RefNo | MC/9/56 |
Level | Item |
Title | Letter from J P [John Peter Gassiot], Clapham Common, Surrey, to Dr [William] Sharpey, [Secretary of the Royal Society] |
Date | 13 April 1870 |
Description | Enclosing a letter from [Balfour] Stewart regarding a grant of £120 from the Donation Fund to complete a photographic series until 1872.
[Enclosure is present in volume as MC/9/53, see related record.] |
Extent | 2p |
Format | Manuscript |
AccessStatus | Open |
RelatedRecord | MC/9/53 |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA5190 | Gassiot; John Peter (1797 - 1877) | 1797 - 1877 |
NA7273 | Sharpey; William (1802 - 1880) | 1802 - 1880 |