Authorised form of name | Kirch; Christfried (1694 - 1740) |
Other forms of name | Christofriedus |
Other forms of surname | Kirchius |
Dates | 1694 - 1740 |
Place of birth | Guben, Germany |
Date of birth | 24 December 1694 |
Place of death | Berlin, Germany |
Date of death | 09 March 1740 |
Research field | Astronomy |
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 16/12/1742 |
Source | Sources: Bulloch's Roll; DSB |
Code | NA1273 |
Archives associated with this Fellow
RefNo | Title | Date |
RBO/20/25 | Observations of Mars in 1736 by C Kirch | 1737 |
CLP/8i/68 | Paper, regarding Christfried Kirch's observations of the comet witnessed at Berlin on 18 January 1718 by Sprengell | 1718 |
EL/K/27 | Letter, from Christfried Kirch, [to the Royal Society] dated at Berlin | 20 July 1722 |
EC/1742/21 | Kirch, Christfried: certificate of election to the Royal Society | 16 December 1742 |
RBO/11/4 | 'An Account of a Comet, which was observed at Berlin in the Royal Observatory Anno 1718 from January 18 to February 5 by Christfried Kirch' | 1722 |
RBO/11/7 | 'Observations on the Eclipse of the Moon June 18 1722 and the longitude of Port Royal in Jamaica determined thereby' by Edmond Halley | 1722 |