RefNo | MA/220/10 |
Previous numbers | MA.220 |
Level | File |
Title | Meteorological observations at the Royal Society's apartments at Somerset House, London, by [Stephen Lee?] |
Creator | Lee; Stephen (d.1835); British librarian and assistant secretary to the Royal Society |
The Royal Society (founded 1660) |
Date | 1 January 1821-1 January 1822 |
Description | Daily meteorological observations made at Somerset House, generally made in the morning and afternoon. On printed sheets, with columns for the date, time [left blank], external and interior thermometers, barometer, hygrometer [blank], rain, direction and strength of winds, and general weather remarks. A pasted-in note [p.18]: '24 April 1821. Clock fast 27 seconds'. Monthly summaries are absent.
Published as 'Meteorological Journal, kept at the apartments of the Royal Society, by order of the President and Council', Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, v.112 (1822), pp.1-26 [additional].
Contemporary paper label to front cover, inscribed: 'Meteorological Journal for the Year 1821'. Front inner cover stamped: 'The Royal Society of London'. |
Extent | 1 volume; 52p. [verso pages to p.28, recto pages from p.29, with corresponding blank pages]. |
Format | Printed |
Manuscript |
PhysicalDescription | Ink on paper, marbled paper binding. |
Dimensions | 372x248mm. |
AccessStatus | Open |