RefNo | Title | Date |
EC/1985/19 | Greenwood, Peter Humphry: certificate of election to the Royal Society | 1984 |
IM/GA/SGRS/8426 | Greenwood, Peter Humphry | 1985 |
MMB/5/1/107 | Letter from [Ian Dunn]; [Uganda]; to Humphry [Peter Humphry Greenwood] | 14 May 1967 |
MMB/1/8 | Collection of obituraries of International Biological Programme project supervisors | 1985-1995 |
MMB/5/1/89 | Letter from Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London; to Ian Dunn; Jinja, co Kasenyi, Lake Katwe, Uganda | 19 January 1967 |
MMB/5/1/125 | Letter from Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London; to Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda | 24 November 1967 |
MMB/5/1/97 | Letter from Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London; to Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda | 2 February 1967 |
MMB/5/1/83 | Letter from Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London; to Ian Dunn; Jinja, Uganda | 28 November 1966 |
MMB/5/1/86 | Letter from Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London; to Ian Dunn; Kasenyi, Lake Catwe [Katwe], Uganda | 21 December 1966 |
MMB/5/1/102 | Letter from Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London; to Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda | 28 February 1967 |
MMB/5/1/93 | Letter from Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London; to Ian Dunn; Jinja, Uganda | 27 Janurary 1967 |
MMB/5/1/133 | Letter from Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London; to Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda | 26 January 1968 |
MMB/5/1/92 | Letter from Ian Dunn; [Jinja, Uganda]; to Peter Greenwood; [Cromwell Road, London] | 27 January 1967 |
MMB/5/1/98 | Letter from Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda; to Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London | 23 February 1967 |
MMB/5/1/117 | Letter from Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda; to Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London | 11 October 1967 |
MMB/5/1/132 | Letter from Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda; to Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London | 23 January 1968 |
MMB/5/1/127 | Letter from Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda; to Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London | 5 December 1967 |
MMB/5/1/122 | Letter from Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda; to Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London | 1 November 1967 |
MMB/5/1/121 | Letter from Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London; to Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda | 30 October 1967 |
MMB/5/1/90 | Letter from Ian Dunn; [Jinja, Uganda]; to Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London | 22 January 1967 |
MMB/5/1/116 | Letter from Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London; to Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda | 8 August 1967 |
MMB/5/1/111 | Letter from Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London; to Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda | 19 July 1967 |
MMB/5/1/130 | Letter from Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London; to Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda | 12 December 1967 |
MMB/5/1/108 | Letter from Peter Humphry Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London; to Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda | 22 May 1967 |
MMB/5/1/112 | Letter from Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe; to Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London | 26 July 1967 |
MMB/5/1/101 | Letter from Ian Dunn; [Uganda]; to Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London | 28 February 1967 |
MMB/5/1/74 | Letter from Powell; The Royal Society, 6 Cornwall Terrace, Regent's Park, London; to Ian Dunn; care of Dr Peter Humphrey Greenwood | 27 October 1966 |
MMB/5/1/114 | Letter from Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda; to Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London | 1 August 1967 |
MMB/5/1/131 | Letter from Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda; to Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London | 23 December 1967 |
MMB/5/1/135 | Letter from Ian Dunn; [Uganda]; to Peter Greenwood | 18 February1968 |
MMB/5/1/84 | Letter from [Ian Dunn]; Kasenyi, Lake Katwe, Uganda; to Peter Greenwood; [Cromwell Road, London] | 14 December 1966 |
MMB/5/1/106 | Letter from Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda; to Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London | 14 May 1967 |
MMB/5/1/110 | Letter from Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda; to Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London | 4 July 1967 |
MMB/5/1/124 | Letter from Peter Greenwood and James Chambers; Cromwell Road, London; to Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda | 7 November 1967 |