed in the Acta Literaria & Scientiarum Sueciae & in the Acta Societatis Berolinensis, besides Several Astronomical Tracts in the Suedish Language, and personally known to most of the Learned men in Europe by his late Travells thro Germany, Italy & France, and now come to visit England, being desirous to become a member of this Society, We, whose Names are underwritten, thinking him a very fitt and proper person, recommend him as a Candidate |
Proposers | Hans Sloane; Jos Ayloffe; James Hodgson; Croml Mortimer; Richd Graham; John Senex; J T Desaguilliers; Jas Theobald; John Machin; M Folkes |
AccessStatus | Open |
Image | 
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA6791 | Celsius; Andreas (1701 - 1744); astronomer and physicist | 1701 - 1744 |