Authorised form of name | Bridgeman; Orlando (- 1731) |
Dates | - 1731 |
Nationality | British |
Date of death | 25 April 1731 |
DatesAndPlaces | Burial: Combes, Suffolk, England, Europe |
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 29/04/1696 |
RSActivity | Royal Society roles: Council: ?1699 |
Relationships | Parents: William Bridgeman (FRS 1679) and Diana, daughter of Peter Vernatti. Spouse: 1) Catherine; 2) Alice |
Image | 
Source | Sources: Bulloch's Roll; Hunter; Foster Lancs Notes: On PL for 1722, but not after. Possibly the one in Foster of Castle Bromwich. |
Code | NA1925 |
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