Description | ' The Experiment with Birds put in common, rarified, and compressed Air being made again, and found that the bird in the common air was well ; that in the rarified, panting ; and that in the compressed air, dead ; the last was opened, but no water found within : which, since some of the Company thought an Argument against the birds being drowned, it was Ordered, the Experiment with the Bird in the Compressing Engine should be tryed the third time, putting the bird in a litle cage, at the next Meeting.
Mr Hook produced his Bellows, to be used under water for taking in Air : but proposed withall, another way, conceived by him better and safer than that with bellows ; Viz with two Cylinders, open at one end, and having 2 pipes by which the Air is taken out of the one and put into the other. Ordered, that 2 such Cylinders be made, and when ready, a Waterman hired, to try the Experiment.
Ordered that Dr Charleton cut the Spleen out of a dog at the next Meeting ; and that the Operator procure a dogge for that purpose.
The Physitians of the Society, that had imployed themselves in the late Dissection of a Human body, Viz. Dr Goddard, Dr Charleton, Dr Clark, received the thanks of the Company for their diligence and pains, and were desired to continue among themselves, from time to time, what to prosecute and how to divide Tasks.
Sir Robert Moray produced a Paper containing the description of a way invented by his Hignesse Prince Rupert to make Hail - shot : It being read, it was ordered to be registered : and Sir Robert Moray was desired to returne the humble thanks of the Society to the Prince for this communication (Register III, Fol. 16)
Dr Pell made known his desire to the Society, by Mr Haak (himselfe being hindred from being -present) that the Sun's apparent Meridian - altitude might be observed on the 10th and 11th dayes of this month, that so the Society might by their own observations be enabled to examine other mens predictions of the day and hour of Sol's entrance into Aries. Hereupon it was ordered that Sir Robert Moray, Mr Ball, Mr Henshaw, Mr Neile, be Curators of this Observation, to be made on the top of Wewtminster on the day abovementioned, taking in the 8th and 12th day.
Upon a Seconde consideration of Monsieur Hevelius his Letter, of the 4th of February 1663/4. It was ordered that Dr Wilkins should write to Dr Wallis, to procure the translation of a certain Manuscript of Ulug Beig, an Eastern Prince, and Astronomer, containing a Catalogue of the fixed Stars ; in Order to gratify the said Hevelius, with the imparting it to him. ' |