
Authorised form of nameDalitz; Richard Henry (1925 - 2006)
Dates1925 - 2006
Place of birthDimboola, Australia
Date of birth28/02/1925
Date of death13/01/2006
OccupationTheoretical Physicist
Research fieldTheoretical physics
Quantum mechanics
Dalitz plot
Degrees in Mathematics and Physics, Melbourne University; begins PhD at Cambridge University (1946-1948); one year post at Bristol University, develops interest in cosmic radiation discoveries made there (1948-1949); moves to Birmingham University and completes his PhD (1949).
Demonstrates that the electrically neutral pion could decay into a photon and an electro-positron pair, the Dalitz Pair (1951); introduced the Dalitz Plot (1954); Cornell University, New York (1953-1956); Professor, Enrico Fermi Institute, Chicago (1956-1963); Royal Society Research Professor, Oxford University (1963-1990)
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election24/03/1960
Age at election35
RSActivityRoyal Society roles:
Council: 1979-1981
Medals and prizes:
Hughes Medal 1975; Royal Medal 1982
Bakerian 1969
RelationshipsWorked with Rudolf Peierls at Birmingham University and Oxford University.
N N Greenwood and J A Spink, 'An antipodean laboratory of remarkable distinction' in NR 2003 vol 57 pp 85-105
Obituary 'The Guardian' (24 January 2006)
Virtual International Authority File
Archives associated with this Fellow
PB/9/1/101/9Royal Society correspondence1969
EC/1960/04Dalitz, Richard Henry: certificate of election to the Royal Society
IM/GA/WRS/8709Dalitz, Richard Henrynd
RR/73/280Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'On higher Born approximations in potential scattering' by Richard Henry Dalitz18 December 1950
RR/73/293Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'Radiative corrections to the angular correlation in internal pair creation' by Richard Henry Dalitz19 January 1951
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