Description | This file appears to have been compiled by Martin Holdgate, rather than by the Royal Society. The majority of material in this file is correspondence, and it is arranged alphabetically by correspondent. The correspondents are as follows: General Bobadilla; George Lindor Brown; W E China (British Museum, Natural History); Dr Costin; CSIRO (Professor Valentine); Crown Agents; Evans Medical Ltd; Benjamin Edgington Ltd; R A Falla (Dominion Museum); Vic Admiral Don Fontaine; Sir Vivian Fuchs; E J Godley (New Zealand, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research); Professor Juan Gomez Millas (University of Chile); John Haig & Co Ltd; A C Hill (The British Drug Houses Ltd); George Hemmen (Royal Society); P R Hooper (University of Swansea); L P Kirwan (Royal Geographical Society); George [Knox] (University of Canterbury, Christchurch, NZ), filed with letter from Willy [William Watters]; Gerald Leach (BBC); Life magazine; Linnean Society of London; Eric Lucey, Institute of Animal Genetics; D C Martin (Royal Society); Geroge MacLellan & Co Ltd; Dr McArthur; Jacobo Neumann; C F A Pantin (Royal Society/University of Cambridge); F Robinson & Co Ltd; Jennifer Rolfe (Exploration Society, UCL); C A Ronan (Royal Society); Scottish Milk Marketing Board; Nuffield Foundation; Sir John Taylor (Hispanic Council); United Rum Merchants; W A Watters; Professor Wells; J M Wilson (Science Adviser, British Council, Chile).
The file also contains a very small number of notes and lists for example, lists of photographs taken on the expedition. |