
Authorised form of nameCunningham; Daniel John (1850 - 1909)
Dates1850 - 1909
Place of birthThe Manse, Crieff, Strathearn, Scotland
Date of birth15 April 1850
Date of death23/06/1909
Research fieldAnatomy
MD (Edin); MD (Dublin)
Demonstrator in Anatomy, Edinburgh (1882); Professor of Anatomy, school of the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland (1883-1903); Professor of Anatomy, Trinity College, Dublin (1903-1909); Professor of Anatomy, University of Edinburgh; died of a spinal tumor
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election04/06/1891
RelationshipsSon of John Cunningham, historian of the Scottish church
Bulloch's Roll
CSAC 42/6/76. Papers deposited in Edinburgh University Library
Archives associated with this Fellow
EC/1891/07Cunningham, Daniel John: certificate of election to the Royal Society
NLB/40/599Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Messrs Harrison & Sons2 July 1909
NLB/3/82Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Daniel John Cunningham, [Fellow of the Royal Society]9 March 1889
NLB/5/430Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Messrs Harrison & Sons9 June 1891
NLB/11/911Copy letter from Professor Daniel John Cunningham, Fellow of the Royal Society, Trinity College, Dublin2 November 1895
NLB/11/991Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Daniel John Cunningham, Fellow of the Royal Society14 November 1895
RR/15/242Referee's report by Daniel John Cunningham, on a paper 'The composition and variations of the pelvic plexus in acanthias vulgaris' by Reginald Crundell PunnettMarch 1901
NLB/15/8Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Edwin Ray Lankester, Fellow of the Royal Society, 40 Nottingham Place, W.4 June 1897
NLB/17/416Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Daniel John Cunningham, Fellow of the Royal Society25 October 1898
NLB/20/565Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor William Dobinson Halliburton, Fellow of the Royal Society22 May 1900
NLB/20/422Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Daniel John Cunningham, Fellow of the Royal Society 24 April 1900
NLB/20/540Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor William Abbott Herdman, Fellow of the Royal Society17 May 1900
NLB/26/345Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to, Dr Daniel John Cunningham, Fellow of the Royal Society, 43 Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin4 March 1903
NLB/35/487Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Sydney John Hickson, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Zoology Sectional Committee5 June 1907
NLB/37/217Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor Sidney [Harris Cox] Martin FRS, Chairman of the Physiology Sectional Committee17 February 1908
RR/11/170Referee's report by Daniel John Cunningham, on a paper 'The cerebrum of ornithrohynchus paradoxus' by Alex Hill27 July 1892
RR/10/258Referee's report by Alexander Macalister, on a paper 'The spinal curvature in an aboriginal Australian' by Daniel John Cunningham14 February 1889
RR/11/166Referee's report by Daniel John Cunningham, on a paper 'The hippocampus' by Alex Hill18 May 1892
RR/14/225Referee's report by Daniel John Cunningham, on a paper 'On the formation of the pelvic plexus, with especial reference to the nervus collector in the genus Mustelus' by Reginald Crundall Punnettnd [November 1899]
RR/16/252Referee's report by Daniel John Cunningham, on a paper 'The morphology of the ungulate placenta, particularly the development of that organ in the sheep, & notes upon the placenta of the elephant & hyrax' by Richard Assheton20 June 1905
NLB/20/377Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Daniel John Cunningham, Fellow of the Royal Societym, 43 Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin5 April 1900
PP/13/31Paper, 'The spinal curvature in an Aboriginal Australian' by Daniel John Cunningham1889
NLB/11/905Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Professor Daniel John Cunningham, Fellow of the Royal Society1 November 1895
RR/17/299Referee's report by Daniel John Cunningham, on a paper 'Description of the brain of Mr Charles Babbage' by Victor HorsleyFebruary 1908
RR/10/257Referee's report by William Henry Flower, on a paper 'The spinal curvature in an aboriginal Australian' by Daniel John Cunningham19 January 1889
RR/14/2Referee's report by Daniel John Cunningham, on a paper 'On the topographical anatomy of the abdominal viscera, especially the gastro-intestinal canal in man' by Christopher Addison29 November 1898
RR/16/348Referee's report by Daniel John Cunningham, on a paper 'Contributions to the physiology of mammalian reproduction. Parts I & II.' by Francis Hugh Adam Marshall and W A JollyJune 1905
AP/68/10Unpublished paper, 'The human sacrum' by A M Paterson1892
AP/71/7/1Unpublished manuscript, 'On the development of the branches of the fifth cranial nerve in man' by A [Andrew] Francis Dixon1895
AP/71/7Unpublished paper, 'On the development of the branches of the fifth cranial nerve in man' by A [Andrew] Francis Dixon1895
PP/13/31/3Diagrams, 'European', 'Australian' and 'chimpanzee' spinal curvature by Daniel John Cunningham1889
PP/13/31/1Manuscript, 'The spinal curvature in an Aboriginal Australian' by Daniel John Cunningham1889
PP/13/31/2Diagrams, 'Australian' and 'European' spinal curvature by Daniel John Cunningham1889
RR/12/307Letter from Daniel John Cunningham, to Michael Foster, regarding a paper 'On the development of the branches of the fifth cranial nerve in Man' by A Francis Dixon3 October 1895
RR/15/14Referee's report by Daniel John Cunningham, on a paper 'The exact histological localisation of the visual area of the human cerebral cortex' by Joseph Shaw BoltonMay 1900
NLB/37/215Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Sir Archibald Geikie, KCB, Secretary of the Royal Society17 February 1908
MC/24/192Letter from [William] Turner, University of Edinburgh, to [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]15 July 1909
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