Authorised form of name | Belchier; John (1706 - 1785) |
Other forms of surname | Belchire |
Dates | 1706 - 1785 |
Nationality | British |
Place of birth | Kingston, Surrey, England |
Date of birth | 1706 |
Date of death | 06 February 1785 |
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 23/11/1732 |
RSActivity | Medals and prizes: Copley Medal 1737 |
Source | Sources: Bulloch's Roll; DNB |
Code | NA5410 |
Archives associated with this Fellow
RefNo | Title | Date |
EL/B3/30 | Letter, from John Belchier to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Stocks Market | 1730s |
EC/1732/07 | Belchier, John: certificate of election to the Royal Society | 23 November 1732 |
CLP/22ii/61 | Paper, Account of William Cheselden's 'Osteographia or Anatomy of the bones' by John Belchier | 1733 |
EL/B3/31 | Account of a woman who died from hydrops ovarii by John Belchier | 1730s |
CLP/12ii/66 | Paper, 'An account of the bones of animals being changed to a red colour by aliment only' by John Belchier | [1736] |
L&P/7/6 | Letter, 'On Mr Debraw's improvement in bee-culture' from Nathaniel Polhill to John Belchier | 11 October 1777 |
RBO/20/12 | 'A further account of the Bones of Animals being made red by the Aliment only by Mr Belchier' | 1736 |
CLP/22ii/70 | Paper, Account of human osteogeny explained in two lectures [of Robert Nesbitt] by [John] Belchier | [1736] |
CLP/12ii/66a | Paper, 'A further account of the bones of animals being made red by aliment only' by Mr John Belchier | [1736] |
CLP/12ii/67 | Paper, 'An account of the man whose arm with the shoulder blade was torn off by a mill the 15th of August last 1737' by Mr John Belchier | 17 November 1737 |
RBO/17/19 | Account of a woman who died of 'hydrops ovarii' when she was 33 years old from John Belchier, surgeon, to Cromwell Mortimer | 1732 |
RBO/21/3 | 'An Account of the Man whose Arm with the Shoulder-Blade was torn off by a Mill' by John Belchier | 1737 |