Description | ' Dr Wren's description of his Weather - clock was read, and ordered to be entered, together with the Scheme thereof. Upon some debate it was referred to the Council, to consider of the Expenses and the most convenient way of reducing this Engine into practice; as also of Additions to be made thereunto, whereof some were mentioned by Mr Hook.
Mr Hook made mention, that a common Seal'd Weather glasse might be made applicable to the Weather clock and he was desired to give a proof thereof to the Company, at their nest Meeting.
Mr Darcy was permitted to be present at the Meetng upon the motion and desires of the Lord Berkeley.
Mr Creed was also permitted to be present upon the desire of Mr Povey: the same was propounded Candidate by the Lord Brouncker.
Sir Ellis Layton was elected Fellow of the Royal Society. '
Experiments described; 1 -weighing glass bubbles in the Compressing Engine; 2 - trying the force of powder by weight in the new Powder Engine
Dr Merrett to being an account of his freezing experiments before Christmas
Mr Howards Observations concerning Saffron read again with the his additions and equipment given to the Society.
Mr Howard offered to bring in an account of Tanning, and asked for volunteers to join with him. Mr Henshaw and Mr Colwell promised to assist.
Dr Croon asked to bring in his History of Hatmaking
Mr Hill to bring in the History of making Paper
Mr Proby to bring in as Account of the Statutes of England concerning manufactures, especially clothmaking and tanning, and 'the frauds committed theron.'
Dr Ent described an experiment concerning deerskins, Dr Wilkins his observations of deer hair in a microscope; Mr Hook asked to observe deer hair in his microscope and describe what he saw., Mr Clayton promised to bring in some deer hair.
' Mr Clayton produced some of the Bolonian stone unprepared which was by the Company recommended to Mr Boyle, to make such Experiments with, as he should think fit.
Dr Ent promised to communicate to the Society his observations of Springs.
Mr Boyle mentioningm, that the tyydes of the rising and falling of Water were as well observed in Mines as in Springs: Mr Povey offered to make a further inquiry after this, and to bring in an Account of it, together with what he had undertaken to procure concerning the severall mines, and Oars, and the working of Oars in England.
Dr Hoar was put in mind of bringing in Colonel Noyes Account of the Mines of Cornwall, and Devonshire; who promised to do it very shortly; together with some Observations concerning Ice - mares and Weels let down to the bottom of the Water in winter, and coming up again frozen when there is no Ice at all at the top of the water.
Mr Povey and Dr Hoar were desired to joyn in the procuring a good Account of Mines, and in making these Correspondents send up some of the Earth of the Mines, and of the Oar, as 'tis digged up, without disguise.
Mr Boyle mentionede, that salt water frozen into Ice, in very cold Countreys, become fresh and potable.
The same suggested, that, whensoever there appear any odde Phaenomina in Thermometers, it may be observed whethe no bubble of Air be seen on the Top.
The Operator was ordered to take care that the peice of Dr Ents Lignum fossils be transported to Gresham College and also, that the Pneumartick Engin be brought back from the Lord Brouncker's house.
Mr Hoskins was desired to inform himselfe as particularly as he could, concerning the Lignum fossils.
Mr Boyle suggested, that good inquiry might be made whether the Underground trees had been any where found with branches.
Dr Hoar and Mr Ball promised to get a further Information concerning this particular.
Dr Whistler was desired to joyne with Dr Goddard in the making the Experiment of exhausting the Air out of rectified Spirit of wine.
Mr Hook was put in mind, to consider furether of the bow for killing of Whales.
Mr Hill promised to endeavour to procure from Mr Digs, a Bow of a Locust - Tree; which kind of Bow he said would stand bent for 5 or 6 months together, and not loose its spring.
Mr Povey promised to present the Company with a peice of Locust - tree.
Experiments for the next day were appointed, One, in the Compressing Engine; and another, of Exhausting Air out of Spirit of Wine: The former to be made by Mr Hook, the later, by Dr Goddard and Dr Whistler. ' |