
Authorised form of nameThomas; Hugh Hamshaw (1885 - 1962)
Dates1885 - 1962
Place of birthWrexham, Denbighshire, Wales
Date of birth29 May 1885
Place of deathCambridge
Date of death30/06/1962
Research fieldPalaeobotany
University Lecturer in Botany; Fellow of Downing College, Cambridge
MBE (Mil)
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election03/05/1934
Bulloch's Roll; DSB
Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 1963 vol 9 pp 287-299, plate, by T M Harris
Virtual International Authority File
Archives associated with this Fellow
PB/4/8/46Correspondence with Hugh Hamshaw Thomas on Bernal's report on effetcs of air raids, described as 'completely unreliable and misleading' 1942
RR/17/117Referee's report by Francis Wall Oliver, on a paper 'On the structure of Sigillaria scutellata, Brongn., and other Eusigillarian stems, in comparison with those of other Palaeozoic lycopods' by E. A. Newell Arber and Hugh Hamshaw Thomas[February 1907]
RR/17/116Referee's report by Robert Kidston, on a paper 'On the structure of Sigillaria scutellata, Brongn., and other Eusigillarian stems, in comparison with those of other Palaeozoic lycopods' by E. A. Newell Arber and Hugh Hamshaw Thomas29 November 1907
RR/22/112Referee's report by Dukinfield Henry Scott, on a paper 'On williamsoniella, a new type of bennettitalean flower' by Hugh Hamshaw Thomas9 July 1915
RR/18/89Referee's report by Francis Wall Oliver, on a paper 'On the leaves of calamites (calamocladus section)' by Hugh Hamshaw ThomasJanuary 1911
RR/18/88Referee's report by Dukinfield Henry Scott, on a paper 'On the leaves of calamites (calamocladus section)' by Hugh Hamshaw Thomas5 January 1911
RR/22/113Referee's report by Robert Kidston, on a paper 'On williamsoniella, a new type of bennettitalean flower' by Hugh Hamshaw ThomasJuly 1915
RR/47/124Referee's report by Dukinfield Henry Scott, on a paper 'On some pteridospermous plants from the Mesozoic rocks of South Africa' by Hugh Hamshaw Thomas9 September 1932
RR/58/45Referee's report by Hugh Hamshaw Thomas, on a paper 'On the plant-remains from the downtonian of England and Wales' by William Henry Lang20 November 1936
RR/61/86Referee's report by Hugh Hamshaw Thomas, on a paper 'The wood anatomy of the family Sterculiaceae' by M M Chattaway27 May 1937
RR/67/228Referee's report by Hugh Hamshaw Thomas, on a paper 'Cones of extinct cycladales from the Jurassic rocks of Yorkshire' by Tom M Harris1940
RR/68/38Referee's report by Hugh Hamshaw Thomas, on a paper 'The lower Devonian flora of the Senni Beds of Monmouthshire and Breconshire' by W N Croft and William Henry Lang28 July 1941
RR/69/318Second referee's report by E J Marshall and Hugh Hamshaw Thomas, on a paper 'Experimental investigations of the shoot apex of Dryopteris aristata Druce' by C W Wardlaw1946
RR/72/269Referee's report by Hugh Hamshaw Thomas, on a paper 'The comparative investigation of apices of vascular plants by experimental methods' by C W Wardlaw1949
NLB/73/298Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Hugh] Hamshaw Thomas, Downing College, Cambridge9 May 1931
EC/1934/16Thomas, Hugh Hamshaw: certificate of election to the Royal Society
RR/31/72Referee's report by Frederick Orpen Bower, on a paper 'The Caytoniales, a new group of Angiospermous plants from the Jurassic rocks of Yorkshire' by Hugh Hamshaw Thomas[July 1924]
RR/31/73Referee's report by Dukinfield Henry Scott, on a paper 'The Caytoniales, a new group of Angiospermous plants from the Jurassic rocks of Yorkshire' by Hugh Hamshaw Thomas30 July 1924
RR/47/123Referee's report by William Henry Lang, on a paper 'On some pteridospermous plants from the Mesozoic rocks of South Africa' by Hugh Hamshaw ThomasAugust 1932
RR/62/81Referee's report by Hugh Hamshaw Thomas, on a paper 'On the factors that influence external form of fossil plants; with descriptions of the foliage of some species of the Palaeozoic Equisetalean Genus Annularia Sternberg' by John Walton12 February 1936
RR/71/271Referee's report by Hugh Hamshaw Thomas, on a paper 'Further experimental investigations of the shoot apex of Dryopteris aristata Druce' by C W Wardlaw3 April 1948
RR/69/320Referee's report by Hugh Hamshaw Thomas, on a paper 'Experimental investigations of the shoot apex in ferns. Parts I, II and III' by C W Wardlaw14 October 1945
RR/76/11Referee's report by Hugh Hamshaw Thomas, on a paper 'The fructification of Czekanowskia and its allies' by Thomas Maxwell Harris14 February 1951
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