RefNo | EC/1832/13 |
Previous numbers | Cert VIII, 50; A00404 |
Level | Item |
Title | Barry, Sir David: certificate of election to the Royal Society |
Citation | Sir David Barry, MD Physician to the Forces, Doctor of the Faculty of Medicine of Paris, Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians of London, Member of the Imperial Academy of Medicine and Surgery of St. Petersbury, of the Philomathic Society, and of the Society of Natural History of Paris, Knight of the Order of the Tower and Sword, and Knight Commander of the Order of St. Anne of Russia, author of works, entitled, "On the influence of atmospheric pressure on the motion of the Blood in the veins" - "on absoprtion, etc." - "on the Gibraltar Flow [?]," a gentleman well acquainted with various branches of science, being desirous of becoming a Fellow of the Royal Society, We whose names are underwritten do from our personal knowledge recommend him as highly deserving of the honor he solicits and likely to prove a valuable and useful Member |
Proposers | Astley Cooper; W G Maton; Joseph Henry Green; J McGrigor; J D Broughton; John Elliotson; Robert Lee; Herbert Mayo; W Franklin; Wm Babington; Charles M Clarke; J Yelloly; J C Carpue; William Clift |
AccessStatus | Open |
Image | 
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA7548 | Barry; Sir; David (1780 - 1836) | 1780 - 1836 |