Description | ' Monsieur de Bruin, of Anwerp, that have lived many years in England, skilfull in Jewells and Mettalls, had, upon the motion of Mr Oldenburg, the leave of the Company to be present at this Meeting.
The Earl of Peterborough was propounded by the President and immediately chosen and admitted into the Society.
Dr Willis was chosen, having been forgot to be chosen again, at the time, when upon the renewall of the Charter, the Council, according to the power graunted them therein, die receive and admitt into the Society, such persons, as had been elected Fellows afore, upon the first Charter.
Mr Gomildon the elder admitted.
Mr Palmer presented the Company with a very artificial Gun of Caspar Calthoss contrivance, Lodging at a time 7 Bulletts, and powder in proportion, and discharging them at 7 severall times. He had the thanks of the Society, and was ordered to be registred among the Benefactors of Same.
Sir Robert Moray mentioned, tht Prince Rupert had contrived a Gun, going beyond all wht hitherto waas invented of that kind, discharging several Bulletts with ease adn without danger.
The Account of the Observations made in the Glasse - canes with water of 40 foot long, was brought in by the Operator; and ordered to be kept till the President had brought in his Account of the Mercurial Observations, and then to compare and digest both, and to Register all.
The President was deisred to prosecute the Experiments both of the Suspenssion of the Mercury above its usuall hight, and of the variations of its Station according to the Changes of the Air.
Mr Hook shewed the Company his Modell for the Whale - shooting - Engin: some Objections being made concerning it it was Ordered that Dr Wilkins, Dr Wallis and Mr Hook should meet together on Tuesday next in the afternoon, to consider further of it.
The same was also put in minde to bring in, next day, his Additions to Prince Ruperts instrument of perspective, and to make a full description thereof.
The same was ordered to make a Paste-board modell of his Engine with one whell, to travel in with ease and speed, and to shew it to the Council at their next Meeting as also to prepare a Modell of his other Engin, to travail in over land and Water , by walking in it, after teh fashion of the wheel of a CRane.
Sir Robert Moray was desired to intreat Prince Rupert to lend his Powder - Tryer with a loose and fixed ferrell, to the Society, to try his Experiments of the force of powder therein.
Mr Gomildon promised the Company, to shew them a Diamond, like to that of Mr Claytons, but not shining in the Dark upon Rubbing.
Dr Wilkins Dr Eat and Mr HENshaw appointed Curators for the recovery of the shining quality in a Bolonian stone.
Sir Robert Moray related to the Company, that he had Spoken wuth the Lady RAe concerning the shining Cliffs in a little Isle of Scotland: and that she told him, that her Father and others of her family had heretofore often seen it; and had sometimes shot at it with Chalke, to marke the Shining place, but could never find the mark in the day time after: Tht for these 20 years, she had heard nothing of it, but she would now make more prticular Inquiries after it, she being shortly to goe into Scotland her selfe. ' |