RefNo | Title | Date |
RBO/20/21 | 'An Observation of an Eclipse of the Moon made at Christ's Hospital London' by James Hodgson | 1736 |
CLP/22ii/83 | Paper, Account of John Hamilton's 'Treatise on stereography, or, the art of describing lines, planes and solids in perspective and projection' by James Hodgson | 2 May 1734 |
CLP/22ii/66 | Paper, 'Account of method proposed by John Philip Barerius for finding the longitude at Sea as communicated by him to the Royal Society with some remarks by James Hodgson' | 18th century |
CLP/8ii/65 | Paper, 'An observation of an eclipse of the Moon made at Christ's Hospital London on 15 March 1736' by James Hodgson | 1736 |
DM/5/102 | A list of benefactors to the Museum, to the value of £5 or upwards at one time | c.1737 |
RBO/20/3 | 'The Configurations of Jupiter's Satellites at the Times when such of their Eclipses as are Visible at London will happen in the Year 1737 by James Hodgson' | 1736 |
RBO/18/55 | Table showing configurations of Jupiter's four satellites when their eclipses are visible in London in 1734 by James Hodgson | 22 November 1733 |
DM/5/100 | A list of benefactors to the Library, to the value of £5 or upwards at one time | c.1737 |
CLP/8ii/80 | Tables, 'Apparent Times of the Immersions and Emersions of Jupiters Satellites for the year 1739 computed to the Meridian of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich' by James Hodgson | [1738] |
CLP/8ii/81 | Tables, 'Apparent Times of such of the Immersions and Emersions of Jupiter's Satellites, as are Visible at London in the year 1735' by James Hodgson | [1734] |
EL/I1/184 | Letter, from William Jones to James Hodgson, dated at Wantage | 13 July 1731 |
EL/I1/183 | Letter, from William Jones to James Hodgson | nd |
EL/I1/186 | Letter, from William Jones to James Hodgson | nd |
EL/I1/185 | Letter, from William Jones to James Hodgson, dated at Wantage | 13 October 1731 |
CLP/8ii/79 | Tables, 'Immersions and Emersions of the four Satellites of Jupiter for the year 1738 computed to the Meridian of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich' by James Hodgson | [1737] |
CLP/8ii/78 | Tables, 'Apparent Times of the Immersions and Emersions of Jupiters Satellites which will happen in the year 1737 computed to the meridian of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich' by James Hodgson | [1736] |
MOB/020 | Glass lens by John Flamsteed | early 17th century |
CLP/22ii/15 | Paper, Account of [John] Flamstead's 'Historia coelestis Britannica tribus volumnibus contenta [The heavenly history - star atlas - of the British people, complete volumes]' by Mr [James] Hodgson | [1725] |
RBO/16/45 | 'The Description of a new Quadrant for Altitudes either on Sea or Land call'd Elton's Quadrant' by Captain J Elton communicated by James Hodgson | 1731 |