
Authorised form of nameGreenwood; Peter Humphry (1927 - 1995); ichthyologist
Dates1927 - 1995
Place of birthReduth, Cornwall
Date of birth21/04/1927
Place of deathLondon, England
Date of death03/03/1995
ActivityEducation: University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (1946-1950)

Distinguished for his well planned series of studies on the systematics and evolution of teleost fishes. Though concerned largely with living forms, Greenwood has extended his research to cover relevant fossil groups. His outstanding contributions, which are based on thorough field and laboratory work over a period of almost 30 years, have appreciably advanced understanding of the evolutionary relationships of African lake fishes, particularly the haplochromine cichlids of Lake Victoria.
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election21/03/1985
Age at election57
Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 1997 vol 43 pp 193-213, plate, by C Patterson
Virtual International Authority File
Archives associated with this Fellow
EC/1985/19Greenwood, Peter Humphry: certificate of election to the Royal Society1984
IM/GA/SGRS/8426Greenwood, Peter Humphry1985
MMB/5/1/107Letter from [Ian Dunn]; [Uganda]; to Humphry [Peter Humphry Greenwood]14 May 1967
MMB/1/8Collection of obituraries of International Biological Programme project supervisors1985-1995
MMB/5/1/89Letter from Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London; to Ian Dunn; Jinja, co Kasenyi, Lake Katwe, Uganda19 January 1967
MMB/5/1/125Letter from Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London; to Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda24 November 1967
MMB/5/1/97Letter from Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London; to Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda2 February 1967
MMB/5/1/83Letter from Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London; to Ian Dunn; Jinja, Uganda28 November 1966
MMB/5/1/86Letter from Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London; to Ian Dunn; Kasenyi, Lake Catwe [Katwe], Uganda21 December 1966
MMB/5/1/102Letter from Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London; to Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda28 February 1967
MMB/5/1/93Letter from Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London; to Ian Dunn; Jinja, Uganda27 Janurary 1967
MMB/5/1/133Letter from Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London; to Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda26 January 1968
MMB/5/1/92Letter from Ian Dunn; [Jinja, Uganda]; to Peter Greenwood; [Cromwell Road, London]27 January 1967
MMB/5/1/98Letter from Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda; to Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London23 February 1967
MMB/5/1/117Letter from Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda; to Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London11 October 1967
MMB/5/1/132Letter from Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda; to Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London23 January 1968
MMB/5/1/127Letter from Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda; to Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London5 December 1967
MMB/5/1/122Letter from Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda; to Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London1 November 1967
MMB/5/1/121Letter from Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London; to Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda30 October 1967
MMB/5/1/90Letter from Ian Dunn; [Jinja, Uganda]; to Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London22 January 1967
MMB/5/1/116Letter from Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London; to Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda8 August 1967
MMB/5/1/111Letter from Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London; to Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda19 July 1967
MMB/5/1/130Letter from Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London; to Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda12 December 1967
MMB/5/1/108Letter from Peter Humphry Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London; to Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda 22 May 1967
MMB/5/1/112Letter from Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe; to Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London26 July 1967
MMB/5/1/101Letter from Ian Dunn; [Uganda]; to Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London28 February 1967
MMB/5/1/74Letter from Powell; The Royal Society, 6 Cornwall Terrace, Regent's Park, London; to Ian Dunn; care of Dr Peter Humphrey Greenwood27 October 1966
MMB/5/1/114Letter from Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda; to Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London1 August 1967
MMB/5/1/131Letter from Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda; to Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London23 December 1967
MMB/5/1/135Letter from Ian Dunn; [Uganda]; to Peter Greenwood18 February1968
MMB/5/1/84Letter from [Ian Dunn]; Kasenyi, Lake Katwe, Uganda; to Peter Greenwood; [Cromwell Road, London]14 December 1966
MMB/5/1/106Letter from Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda; to Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London14 May 1967
MMB/5/1/110Letter from Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda; to Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London4 July 1967
MMB/5/1/124Letter from Peter Greenwood and James Chambers; Cromwell Road, London; to Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda7 November 1967
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