Description | Daily meteorological observations, made at various times between 9.00pm and 12.00pm on 25 June, 11.00pm and 1.30am on 26 June-27 June, 10.00am and 2.00pm [?] on 27 June, and 8.20am and 11.00am [?] on 28 June. Two sets of tables from the locations of Zevenboompjes, near Amersfoort, and Kooltjesberg, near Naarden. Columns for the number of the observation, time, barometer and thermomemeter readings (fahrentheit and centigrade), hygrometer readings, with wind direction and force.
The manuscript is related to the published paper: 'An account of experiments on the velocity of sound, made in Holland', by G. Moll and A. van Beek, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, v.114 (1824), pp.424-456. In that paper, the authors were based in the same locations on the same dates: 'Professor Moll, with Lieutenants Renault and Dilg, was stationed at Kooltjesberg. Dr. Van Beek, with Lieutenants Sommerton, Van Den Bylaardt and Seelig were on the other station, which is commonly called Zevenboompjes, or seven trees, from the circumstance of seven trees being planted on this lonely elevation. Several gentlemen cadets of the Artillery, and several students of the University were at both stations employed in observing the different instruments'. The paper notes the meteorological instruments in use: a standard barometer by Dollond, thermometers by Dollond and Newman, and hygrometers by [John Frederic] Daniell.
Headed [p.1]: 'Observations du 25 Juin 1823...[and with corresponding dates on succesive sheets]. Inscribed [p.2]: 27 June 1823 Meteorological Observations on Holland with a Chart' and 'Zevenboom and Kooltjesberg June 1823'. |