Authorised form of name | Baldwin; John Evan (1931 - 2010) |
Dates | 1931 - 2010 |
Nationality | British |
Date of birth | 06/12/1931 |
Date of death | 07/12/2010 |
Activity | Career: John was the leading light of the "second generation" of radio astronomers at Cambridge and was at the heart of everything in the group during the hugely exciting early period of radio astronomy. The 6C and 7C surveys were for two decades the defining low-frequency surveys. Perhaps less well known is that John pioneered spectral interferometry - the Half-Mile telescope was the first interferometer to image neutral hydrogen. In more recent years John concentrated on developing the new field of optical interferometry: from aperture masks on large optical telescopes to the development of COAST at Lords Bridge he demonstrated that optical interferometry is a powerful tool for future optical imaging. He was quite simply one of the very few people to really understand every aspect of interferometry. |
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 14/03/1991 |
Age at election | 59 |
Source | Obituaries: Biographical Memoirs of the Royal Society, Vol 57, 2011, pp 3-24, plate, by Malcolm S Longair CBE FRS FRSE |
Code | NA3916 |
Archives associated with this Fellow
RefNo | Title | Date |
EC/1991/02 | Baldwin, John Evan: certificate of election to the Royal Society | 1988 |
IM/000212 | Baldwin, John Evan | 1991 |