Authorised form of name | Downs; Sir; Diarmuid (1922 - 2014) |
Dates | 1922 - 2014 |
Nationality | British |
Date of birth | 23/04/1922 |
Date of death | 12/02/2014 |
Activity | Education: Gunnersbury Catholic Grammar School; The Polytechnic, London Northampton Engineering College, London (First Class Honours, 1942) Career: Joined Ricardo and Co in November 1942 on a postgraduate bursary for further research. First a student, then as a member of staff,; Head of Petrol Engine Department, from 1947. Honours: Kt 1985; CBE 1979
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 21/03/1985 |
Age at election | 62 |
Code | NA3925 |
Archives associated with this Fellow
RefNo | Title | Date |
EC/1985/13 | Downs, Sir Diarmuid: certificate of election to the Royal Society | 1982 |
IM/001199 | Downs, Sir Diarmund | 1977/8 |
RR/73/281 | Referee's report by Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton, on a paper 'A study of the reactions that lead to 'knock' in the spark ignition engine' by Diarmuid Downs, Arthur Donald Walsh and R W Wheeler | 6 December 1950 |
RR/73/282 | Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'A study of the reactions that lead to 'knock' in the spark ignition engine' by Diarmuid Downs, Arthur Donald Walsh and R W Wheeler | 14 December 1950 |