RefNo | EC/1961/05 |
Previous numbers | Cert XVII, 5 |
Level | Item |
Title | Butler, Clifford Charles: certificate of election to the Royal Society |
Date | 16 March 1961 |
Description | Certificate of Election |
Citation | Distinguished for his study of the unstable elementary particles of nature. With Rochester, in 1947 in Manchester, he discovered both neutral and charged V-particles. He then arranged the move in 1949 of the magnet and cloud chamber to the Pic-du-Midi laboratory and has since directed the team running it. Butler's group discovered the cascade decay hyperon in 1951, and were the first to identify the two types of neutral V-particles: the lamda [to the power of] 0 - hyperon decaying into a proton and meson, and the theta [to the power of] 0 -meson decaying into two pi-mesons. |
Proposers | From Personal Knowledge: Proposer - P M S Blackett; Seconder - C F Powell; H S W Massey; H Jones; R P linstead; S Devons; N F Mott; G P Thomson; P B Moon; D Gabor From General Knowledge: M H L Pryce; O R Frisch |
AccessStatus | Open |
Image | 
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA3235 | Butler; Sir; Clifford Charles (1922 - 1999) | 1922 - 1999 |