RefNo | MS/251/28 |
Level | Item |
Title | Letter from William Buckland, Christ Church College, Oxford, to Charles Stokes |
Date | 18 September 1828 |
Description | Both Dr [George] Williams, the Professor of Botany, and Dr Whateley ['no mean Physiologist'] have seen the cycadeoidea plates and remonstrate against the suppression of the fifth plate, which Stokes and [William John] Broderip have recommended. They say that not twenty readers of the Transactions will have seen Zamia or Cycas specimens, and these can only be made intelligible through the illustrations. Buckland also protests that few people in England have seen Sternberg's book - [William Jackson] Hooker could not find one and therefore readers of the Geological Society's Transactions will not be able to understand the Conites of Stonesfield. He forwards a sketch [not present] for the consideration of Stokes and to be forwarded to Broderip. Buckland would give his 'casting vote' to proceed with the fifth plate and like the rest it could be prepared at his expense. Gives some further thoughts on the Conites and on improvements to plates. |
Extent | 4p. |
Format | Manuscript |
PhysicalDescription | On paper |
AccessStatus | Open |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA8154 | Buckland; William (1784 - 1856); Dean of Westminster and geologist | 1784 - 1856 |