Authorised form of name | Stubblefield; Sir; Cyril James (1901 - 1999) |
Dates | 1901 - 1999 |
Date of birth | 06/09/1901 |
Date of death | 23/10/1999 |
Activity | Honours: Kt 1965
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 16/03/1944 |
Age at election | 42 |
RSActivity | Royal Society roles: Council: 1960-1962 |
Source | Obituaries: Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 2001 vol 47 pp 453-464, plate, by H B Whittington FRS |
Code | NA4814 |
Archives associated with this Fellow
RefNo | Title | Date |
EC/1944/18 | Stubblefield, Sir Cyril James: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
PB/3/2/1/18/10/43 | Correspondence with Cyril J Stubblefield re Blackett's Climatology paper | C.122 |
MM/22/66 | Letter from Sir Cyril James Stubblefield, 35 Kent Avenue, Ealing, London to the Librarian, The Royal Society | 25 May 1992 |
RR/69/92 | Referee's report by Cyril James Stubblefield, on a paper 'A study of a non-marine lamellibranch successsion in the lenisulcata zone of the Yorkshire coal measures' by R M C Eager | 27 July 1945 |
IM/GA/WS/2148 | Stubblefield, Sir Cyril James | nd |
IM/GA/WRS/9426 | Stubblefield, Sir Cyril James | nd |
RR/74/13 | Memorandum from Cyril James Stubblefield, on a paper 'Early Palaeozoic starfish' by William Kingdon Spencer | 17 March 1950 |
RR/74/24 | Letter from Cyril James Stubblefield, on a paper 'Pakistan Eocene Mollusca. Contribution to the study of the eocene in West Pakistan and West Indies: the description of the lamellibranchia from standard sections in the Rakhi Nala and Zinda Pir areas of West Punjab and in the Kohat district' by F E Eames, to the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society [D C Martin] | 11 July 1950 |
RR/76/22 | Referee's report by Cyril James Stubblefield, on a paper 'A contribution to the study of the eocene in Western Pakistan and Western India: C. The description of the scophoda and gastropoda from standard section in the Rakhi Nala and Zinda Pir areas of the western Punjab and in the Kohat district' by F E James | 12 May 1951 |
RR/78/46 | Letter from Cyril James Stubblefield, on a paper 'Some British lower Palaeozoic Conodont faunas' by F H T Rhodes, to the assistant secretary of the Royal Society [D C Martin] | 30 December 1952 |
RR/74/14 | Referee's report by Cyril James Stubblefield, on a paper 'Early Palaeozoic starfish' by William Kingdon Spencer | 12 April 1950 |
RR/74/23 | Referee's report by Cyril James Stubblefield, on a paper 'Pakistan Eocene Mollusca. Contribution to the study of the eocene in West Pakistan and West Indies: the description of the lamellibranchia from standard sections in the Rakhi Nala and Zinda Pir areas of West Punjab and in the Kohat district' by F E Eames | 19 June 1950 |