
TitleMinutes of a meeting of the Society
Date21 October 1696
Description ' Sir John Hopkins Vice President in the Chaire.
Mr Doody said that Rubrica fabrilis he had knowen Given as a remedy Menses movens and Sir John Hopkins related that it was given to Piggs and other Cattle to hinder them from Weasles and other diseases being onley mixed with milk
Mr Doody queries the trufle to be a nest of smaller Insects
Dr Hook said that some parts of the outer parts of that Coco nutt were often throwen upon the Coasts of the Isle of Wight.
Mr ull Reported that Ingulfus P 51 mentioned one in Crowland Abbey of 148975142 years of Age and 76 one of 115 years whio dyed the same yeare which they were able certainly to determimne by reason of their registring those.
the History of Hendry Jenkins of 169 of age was presented by Dr Robinson about his way of living etc.
Mr Bragford presented the Society with severall things which Mr Hunt was desired to take a Catalogue of and bring to the Society this day sevennight.
A Part of A Letter from Mr Samuell Brown to Mr Pottweir was read giving an account of severall plants and other naturall things near Medoraspalanor Fort St George in the East Indies. '
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