RefNo | MC/7/102 |
Level | Item |
Title | Letter from G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society], to General [Edward] Sabine, [President of the Royal Society] |
Date | 22 June 1864 |
Description | Regarding the proposed pendulum observations on the Indian arc of meridian as proposed by Colonel Walker.
[Every page is on a separate sheet, labelled MC/7/102-MC/7/102f.] |
Extent | 7p |
Format | Manuscript |
AccessStatus | Open |
RelatedRecord | MC/7/67 |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA8283 | Stokes; Sir; George Gabriel (1819 - 1903); physicist | 1819 - 1903 |
NA8279 | Sabine; Sir; Edward (1788 - 1883) | 1788 - 1883 |