Description | Hourly meteorological observations made at the Birmingham Philosophical Institution, over a three day period, from 6.00a.m. on 21 March, to 6.00p.m. on 23 March [Spring equinox]. The table contains columns for barometric pressure, temperatures (from attached and external thermometers), wet and dry bulb thermometer, dew point, rainfall, and wind direction, with remarks. Means are calculated at the foot of each numerical column.
The main table is headed: 'Meteorological Observations made at the Rooms of the Birmingham Philosophical Institution, during 61 successive hours, commencing at 6 A.M. of the 21 & ending at 6 p.m. of the 23d of March 1842 by William Ick F.G.S. Curator'. A note [p.4] states that: 'These seven observations were taken by Mr. A. Follett Osler' [11pm to 5am, 22-23 March].
A note [p.4] states that 'The Barometer is Newman's Standard & has been compared and found closely to agree with the flint glass one at the Rooms of the Royal Society; The diameter of the tube is .546 In, and the cistern is 462 feet above the level of the sea. The observations were severally corrected for temperature and capillarity. The force and direction of the wind are registered by Mr. Osler's Anemometer and the quantity of rain & snow was read off from Crossley's Rain Gauge'.