Description | Daily meteorological observations, at 6.00am, 8.00am, 10.00am, 12.00 noon, 2.00pm and 5.00pm. With columns for date and hour, wind direction and force, barometer and thermometer readings, with weather remarks and rainfall.
Each section is headed 'Wind Table'. Inscribed by the author [p.4]: 'Kept at the Signal house 1276 ft. above the sea. Geo: J: Harding Col: Commdg. Enginr. Gibraltar 23d June 1842'. Endorsed [p.1]: 'No.333 Recd. 1 Septr. 1842 S.H.C.' [Samuel Hunter Christie]. Inscribed [p.4]: '333 Wind Table from obserns. at Summit of the Rock of Gibraltar. Comd. by Captn Beaufort R.N. by direction of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty' and 'Meteorological Archives 1st June 1843 S.H.C.'. |