Description | ' Monsieur Hugues Lonys de Lyonne admitted Fellow of the Society. Monsieur Vital de Damas likewise adjitted Fellow. For the Entertainment of these two strangers some of the former Experiments were repeated.
Sir Robert Moray presented the Company with a curious stone, of which he had received this relation, That within four mmiles of the Tombls on the side of Loghneach, there was a Well, that did produce this kind of stone , several handereds fo people meeting there egery first day of May and cleansing the well whose bottome was said to be a hard kennel - rock, which made a cracking noyse, whereupon these stones were thrust out to a great numbner.
Ordered that some of those Members of the Socity that are in Ireland, be written unto, to enquire after the truth of this relation: as also, tht the Curator do try to dissolve this stone with Aquafortis, to see whether any Mineral be contained in it, and that he try also whether it will burne.
Sir Theodore de Vaux brought in a LAtine paper, found among the Writings of Sir Theodore Mayerne, of preserving Timber and other wood for a great while from putrefaction and being Worm eaten : Item, a way to salt Beef that shall keep a good while. He had the Thanks of the Company, and the paper was ordered to be filed up.
Resolved, that Publique Assemblies of the Society be henceforth discontinued, till they be summoned by the President to meet again.
The Members of the Society were exhorted by the President to bear in minde the several tasks laid upon them, that they might give a good account of them at their returne: and Mr Hook was urged to preosecute his Chariots, Watches, Glassed , during this recesse. ' |