Authorised form of name | Vaux; Sir; Theodore de (c1628 - 1694); physician |
Other forms of name | Theodore |
Other forms of surname | De Vaux |
Dates | c1628 - 1694 |
Nationality | British |
Date of death | 26 May 1694 |
DatesAndPlaces | Burial: Isleworth church, Middlesex, England, Europe |
Occupation | Physician |
Activity | Education: Padua (MD 1655); Incorporated at Oxford (1668) Career: Physician to Charles II and Queen Catherine Honours: Kt 1665 Memberships: Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (1664)
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 10/05/1665 |
Proposer | John Wilkins |
RSActivity | Royal Society roles: Council: 1668-1669; 1671-1672; 1678; 1680 Committee and panels: Committee for auditing the Treasurer's accounts (1669; 1672) |
Other Royal Society activity | Brought in papers by his godfather and fellow physician Sir Theodore de Mayerne (1665); Presented own papers and observations on dyeing and wood (c1666); Correspondent with Joseph Walsh relating to the use and making of clay (1660s); Asked to contribute to the building of a Society college (1668) |
Relationships | Parents: Thomas de Vaux Married: 2) Judith de Vaux |
PublishedWorks | RCN: R64970 |
OtherInfo | Little is known about de Vaux's personal or professional life or background. His activities within the Royal Society do indicate that his interests went beyond his occupation and interests as a physician and he seemed invested in certain processes linked to manufacture, such as dyeing or the production of clay. |
Related images | Discover a selection of related images in our picture library |
Source | Sources: Bulloch's Roll; Foster; Hunter; Munk's roll Notes: De Vaux was first proposed for membership of the Society on 13 March 1661, prior to the Society receiving its Royal Charter, and was not officially elected FRS of the incorporated Royal Society until the date stated above (10 May 1665). Elections and proposals like de Vaux's that predated the 1663 charter were no longer recognised. The date of any subsequent election is given in this database as the official election date. |
Code | NA5627 |
RefNo | Title | Date |
EL/W3/10 | Letter, from Joseph Walsh to Theodore de Vaux | 1667 |
EL/W3/16 | Letter, from Joseph Walsh to Theodore de Vaux | 27 May 1668 |
DM/5/74B | 'Sir Theodore de Vaux' | 22 August 1666 |
DM/5/74A | 'Recommended to Mr Evelyn' | c.1666 |
LBO/2/45 | Copy extract of a letter from Joseph Walsh to Theodore de Vaux | 20 January 1667/1668 |
CLP/3i/27 | Papers, 'Several papers about dying [dyeing]' from The [Theodore] de Vaux | 1630-1666 |
MS/390/31 | Bond of Sir Theodore de Vaux to the Treasurer of the Royal Society | 30 November 1674 |
CLP/3i/31 | Paper, regarding methods of dyeing by Fletcher | 13 September 1639 |
CLP/19/29 | Method of making sugar brought in by Theodore de Vaux | nd |
CLP/3i/24 | Paper, 'A way of preserving wood' by Th [Théodore de] Mayerne | [1665] |
DM/5/100 | A list of benefactors to the Library, to the value of £5 or upwards at one time | c.1737 |
DM/5/12A | Note on an order of the Council relating to the payment of arrears at Michaelmas 1673 | 5 January 1673 |
CLP/11i/9 | Paper, 'The making of sealing wax' by Sir T [Theodore] de Vaux | 11 March 1669 |
EL/W3/17 | Letter, from Joseph Walsh to Theodore de Vaux | 18 May 1670 |
EL/G1/30 | Letter, from Johannes Battista Gornia to Theodore de Vaux, dated at Florence | January 1673 |
EL/W3/12 | Letter, from Joseph Walsh to Theodore de Vaux | 20 January 1668 |
EL/W3/13 | Letter, from Joseph Walsh to Theodore de Vaux | 1668 |
EL/W3/15 | Letter, from Joseph Walsh to Theodore de Vaux | 1668 |
EL/W3/11 | Letter, from Joseph Walsh to Theodore de Vaux | 1668 |
CLP/3i/26 | Paper, 'The tallow chandeler' by Theod [Theodore] de Vaux | [1666] |
CLP/14i/39 | Paper, 'The famous cure of Mrs Dol Mullard that lived in Westmester [Westminster] she had a dropsy or timpany' by [Theodore] de Vaux | [1694] |
CLP/3i/31/1 | Manuscript, regarding methods of dyeing by Fletcher | 13 September 1639 |
CLP/3i/25 | Paper, 'A new, cheape, and delicate fire of cole [coal] balls, wherein seacole is by the mixture of other combustible bodies both sweetned and multiplied' by Theodore de Vaux | [1666] |
CLP/14i/1 | Paper, 'Historia mirabilis et notandae' [An astonishing and noteworthy story] by Théodore de Mayerne | [1625-1655] |