RefNo | Title | Date |
RBO/12/23 | Concerning the differences in the meridian of Paris, London and Lisbon sent by John Baptiste Carbone to Isaac Samuda | 1725 |
RBO/12/31 | Astronomical observations by John Baptista Carbone at Lisbon for 1725 and 1726 | 1726 |
RBO/15/1 | Observations of the moon witnessed at Lisbon on 2 February 1730 from J Baptista Carbone | 1730 |
CLP/8ii/25 | Paper, 'Observatio lunaris' [Observation of the Moon] by J B [Joanne Baptista] Carbone | 1730 |
CLP/8i/75 | Paper, 'Observatio lunaris eclipsis' [Observations of the lunar eclipse] by Joanne Baptista Carbone and Dominico Capasso | 1724 |
CLP/8ii/14 | Paper, regarding observations of the lunar eclipse of 13 February 1729 by J B [Joanne Baptista] Carbone | 1729 |
CLP/8ii/16 | Paper, regarding observations of lunar eclipse witnessed on 13 February 1729 in Rome by J B [Joanne Baptista] Carbone | 1729 |
RBO/15/58 | Astronomical observations between 1728 and 1729 witnessed at Peking communicated by Joannes Baptista Carbone to Jacob de Castro Sarmento | 1730 |
CLP/8ii/15 | Paper, regarding observations of lunar eclipse on 13 February 1729 and satellites of Jupiter in 1729 both witnessed in Paris by J B [Joanne Baptista] Carbone | 1729 |
CLP/8i/74 | Paper, regarding F Bianchini's observations of the comet of November 1723 by J [Joanne] Baptista Carbone | 1724 |
CLP/8ii/30 | Letter, regarding astronomical observations made in Peking [Beijing] from J B [Joanne Baptista] Carbone to Jacob de Castro Sarmento | 1730 |
CLP/8ii/26 | Paper, 'Observata immersiones, et emersiones satellitum [Jupiter] in et ex hujus umbra Pekini [Beijing] in sinis a November 1727 usque ad November 1728' [Observing the immersions and emergences of Jupiter's satellites in and out of shadow in Peking between November 1727 to November 1728] by J B [Joanne Baptista] Carbone | 1730 |
EL/C2/61 | Account of astronomical observations by John Baptista Carbone to Isaac de Sequeira Samuda, dated at Lisbon | 1726 |
RBO/12/70 | Various astronomical observations by Francis Blanchinum communicated by John Baptista Carbone | 1726 |
RBO/13/35 | Astronomical observations from John Baptista Carbone transmitted by Isaac de Sequeira Samuda | 1728 |
RBO/14/70 | Astronomical observations from J B Carbone | 1729 |
RBO/15/2 | Astronomical observations from J Baptista Carbone | 1730 |
EL/C2/62 | Account of astronomical observations by John Baptista Carbone to Isaac de Sequeira Samuda, dated at Lisbon | 1727 |